Matlab intellisense (auto completion) for objects of user defined classes in Script files (.m File)
Hi, MATLAB cannot deal with that for now. As a small trick, create an instance of your class in the base workspace and go...

meer dan 10 jaar ago | 3

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Database toolbox is not included in compiled standalone
Hi, sounds like you both run into < this>. Apply the patch and try again.

meer dan 10 jaar ago | 1

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how to call a C# function, foo(out byte [])? -- help passing a byte pointer
Hi, have you tried calling it like this [bool_val, byte_array] = obj.GetLatestBuffer(); This works fine for me in 14a...

meer dan 10 jaar ago | 0

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Passing Pointer to DLL file
Hi, Are you sure that the AWG_Open call is successfull? Check the error code to see if its indeed okay. The call should b...

meer dan 10 jaar ago | 1

pair wise distance matric
Hi, you can use squareform: X = randn(10, 2); D = squareform(pdist(X));

meer dan 10 jaar ago | 0

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Error using mex: No supported compiler or SDK was found.
Hi, compiling a .cu file in MATLAB is not possible out of the box (mex -setup does not configure the compiler for compilation...

meer dan 10 jaar ago | 1

Deployed MATLAB excel addin cannot find toolbox funtions
Hi, I guess you run into <> Apply the patch, recompile and try again.

meer dan 10 jaar ago | 0

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NI-6009 on Simulink
Hi, you can use the Data Acquisition Toolbox because your device is supported. See <

meer dan 10 jaar ago | 0

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Function does not calculate desired variable.
N is your second output so you would need to call it like this: >> [~,N] = EVjc300293(10,0,3,5)

bijna 11 jaar ago | 0

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How can I convert Matlab Integer into java.math.BigInteger
When using that big numbers use uint64 instead of doubles. This will also help in calling java.math.BigInteger, e.g. >>a=ui...

bijna 11 jaar ago | 0

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I want to build a .exe file using deploytool but it's not able to build the file.Errors : 1.mexFunction already defined 2. LINK : fatal error LNK1561: entry point must be defined. The log is given below:-
Hi, please compile without adding the source code to your MEX files. So please remove lbfgsC.c lbfgsC.c, lbfgsC.c, mexutil.h...

bijna 11 jaar ago | 0

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how can I write greek letters in static text?
Hi, see <

bijna 11 jaar ago | 0

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What is RTWin joystick input driver?
Hi, that's indeed not very clear from the doc. It seems like one has to select an input block from the Real Time Windows Targ...

bijna 11 jaar ago | 0

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How to replace elements using logical operations?
Hi, try >> A(reshape(A < 6,[],1)) = 0

bijna 11 jaar ago | 0

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Why do I get "No method 'reqMktDataEx' with matching signature found for class 'COM.TWS_TwsCtrl_1'." in 2014a
Hi, I think you missed to install something. The steps you need to take are 1) Download/Install Interactive Brokers Trader...

bijna 11 jaar ago | 0

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GUI with no 'close' and 'minimize' buttons
Hi, at least on Windows AFAIK no close button is only possible if you disable the complete caption of the window which result...

bijna 11 jaar ago | 0

Can we run matlab in Xeon Phi?
Hi, the main question is if the Phi supports SSE2? If so, MATLAB should run on it. But it seems like Phi doesn't support SSE2...

bijna 11 jaar ago | 0

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How do I connect to a mySQL database in a compiled application?
Hi, 1.) When you compile the code simply add the jar as sharred ressource and do not call javaaddpath. So compile with m...

bijna 11 jaar ago | 0

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Classdef compatible with Matlab Coder?
Hi, check out >>web(fullfile(docroot, 'simulink/ug/matlab-language-features-supported-for-code-generation.html')) or ...

bijna 11 jaar ago | 0

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how can i solve this installation problem with matlab r2014a (32bit and 64 bit on windows 7)
Hi, # As specified in the system requirements link below, the Simulink Report Generator requires MATLAB Report Generator and ...

bijna 11 jaar ago | 0

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Terminate program once input is required using system()
Hi, maybe use < pipin...

bijna 11 jaar ago | 1

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Connect Matlab to Sql server
Hi, have you followed the instructions < here>. Basically yo...

bijna 11 jaar ago | 0

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Include libsvm in simulink, s function
Hi, you can use LIBSVM in a embedded matlab function block but you need to declare those functions as extrinsic (See coder.ex...

bijna 11 jaar ago | 1

How do I determine the distance between ALOT of points smoothly?
Hi, you can do it using one for loop, e.g. n = 82000; A = rand(n,2); nb = zeros(n,1); dist = 0.1^2; tic ...

bijna 11 jaar ago | 0

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is it possible to call MATLAB code in a FORTRAN ?
Hi, have a look at the < MATLAB ...

bijna 11 jaar ago | 1

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how to speed up integration
Hi, Can you provide values for all your variables? S what is EI,k0 etc. What normally helps to speed integration up is to ...

bijna 11 jaar ago | 0

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calculate the area of the surface formed by the points having coordinates [xd, yd]??
Hi, you could do a Delauny Triangulation using the delaunay function and then calculate and sum up the area of each triangle....

bijna 11 jaar ago | 0

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data aquisition toolbox disappeared
Hi, I guess you installed a 64bit MATLAB but the Simulink Blocks are available for 32bit MATLAB only. This is stated <http://...

bijna 11 jaar ago | 1

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Is is possible to change the allocated block.Dwork.Dimensions size
Hi, I think < this> is still true for newer versions.

bijna 11 jaar ago | 0

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Choose between for and parfor.
Hi, always use parfor as loop type. When no worker pool is open the parfor loop runs as for loop but backwards. But that shou...

bijna 11 jaar ago | 1

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