Converting a cell array to can message timetable
Initial implementation: % Given cell array canMessageCell = {'Timestamp 1546909042', 'Interface ''can0''', 'ID ''0B9''', 'Data...

5 maanden ago | 0

Matlab reading data using DLL and winsock2
Adjust as per your need: clc; clear; if libisloaded('udpfunc2') unloadlibrary('udpfunc2') end loadlibrary('udpfunc2.dl...

5 maanden ago | 0

How to recover the original signal using ifft
clear; clc; close all; % Time step dt = 2.5e-9; % Frequency of the sine wave f = 10e6; % Number of points in the orig...

5 maanden ago | 0

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Thingspeak HTTP eror code: -210
1. Check API Key and Channel ID Ensure that the API Key and Channel ID used in your HTTP request are correct. An incorrect API ...

5 maanden ago | 2

Why does the "Matrix dimensions must agree" error persists?
To give an initial idea: % Example MATLAB code to plot an audio recording % Sample rate Fs = 8000; % 8 kHz % Create a d...

5 maanden ago | 0

How to add unknow parameter in matrix and solve it by use det() syntax for finding w
clc; % Clear command window clear; % Clear workspace syms w; % Define w as a symbolic variable % Define masses, damping coe...

5 maanden ago | 0

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Could not determine the size of this expression
Try this: function Yref = generateYref(n_y, Np, Rr, Vo_xy_ref) % Define the size of the output explicitly Yref = zero...

5 maanden ago | 1

Measure concentration every 5 sec using Arduino
An initial idea: % Connect to Arduino a = arduino('COM3', 'Uno'); % Update 'COM3' with your actual COM port sensorPin = 'A0';...

5 maanden ago | 0

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Python script changes are not updated in MATLAB
py.reload(py.matlab_file); Try using py.reload() -----------------------------------------------------------------------------...

5 maanden ago | 0

Accessing a vector form a matrix
% Dummy data for vectors x1, x2, and x3 x1 = sin(linspace(0, 2*pi, 100)); % Example data for x1 (a sine wave) x2 = cos(linspa...

6 maanden ago | 0

how to solve my problem that i write
clc; clear; close all; % Constants and parameters lambda_sh = 0.775e-6; % SH wavelength nlithium_sh = 2.1784; lambda_ff ...

6 maanden ago | 0

Find the variable inside the LCM argument
% Known values of B and nrt B = 120; % Example value for B nrt = 8; % Example value for nrt % Find all divisors of B div...

6 maanden ago | 0

How to match matrix elements for a condition?
Assuming a 1-dimensional array. Will check for sums of three consecutive elements that are close to a given value (target_sum) w...

6 maanden ago | 1

using if else statements to assign a value to a variable based on the value of a specific element in a matrix
An initial idea: % Example matrix M M = randn(10,10); % A 10x10 matrix with random values % Initialize matrix p with the s...

6 maanden ago | 0

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How to draw a streamline diagram in a circular area?
% Parameters radius = 2; % Radius of the circular area x = linspace(-2.5, 2.5, 100); y = linspace(-2.5, 2.5, 100); [X, Y] = ...

6 maanden ago | 0

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Given the coordinates (x, y) of a center of a circle and it's radius, write a program which will determine whether a point lies inside the circle, on the circle or outside
% Define the coordinates of the center of the circle xc = 0; yc = 0; % Define the coordinates of the point to check xp = 3...

6 maanden ago | 0

How can I illustrate a sinusoidal plane wave in MATLAB?
% Define the domain x = linspace(-2*pi, 2*pi, 100); z = linspace(-2, 2, 20); [X, Z] = meshgrid(x, z); % Define the wave y...

6 maanden ago | 1

Why is my code not working?
f = @(final) average_f(final) - 65; % Define a function that should be zero initial_estimate = 70; % Initial estimate for fso...

6 maanden ago | 0

Find the number of regions and calculate the area of each region
clear; format short e; rng('shuffle'); %% Parameters export = 1; % Whether or not to save data for ABAQUS N = 1000; % nu...

6 maanden ago | 0

How to append Nested cell array to .csv file
@Karthik One of many possible approaches: % Example nested cell array nestedCell = { {1, 2, 3}, 'Text'; 4, {5, 'More...

6 maanden ago | 0

Why clearing memmapfile is taking too long?
function time = ReadDataStoreMapTime(filename) tic; chunksize = 2.5*1024*1024*1024; ds = fileDatastore(filename, ...

6 maanden ago | 0

Printing sentences using cell arrays
% Define cell arrays Names = {'Harry', 'Xavier', 'Sue'}; Verbs = {'loves', 'eats', 'throws'}; Nouns = {'baseballs', 'rocks', ...

6 maanden ago | 0

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can someone please assist to make the square wave plot at 50Hz
fs = 1000; % Sampling frequency f = 50; % Frequency of the square wave % Time vector from 0 to 1 second, with step size o...

6 maanden ago | 0

MATLAB 'imread' function error.
This problem can arise due to several reasons, including path conflicts, shadowing issues, or a corrupted MATLAB installation. H...

6 maanden ago | 0

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MATLAB coder has been running for a week
It is highly unusual for MATLAB Coder to take this long in the type inference stage. This extended processing time is not normal...

6 maanden ago | 0

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Combining multiple rows from one matrix to another matrix
% Define the original matrix P P = [1 2 3 4 5; 6 7 8 9 10; 11 12 13 14 15; 16 17 18 19 20; 21 22 23 24 ...

6 maanden ago | 0

plotting time as legend values with filter as x and amplitude as y
close all; clear all; clc; % Initialization fs = 20e3; % Sampling frequency numFilts = 32; % Number of filters CenterFre...

6 maanden ago | 0

HTTP Request returns partial data
1. Server Closes Connection Prematurely The server might be closing the connection before all the intended data has been sent, ...

6 maanden ago | 0

Cone containing set of points
% Define the opening angle theta (in radians), and two points theta = pi / 6; % Example value for theta point1 = [1, 2, 3]; % ...

6 maanden ago | 1

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Anybody can help me to plot a sand rose diagram?
% Your DP values for each of the 16 directional bins dp_values = [/* your DP values here */]; % Your RDD value rdd_value = ...

6 maanden ago | 1

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