How to connect generic battery to an electrical circuit which is created using Simscape??
Hello, Mirza, Yes, that is possible. There are a couple of options: 1) Use SimPowerSystems Simscape Components. The blocks...

ongeveer 10 jaar ago | 0

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lead acid battery simulink
Hello, Simon, You may want to check this submission for an example of what you are trying to model: http://www.mathworks.c...

ongeveer 10 jaar ago | 0

Battery Model Simulink for 12V
Hi, Samad, The series connection in Simscape is realized connecting the + terminal of each cell to the - terminal if the adja...

ongeveer 10 jaar ago | 0

Bringing battery simulation results (parameter estimation) to hardware
Hello, Valentin, Designing an accurate SOC estimator for embedded implementation is a very involved task that goes beyond des...

ongeveer 10 jaar ago | 0

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How to connect generic battery to an electrical circuit which is created using Simscape??
Hello, Mirza, Can you please attach a screenshot of your model so that I can take a look? Your problem is typically related ...

ongeveer 10 jaar ago | 0

Error with Simscape simulating
Hello, Nikolaos, Your model is missing an electrical reference (ground). Please add one and let me know if you still get an e...

ongeveer 10 jaar ago | 4

Recharge battery by induction on simulink
Hello, Titouan, Please try inserting an electrical reference block on the right hand side of your magnetic circuit. It needs ...

ongeveer 10 jaar ago | 0

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