gradient arrows plot in matlab
a=0.819*10^(-3); b=2.73*10^(-3); Vo=15; rho=linspace(a,b,100); %Updated t t=linspace(0,2*pi,360); [rr,tt]=meshgrid(rho,t);...

11 maanden ago | 0

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How to extract odd numbered elements.
A = 1:10 ; % Pick only odd elements idx = mod(A,2)~=0 ; A(idx)

11 maanden ago | 0

How to find every principal submatrix of a matrix. (given input row and column indices)
You can delete 1, 3 rd row and column from 5x5 matrix using: A = rand(5) ; A([1 3],:) = [] ; % delete 1st and 3rd row A(:...

11 maanden ago | 0

I want to draw a mesh surface. But when I use that code to draw it, YZ line is disappeared...
x=[1 2 3]; y=[1 2 3 4]; [X,Y]=meshgrid(x,y); Z=Y; surf(X,Y,Z)

11 maanden ago | 0

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Index in position 1 exceeds array bounds (must not exceed 1).
T = readtable('') ; dB = T.(3) ; % pol_1 = 10*lo...

11 maanden ago | 0

Problem with variable 'nanmean'.
Use mean mean(data,'omitnan')

11 maanden ago | 0

Solving equation using 'vpa' function
syms x; eqn = sin(x - 1.1556)+(sin(1.1556)*exp(-x/2.2683))==0; solve(eqn,x) vpasolve(eqn,x)

11 maanden ago | 0

How to plot a mashgrid within an ir-regular shape?
clc; clear ; x=72.68:0.005:72.97; y=34:0.005:34.7; n = length(x ) ; m = length(y ) ; [X,Y] = meshgrid(x,y ) ; data=readm...

11 maanden ago | 0

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non uniform data using imagesc is wrong
How about h = pcolor(0:step_number, 3e8./frequencies, 10*log10(Spectra)); ; >> h.EdgeColor = 'none';

11 maanden ago | 1

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how to display all of the 'nc' files ? I have total number of 52 files, and when i am run the code, it gives the output as '0*1 struct ' ? The code is given beolw
thepath = '' % give you path here ncfiles = dir([thepath,'\*.nc']) ; N = length(ncfiles) ; % total files for i = 1:N ...

11 maanden ago | 0

I want to calculate the mean of the soil moisture satellite data ,i have daily based data of one year with size 1440*720,and how to calculate the mean? I am confused to find
sm_mean = nanmean(data,'all') Demo A = rand(3,3,3) ; for i = 1:3 mean(A(:,:,i),'all') end

11 maanden ago | 1

How to correct figure size for plots?
set(gcf, 'color','w','Position',[680, 250,1600,846]); % change the dimenions of figure here t1 = tiledlayout(4,2,'TileSpacing...

11 maanden ago | 0

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solve the equation for one variable and find the value of variable
syms a P = [1.0 1.2 2.2 3.4 4.4 6.7 4.2 4.8 6.4 7.4] ; s = zeros(size(P)) ; for i = 1:length(P) p = P(i) ; ...

11 maanden ago | 0

how to convert the satellite data to an image
Read about imwrite.

11 maanden ago | 0

Can anyone provide me simple code for T-Tide assessment. I want to use T-Tide assessment and prediction. I am new to MATLAB but have basic knowledge. I have tidal data.
This is the home-page for t_Tide: You have a look on the function t_demo. This gives an easy ex...

11 maanden ago | 0

i want plot 100 sheets of excel data in one plot. in each sheet number of column's are same and i want to plot 3rd column on Y axis and the cycle(sheet number) on y-axis.
file = 'filename.xlsx' ; [status,sheets] = xlsfinfo(file) ; N = length(sheets) ; figure hold on for i = 1:N fprin...

11 maanden ago | 0

Colormap with different color transition
USe RGB color values. For this use the link: Fix two colrs, initial color...

11 maanden ago | 0

find the maximum value in within a specific range?
A = [50.36 2 50.94 500 51.45 40 51.86 253 51.93 290 52.16 960 52.39 15]; ...

12 maanden ago | 0

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How do I fix the error invalid use of operator?
You should change this line: C = CAO*(1-x)@(x)1./(1-x); to C = @(x) CAO*(1-x).*1./(1-x);

12 maanden ago | 0

How to terminate my code?
You can use for loop instead of while....You know the number of counts right. clc; close all; clear all; %-----------SPACEG...

12 maanden ago | 0

Index exceeds number of array elements. Index must not exceed one. Error when applying length() outside of any loop
It looks like you have used the functions length as a variable name. The work space shows length as 296132. You should not nam...

12 maanden ago | 1

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How to delete rows with values 0 from matrix
A = [0 0 0; 0 0 0; 5 1 0; 0 0 0; 1 0 3; 5 9 5; 0 0 0] A(~any(A,2),:) = []

12 maanden ago | 0

How to input two values as one value
samples = length(Y); fs = 100; time = 0:1/fs:samples/fs-1/fs; iwant = Y(time>=20 & time<=40)) %<-- this pciks Y for time be...

12 maanden ago | 0

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how to make a table of iterations
The vairable T at the end is the required table. If you want it as an array check the variable iwant. tic clear; clc; close a...

12 maanden ago | 0

I am confused what is wrong with my code
You need to input the image move to the function. move = input('Enter the name of the image: ', 's'); [board_game1] = Analyze...

12 maanden ago | 0

How can I 3d interpolate a function f: R^3 --> R^3 ?
Read about scatteredInterpolant and griddata

12 maanden ago | 1

I am MATLAB beginner, and I got stuck because of some error. Not enough input arguments. Error in Function1 (line 15) R1 = imfilter(InputImg, H, 'symmetric');
It looks like you are running the code/ function striaght away using hit button or F5 or by calling the function. This is not th...

12 maanden ago | 0

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How can I display the variables in .nc files?
Try giving the extension. F='' ncdisp(F)

12 maanden ago | 0

How to plot in 2D this equation?
x0 = linspace(-5,5,200); y0 = x0; n=10;a=0.1; w0=0.01;m=0; [x0,y0] = meshgrid(x0,y0) ; r=(sqrt(x0.^2 +y0.^2)); f = @(x0...

12 maanden ago | 0

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Multiple_independant variables on X-axis bottom
plot(1:3,rand(1,3)) xticks([1 2 3]) str = {sprintf('1\\newlineOne\\newlineOkati') sprintf('2\\newlineTwo\\newlineRendu') sprin...

12 maanden ago | 0

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