how to create array for these values i got?
change the statement f(i) = min(A(i,j)); to f(tmp,i) = min(A(i,j));

meer dan 10 jaar ago | 0

How do you write a finction for TwoSums
arr = input('enter an array of numbers: ') [s1 s2] = TwoSums(arr) Function: function [sum1,sum2] = TwoSums(arr) ...

meer dan 10 jaar ago | 0

| accepted

How do you write a function for the area of a circle?
Function: function [area] = CircleArea(radius) area = pi * radius^2; script: rad1 = input('Enter Radius of Cir...

meer dan 10 jaar ago | 0

| accepted

how do you write function divisible(n)?
function [Res] = divisible(n) if(rem(n,3)==0 && rem(n,5) == 0) Res = 1; else Res = 0; end

meer dan 10 jaar ago | 0

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How to change the variable name in the loop
for to i=1:2 str = ['D:\Pénzügyek\Market\Trading System\Neural networks\FORECASTING MODELL\Modells\' num2str(i) '.xlsx,...

meer dan 10 jaar ago | 0

how can I plot graphs of function with various input arguments?
Hi, use the below script to plot the graph. I think this is what you are looking for, for v = 1:1200 Y(v,1) = mfunc...

meer dan 10 jaar ago | 0

| accepted

How to output multiple figures?
for i = 1:10 f = figure(); hold on; plot(A); plot(B); text(''); fileName = ['image_' num...

meer dan 10 jaar ago | 0

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Can i obtain data without stopping the simulation? I need to calculate average espectrum simulink
yes, please see

meer dan 10 jaar ago | 0

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array from matrix equations
Vo = [2 3 4 5]; Vn - X/Y; for i = 1:4 Va(i) = (alpha * Vn(i)) + ((1-alpha) * Vo(i)); end

ongeveer 11 jaar ago | 0

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Use of Arrays in Simulink
have u tried using an assignment block

ongeveer 11 jaar ago | 0

Running this problem an error occurs: ??? Error using ==> rem Not enough input arguments.
there are syntax errors in the code. there is no end for the if else statement and no end for the second for loop clear al...

ongeveer 11 jaar ago | 0

How can I save a Simulink Parameter and load it an older version of Matlab?
Simulink parameters saved in 2012b version cannot be used in the lower versions of matlab as the architecture of the mat file is...

ongeveer 11 jaar ago | 1

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Matching only parts of two cell arrays
for i = 1:length(A) TF = findstr(char(B(1)),char(A(i))) if(TF == 1) disp(i) end end

ongeveer 11 jaar ago | 0

How can I generalize this for loop?
sum = 0; for I = 1:r sum = sum + d(I); t(i) = sum/total; end

ongeveer 11 jaar ago | 0

How to display an error message with Try/catch?
try % code in try part catch errordlg('error') end

meer dan 11 jaar ago | 0

Is there any limitation of line of code in S-function creation?
There is no limitation

meer dan 11 jaar ago | 0

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Problem with file text size in bytes
use the command a= dir('complete path of the file') example: F:\Matlab\text.txt It gives a structure with bytes a...

meer dan 11 jaar ago | 0


what is the difference between simulink objects and mpt objects
i`m trying to generate code for a model using embedded coder. when I wanted to define objects for parameters and signals there ...

meer dan 11 jaar ago | 3 answers | 0



How can I load variable data from some MATFfile into table?
matFiles = dir('*.mat'); table = []; for i = 1:length(matFiles) eval('load(matFiles(i))'); table{i,1} = num2str(i); table{i...

meer dan 11 jaar ago | 0

How to change the parameters of a synchronous generator model while the simulation in running condition??
if you want to change the value of a constant set_param(gcb,'Value',<value>)

meer dan 11 jaar ago | 1


Display updated values in GUI during simulink model runtime
Hi, I want to display the updated values of signals in GUI while Simulink model is running at the back end. how is it possibl...

meer dan 11 jaar ago | 1 answer | 0



Listbox, how to populate it?
this is how a list box can be populated str{1} = 'hello'; str{2} = 'world'; set(handles.listbox1,'String',str);

meer dan 11 jaar ago | 0

How to store string into an array?
try this Minu y= {'0D05','0D06','0D10'}; if u want to update the array during run time y{i} = {str};

meer dan 11 jaar ago | 3

How to set simulink model parameter from GUI during simulation?
In the callback function 'function FK_button_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)' write the following code assignin('base',...

meer dan 11 jaar ago | 0

how to solve algebraic loop problem??
add a unit delay block in the feedback path

meer dan 11 jaar ago | 1

How to create matrix with array under certain conditions?
B = [ones(1,3)*A(1); A; ones(1,3)*A(1)]

meer dan 11 jaar ago | 0

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Simulink if statement block
use the if block in ports & subsystems of simulink library browser. Number of inputs can be changed in the if block properties....

meer dan 11 jaar ago | 1

how to create multi sine wave input in simulink ?
add three sine wave blocks with different phases and add them to a mux block. this will create a multi sine wave input signal

meer dan 11 jaar ago | 0

Extract all pixels values of image in binary form
use the command imread('image.jpg'); this will extract the pixel values of the image.

meer dan 11 jaar ago | 0

how to convert picturs into matrix
use the command imread('img.jpg'). This will convert the image into a matrix

meer dan 11 jaar ago | 0

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