Horizontal line for each category in a swarmchart with categorical x axis
load T T.x_cat=reordercats(T.x_cat,{'N-0','R-0.15','R-1','R-4','F-4','F-12','F-24'}); x_line = unique(T.x_cat); s1 = swarmcha...

10 maanden ago | 0

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Formatting issue using readmatrix/readcell/readtable from an excel sheet in to MATLAB App Designer
There's an issue with Excel and writetable and friends -- I took an existing workbook that had four columns of numbers and added...

10 maanden ago | 0

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Split excel file and get ordered splittedfile names
Just use the looping index.. data = readtable('data.xlsx'); stations = unique(data.Station); for i=1:numel(stations) x =...

10 maanden ago | 0

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Data sorting using logic
goodRows1 = logical(iswithin(IndiMSD(97,:),5000,60000));% examine last element of each column logic_MSDwithin = goodRows1(:,goo...

10 maanden ago | 0

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I have two set data and I want to calculate the area in different x and plot the area curve with respect to X
x=[1 1.5 1.7 2 2.2 2.6 2.8]; y=[0 2 6 7 8 10 5]; A=trapz(x,y); % the total area (one number) a=cumtrapz(x,y...

10 maanden ago | 0

Import data with 1000 seperator
It's still questionable what is the content of actual file, but it appears one can make the OP's presumption come whe...

10 maanden ago | 0

How to Create a Equidistant histogram
Well, the prior has some things of academic interest so I won't delete it, but actually when got a moment to poke around, it tur...

10 maanden ago | 0

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How to Create a Equidistant histogram
% The edge of each bin Xedges = [10,22,36,49,55,67,77]; Yedges = [21,30,55,70,85,93]; % Obtain the sample count in each bin ...

10 maanden ago | 0

How to avoid unnecessary legends in the graph?
Yet another solution (and the one I think most appropriate, of course!).... plot(t,TGN,t,T1N,t,ML1N,t,ML2N,t,ACN,t,EMSB1N,t,MFN...

10 maanden ago | 2

How to Fix the “Dot indexing not supported for variables of this type” Error in MATLAB
That's just a plain text file; use readmatrix to bring it in as an array... % first read as text to be certain of file structur...

10 maanden ago | 0

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Order of files pulled from Datastore
"...around 1000 csv files, labeled filename_1, filename_2,...filename_1000" It's sorted in ASCII order; hence filenames begin...

10 maanden ago | 0

How to Avoid 1.0e+03 when read the readexcel data in matlab app designer ?
Formatting numeric values in the uitable is limited -- the only way you will be able to do this will be to convert to a string w...

10 maanden ago | 0

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Why my binary mask show only 0 value?
fontSize = 16; I=imread('cropa8.png'); subplot(1, 2, 1); imshow(I, []); axis('on', 'image'); drawnow; hp = impixelinfo(); ...

10 maanden ago | 0

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Alternatives for str2num function not supported for code generation
G.Nodes.Name=cellstr(num2str([1:9].')); % make example struct N=str2double(G.Nodes.Name) % convert to ...

10 maanden ago | 2

How do I obtain 8760 mean hourly data points from 10.6 years data?
tt=readtimetable('XWinddata.xlsx'); head(tt,1) tt=removevars(tt,{'yearhour','DoY'}); % clean so star...

10 maanden ago | 1

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Writing a function in MATLAB
% 1. Associate coefficients with parameter array to estimate A --> b(1) q1--> b(2) q2--> b(3) beta1>b(4) beta2>b(5) lambd...

10 maanden ago | 0

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I am trying to perform Short-Time Fourier Transform (STFT) on two sets of 3D data
Error using pwelch Expected x to be finite. The problem is your input data have either NaN or Inf values somewhere in it ... N...

10 maanden ago | 0

how to mex free fortran 90 format with the last matlab release
" ... but it is very strange that fortran 90 95 ... were not recognized by default." Oh, indeed! Add your complaint to officia...

10 maanden ago | 1

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Does customizing colormap manipulates interpretation of a plot to a reader?
syms z r theta n m X(z)=atan(z); Y(z)=z/(z^2 + 1); Z(z)=sym(1/2) - 1/(2*(z^2 + 1)); X(r,theta)=subs(X,z,r*exp(1i*theta)); Y...

10 maanden ago | 0

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Add numbers to the matrix
log=readtable('logfile (8).xlsx') examp=readtable('logfile_example.xlsx') Why is the example 25K where the other is 28K record...

10 maanden ago | 0

applying a function to a datatable using rowfun
Seems as though you could have given the actual problem in the beginning when we did this last... tT=readtable("data1.csv", "Va...

10 maanden ago | 0

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Why doesn't the standard deviation show on boxplot?
Read the "More About" section of the boxplot doc that explains the output plot -- in particular, observation within the whisker...

10 maanden ago | 1

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Use splittapply with division
@Mario Malic fixed the problem w/ splitapply; you only wanted to divide by the first element of the group (which is a scalar so ...

10 maanden ago | 0

Read text without converting to date
writematrix(["7DEC","FEB6","FFFE","ABCD"],'test.csv') type test.csv data=readcell('test.csv') fid=fopen('test.csv','r'); dat...

10 maanden ago | 0

Passing value of Edit Field box in app designer to external function/.m file
The above comment would be the klunky way to fix what you have presently by making the two callbacks work to do the same thing. ...

10 maanden ago | 0

transfer Matlab Workspace to Excel
Easiest would be to use arrays instead of a zillion sequentially named individual variables; associate a string array of names w...

10 maanden ago | 1

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Escape characters in compose with array input and minus sign *edit* with "empty" string ""
q = compose("%s%d\\gamma/%s",[" ";"-";"-";" "],transpose(1:4),compose("%d",transpose(5:8))) You are passing an empty string to ...

10 maanden ago | 1

Passing value of Edit Field box in app designer to external function/.m file
"...pass the value from the EditField box to a variable inside a .m file, upon the press of a button" Simply call the function ...

10 maanden ago | 0

zero lag when using xcorr on 2 near-similar, shifted timeseries
load A, load B whos subplot(2,1,1) plot(ADV_sampled) hold on plot(PIV_mag_test) xlim([300 inf]) subplot(2,1,2) plot(ADV_...

10 maanden ago | 0

search last day calendar in several year
"...only changing to two-week difference won't be reliable; it would produce Saturdays two weeks apart, yes, but not only the fi...

10 maanden ago | 1

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