How to continue from same line using toggle button gui
Create your loop variable i as a persistent type.

meer dan 9 jaar ago | 0

Script for solving Newton’s laws of motion & plotting an object's trajectory
Write it into the Editor: A = 10; v0 = 2; T = 5; t = 0:0.01:T; g = 9.81; x = cos(A*pi/180)*v0*t; y = sin(...

meer dan 9 jaar ago | 0

| accepted

LaTeX interpreted to MatLab
If you want to include computations into LaTeX, try the <

meer dan 9 jaar ago | 0

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How to use ode23s to solve heat equation
I would suggest an other way. A time-dependent differential equation can be solved not only by the method of lines, but also usi...

meer dan 9 jaar ago | 0

how do i use for loop to fine determinant of Vandermonde matrix?
If you want to calculate the determinant of an arbitrary matrix in a loop, you can also do it by using the Levi-Civita symbol.

meer dan 9 jaar ago | 0

How to create p chart and c chart in matlab?
You can find an example about control charts in the MATLAB documentation: <

meer dan 9 jaar ago | 0

Remove .iso after having installed Matlab?
First, make sure that MATLAB is working fine. Then you can delete the .iso. It was only needed for the installation.

meer dan 9 jaar ago | 0

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How to create a 'rotating' gif or movie of a surface?
Yes, it is. The principle is that you create different views and then concatenate it to a movie. See <

meer dan 9 jaar ago | 1

Shooting method for PDE
During a shooting method you guess initial values from where you start solving the boundary value problem (BVP) as an initial va...

meer dan 9 jaar ago | 1

How to put a hat on letters in a legend?
You should use the LaTeX interpreter: legend({'$\hat{p}^{CS}$'},'Interpreter','latex')

meer dan 9 jaar ago | 6

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newton-jacobian method for non-linear circuit
If you think of the Newton-method using the Jacobian matrix, then there are lots of submissions on the internet. You can find ma...

meer dan 9 jaar ago | 0

solve() only gives one of infinitely many solutions.
Your mistake is that you applied == instead of =. Do this one: solution = solve('x*y=1','x','y');

meer dan 9 jaar ago | 0

I want to solve the below mentioned system of ODEs. However I get the warning "Explicit solution could not be found. > In dsolve at 194 " Can anyone explain me why?
First of all, the first five lines are not needed. To answer your problem: this nonlinear differential equation system can not b...

meer dan 9 jaar ago | 0

plotting from one gui into another
I use the programmatic way of creating GUIs but the following should work in GUIDE too. # create the first GUI with a pushbut...

meer dan 9 jaar ago | 0

limit to infinity of Left Riemann Sum
If I am not mistaken, you try to determine the limit of the left Riemann-sum for the value of the definite integral. Of course y...

meer dan 9 jaar ago | 0

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It dseon't mettar waht oedrr the lrettes in a wrod are.
An internet meme from 2003 (read more < here>) asserted that readers are re...

meer dan 9 jaar ago


Convert from cell to string
I have the following problem. I have a sentence as a string. I wan to process some words in it. My idea was to isolate the words...

meer dan 9 jaar ago | 3 answers | 0



Coupled ODE with ode45
I found the mistake. It was a sign. :) The correct function is function dz = myode(v,z) alpha = 0.001; C0 = 0.3;...

meer dan 9 jaar ago | 0

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Coupled ODE with ode45
Code your function as follows. function dz = myode(v,z) alpha = 0.001; C0 = 0.3; esp = 2; k = 0.044; f...

meer dan 9 jaar ago | 0

How do I get the x,y coordinates from the scatter graph I generated?
You created the scatter plot in view of vectors a and b. So those are the coordinates. Supposing you only have the scatter plot ...

meer dan 9 jaar ago | 0

Coupled ODE with ode45
On line dydV = @(V,y) -alpha*(1+eps.*X)./(2*y); X is not included. I would solve it as a coupled system or solve it analytical...

meer dan 9 jaar ago | 0

Building a GUI from user input
function myGUI S.f = figure; S.row = uicontrol('Style','edit', 'Units','normalized', ... 'Position',[0.4 0.6 0.1 ...

meer dan 9 jaar ago | 0

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Find array elements from condition on indices w/o loop
If you regard A as the points on a plain, than you have the x and y coordinates of those specific points stored for example in m...

meer dan 9 jaar ago | 1

Error: Attempted to access din(289,1); index out of bounds because size(din)=[288,543].
The error occurs first when i=m+1 (ie. 289) and j=2 since you refer to din(289,1). In this case the debugger is useful.

meer dan 9 jaar ago | 0

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I don't get the desired output when running the following code. The output generated is shown in the image.
I do not see the image (perhaps you did not attach it), but the error in your code is the following. You want to display a strin...

meer dan 9 jaar ago | 0

What is the differences between wavrecord and audiorecorder in matlab ?
Do not use wavrecord, since it is removed. If anyone has a newer version of MATLAB, he/she can not use your code. <http://www.m...

meer dan 9 jaar ago | 0

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How to find the roots of a derivative
I recommend to differentiate V(theta) by hand and then use fzero.

meer dan 9 jaar ago | 1

What does this fsolve error message mean: FSOLVE cannot handle non-square systems; switching to Gauss-Newton method?
You set the vector of the initial solution to size 299 (so 299 number of unknowns are expected). However in the function definit...

meer dan 9 jaar ago | 0


Quote Doubler
Given a string s1, find all occurrences of the single quote character and replace them with two occurrences of the single quote ...

meer dan 9 jaar ago


Back to basics 8 - Matrix Diagonals
Covering some basic topics I haven't seen elsewhere on Cody. Given an input vector of numbers, output a square array with the...

meer dan 9 jaar ago

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