Why am I getting an error installing MATLAB on Ubuntu 24.04
Hey William, It appears that the libstdc++ library is missing the required GLIBCXX versions needed by MATLAB. You can use the M...

28 dagen ago | 0

Yolov4 code problem
Hey Sungho, It appears that you’re encountering an issue with the ’reshape’ function in your YOLOv4 model. The error message be...

ongeveer een maand ago | 0

Disable subsystem during real-time operation
Hey Lars, In order to disable a subsystem during real-time operation in Simulink, you can use a Variant Subsystem. The Variant ...

ongeveer een maand ago | 1

How can I limit in time a sine wave in Simulink
Hey Mike, I understand that you want to use sine waves only for some specified time steps. I believe you could achieve this fun...

ongeveer een maand ago | 0

Unable to resolve the name
Hey Yogeshwari, I understand that you’re encountering the “Unable to resolve the name” error in MATLAB. This issue often arises...

ongeveer een maand ago | 0

How to prevent small variations in a signal in Simulink?
Hey Xeke, I understand that you wish to maintain the previous value of an input signal if it has a very minute change, otherwis...

ongeveer een maand ago | 0

Surrogateopt stopping the plot in between
Hey Vinod, I understand that you are using "surrogateopt" to perform optimization, but while plotting the values of your object...

ongeveer een maand ago | 0

Isinterior function causes matlab to crash
Hey Vinod, I understand that you are using the "isinterior" function to check for points present inside the polyshape and you a...

ongeveer een maand ago | 0

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SSO for Linux and Mac users, setup guidance for multiple users.
Hey @Mario, The transitioning to Single Sign-On (SSO) would impact the users on Linux and Mac Systems as this would improve the...

ongeveer een maand ago | 0

matlab command for delete bus objects
Hey Ramesh, If you are trying to delete the bus objects from your MATLAB workspace then you can simply use the "clear" command ...

ongeveer een maand ago | 0

Update bus selector by matlab script
Hey Benjamin, You can programmatically change the signal names in the case of Bus Creator block but if your model uses Bus Sele...

ongeveer een maand ago | 0

Bus selector cannot find signals where the name has been changed programmatically?
Hey Thomas, The bus selector block is not able to find the signals whose names have been changed programmatically because the B...

ongeveer een maand ago | 0

How to PLOT from .TRC file generated by keysight N9320B Spectrum analyzer
Hey Muhammad, The error message “unrecognized field name ‘XStart’” indicates that the field name ‘XStart’ does not exist within...

ongeveer een maand ago | 0

How to resize uitable?
Hey Gurvinder The width of the table can be changed by adjusting the width of columns based on the maximum length of data it co...

2 maanden ago | 0

How to resolve the error for creating mask from shape file?
Hey Aksh, Based on the error message, an array of size 17GB is being requested. The maximum array size preference as stated by ...

3 maanden ago | 0

How disable Simulink Editor
Hey Kunal, I think you are trying to disable the Simulink Editor to prevent users from modifying Simulink models. Refer to the...

4 maanden ago | 0

How to linearly vary the amplitude and frequency in a 3 phase voltage source block with time?
Hey Muhammad, You can try using custom functions as per your need. For example, the following images show that you can paramete...

4 maanden ago | 1

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In 5G Toolbox the system-level simulation is very slow
Hey Laurence, Refer to the following suggestions for improving simulation time:

4 maanden ago | 0

How to issue and execute commands in the Command Window of another MATLAB instance
Hey Jon, You may find the following MATLAB Answers cases relevant for using the .NET interface:

4 maanden ago | 0

Error in nnet.cnn.LayerGraph/connectLayers (line 280) iValidateEndLayerInputIsNotOccupied( ... Error in lstm_cnn_14 (line 133) lgraph = connectLayers(lgraph,
Hey Prachi, It seems you are facing issue while connecting layers in your network architecture when you're trying to connect la...

4 maanden ago | 0

Matlab spawn a lot of InstallMathWork process abnormally and cause system load too high
Hey shijie, I have recently faced a similar issue while working on my linux desktop (Ubuntu 22.04). I noticed that the versions...

5 maanden ago | 1

To find Droplet size distribution, number density and unwanted background spots
Hey Manojkumar, It seems that you are trying to find the droplet size distribution and density of the droplets per frame. Befor...

5 maanden ago | 0

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Cove coverage in Questasim while Cosimulating with Simulink
Hey Prashant, Please ensure that you have enabled proper flags for your QuestaSim simulation. For example you could use the opt...

5 maanden ago | 0

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Trying to get serial data from AWR6843AOPEVM
Hi Vinoth, I have a few suggestions. The "readlines" function is probably used for reading from a file. You can check the docu...

5 maanden ago | 0

Model Selection using Hold-out validation
Hey Tan, The provided code seems correct, however I have a few suggestions. I am assuming you do not have to do any data prepro...

5 maanden ago | 0

Is there any way to output the statistical outcome in latex?
Hey Alpedhuez, There are few options that you could use to get LaTeX equations in MATLAB. If you wish to convert mathematical ...

5 maanden ago | 0

Remove bubbles from an image
Hey Yaisel I understand that you wish to remove "bubbles" from the image. You can consider using region-based segmentation tec...

5 maanden ago | 0

ls command on a Mac doesn't work
Hey Deja, In MATLAB, the ls command works similarly to how it does in UNIX-based systems (like Mac's terminal) for listing dire...

5 maanden ago | 0

How to subscribe to multiple BLE characteristics that have the same service and characteristic UUID
Hey Graham, I understand that you wish to subscribe to multiple temperature sensors from a BLE device. You are able to subscrib...

5 maanden ago | 0

How to marge two Simulink model in one.
Hey Abhijeet, It is not clear, what you mean by "mirroring each other". Since you are working on a large model, I would sugges...

6 maanden ago | 0

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