EEGlab not filtering data
Unfortunately, a common workflow in the analysis of EEG data involves visual inspection and manual rejection of artifacts. Autom...

bijna 7 jaar ago | 0

how to convert logical into charactor
Try num2str.

bijna 7 jaar ago | 2

why is my semilogy not showing anything
It does plot something; you can check this if you provide a marker and exaggerate its size: semilogy(f, Zin_real, 'ko', 'Ma...

bijna 7 jaar ago | 0

How do you get variables to open in Editor?
On the upper right-hand side of the Variables editor (on Windows), click the small arrow and click: Dock Variables. Or Ctrl+Maj+...

bijna 7 jaar ago | 2

| accepted

For loop store variable with different dimension
A cell should work fine: C = cell(2,1); C{1} = [1 2 3]; C{2} = [1 2 3 4];

bijna 7 jaar ago | 0

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How to seperate weekdays and weekends from an hourly data?
Here's what I do (byHourTable is a timetable object with a column called Timestamps): %get day names [~, dayNames] = wee...

bijna 7 jaar ago | 0

How to measure the length of the particular region?
It depends on your goal. If you want the number of pixels, the size of your image in the workspace (with the size function) shou...

bijna 7 jaar ago | 0

Use Matlab program without the software of Matlab
Yes, you can compile a standalone application if you have Matlab compiler. See the documentation.

bijna 7 jaar ago | 0

Rearranging values in a matrix
Suppose your initial matrix is called oldMat: reshape(oldMat', [5, 4])'

bijna 7 jaar ago | 0

How can i add the two numbers specified in field A and B if num.A=2 and num.B=4
It's not different from two seperate numeric variables: num.C = num.A + num.B

bijna 7 jaar ago | 0

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storing values from a for loop
Is this what you had in mind?: myValues = -2:0.5:2; myX = zeros(length(myValues),1); for i = 1:length(myValues) my...

bijna 7 jaar ago | 2

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How to save all runs in the while loop
Try this: allScores = zeros(99,1); n = 1; score = 0; while n < 100 x = randi(2); if (x == 1) ...

bijna 7 jaar ago | 0

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delete row from cell array under specific conditions
Here's a quick made up example (if you can convert your cell to a table with cell2table); of course, it would have been easier i...

bijna 7 jaar ago | 0

Not displaying a 3 element vector as a result of my function? Any advice?
Just concatenate your 3 output variables a the end of the function: out = [x y z]; and change the first line to: function out...

bijna 7 jaar ago | 0

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How can I add elements to pre-allocated array?
Try this: Data = zeros(100,1); i = 1; while i < length(Data) var1 = randperm(10); currentIdx = (0:9)+i...

bijna 7 jaar ago | 0

How can I plot the mean and standar deviation of two variables?
You could start like this: meanVal = [.6, .6]; sdVal = [.4, 0.4]; errorbar(meanVal, sdVal, 'o'); set(gca, 'XLim', ...

bijna 7 jaar ago | 0

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How to find minimal distance between elements?
This will get you started: dumVect = [1 3 5 30]'; [minVal, idxMin] = min(diff(dumVect)) If you work with more dimensi...

bijna 7 jaar ago | 0

rotate and set alignment of image with respect to another image
Maybe this is what you are after: <

bijna 7 jaar ago | 0

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Error using daq.Session/startBackground Too many output arguments?
startForeground takes output arguments; not startBackground.

bijna 7 jaar ago | 0

Using the compiler on 64 bit win10 can I generate a unix executable?
Cross-compilation is not possible: you need to compile your app on a computer running exactly the same OS as the target machine....

bijna 7 jaar ago | 0


Says which computers are used in our lab, if sb is running an experiment, detects motion, gets temperature and humidity

bijna 7 jaar ago

How do I call a saved file in Raspberry pi into my simulink stand alone code running in the Raspberry pi?
I use the To File block to save the output of my standalone model running on my RPi 3, and it works seamlessly. To open a .mat f...

bijna 7 jaar ago | 1

How to stop a simulink model on a standalone raspberry pi?
In a terminal window, type top to see the running processes and look at the PID column for the number corresponding to your stan...

ongeveer 7 jaar ago | 0

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Comparison waves of EEG
If I understand your question correctly, you might want to have a look at the function alignsignals and finddelay from the Signa...

ongeveer 7 jaar ago | 0

Automatically Refresh a plot in GUIDE
axes(h), where h is the handle for the axes you want, before the plot command, should do the trick.

meer dan 7 jaar ago | 1

pearson and Spearman correlation and the corresponding 95% and 99% confidence level in Matlab
Use de corrcoef function. In your case, it would be: [R,P,RLO,RUP]= corrcoef(a, b, 'alpha', 0.05) Where RLO and RUP give...

ongeveer 8 jaar ago | 1

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how to extract the feature of eeg signals using matlab?
The easiest way to start would probably be to use EEGLAB, which is a freely available toolbox for EEG analysis: <https://sccn.uc...

ongeveer 8 jaar ago | 0

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Merge two vectors into matrix
Something like this? vector1 = rand(1024,1); vector2 = rand(1, 1024); newVector = [vector1 vector2'];

ongeveer 8 jaar ago | 0

how to check if my data has unit scale(mean=0,variance =1)
I may be missing something, but it sounds like your answer is contained within your question. If you want to check that your fe...

ongeveer 8 jaar ago | 0

What version of Matlab has the "polyfix" function?
Polyfix is a user-contributed function available from the File Exchange.

ongeveer 8 jaar ago | 0

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