
Assume that x is an n-by-2 matrix. The aim is to return the first column of x, but sorted according to the second column. Exa...

bijna 4 jaar ago


Deleting an element in a matrix
For vector Grades=[98 56 78 34 100 88 87], delete the number 78 to get the following matrix Grades=[98 56 34 100 88 87] **re...

bijna 4 jaar ago


Which doors are open?
There are n doors in an alley. Initially they are all shut. You have been tasked to go down the alley n times, and open/shut the...

bijna 4 jaar ago


Bottles of beer
Given an input number representing the number of bottles of beer on the wall, output how many are left if you take one down and ...

bijna 4 jaar ago


Sorted highest to lowest?
Return 1 if the input is sorted from highest to lowest, 0 if not. Example: 1:7 -> 0 [7 5 2] -> 1

bijna 4 jaar ago


Find all vampire fangs
A < vampire number> is a number v that is the product of two numbers x and y such th...

bijna 4 jaar ago


Fangs of a vampire number
A < vampire number> is a number v that is the product of two numbers x and y such tha...

bijna 4 jaar ago


Find vampire numbers
A < vampire number> is a number v that is the product of two numbers x and y such th...

bijna 4 jaar ago


How to subtract?
*&plusmn &plusmn &plusmn &plusmn &plusmn &plusmn &plusmn &plusmn &plusmn &plusmn &plusmn* * Imagine you need to subtract one...

bijna 4 jaar ago


How to find the position of an element in a vector without using the find function
Write a function posX=findPosition(x,y) where x is a vector and y is the number that you are searching for. Examples: fin...

bijna 4 jaar ago


Multiply by 3
Given the variable x as your input, multiply it by three and put the result in y.

bijna 4 jaar ago


Divide by 4
Given the variable x as your input, divide it by four and put the result in y.

bijna 4 jaar ago


sum of non-primes
The sum of the non-primes no larger than 10 is 1+4+6+8+9+10=38 Find the sum of all the positive non-prime integers that do no...

bijna 4 jaar ago


Matlab Basics II - Minimum
Write a function that returns the minimum of each ROW of a matrix x example: x = [1 2 3; 4 5 6]; output [1;4];

bijna 4 jaar ago


Check if equal
Return true if all the elements of an nD array are equal, false otherwise.

bijna 4 jaar ago


Calculate square and cube of number
Calculate square and cube of number x

bijna 4 jaar ago


Complex number
For complex number c=a+bi, write code that will add a and b together.

bijna 4 jaar ago


Matlab Basics II - Free Fall
An object freely falling from rest under gravity covers a distance x given by: x = 1/2 gt^2 write a function that calculat...

bijna 4 jaar ago


Is my wife right? Now with even more wrong husband
Again, as in "Is my wife right?" ( <> ), answer 'yes' r...

bijna 4 jaar ago


Create a Multiplication table matrix...
Create a product table in this format: P = [ 1 2 3 4 5; 2 4 6 8 10; 3 6 9 12 15; 4 8 12 1...

bijna 4 jaar ago


Find out sum of all elements of given Matrix
Find out sum of all elements of given Matrix A=[1 2 3;4 5 6 ;7 8 9]; Answer must be: 45 *If you like this problem, pl...

bijna 4 jaar ago


What percentage?
Calculate the output c as the percentage of a on b for given a and b.

bijna 4 jaar ago


Find the product of a Vector
How would you find the product of the vector [1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0] times 2?; x = [1 : 0.5 : 6]; y ...

bijna 4 jaar ago


multiply by three
Given the variable x as your input, multiply it by 3 and put the result equal to y. Examples: Input x = 2 Output y is ...

bijna 4 jaar ago


Find the alphabetic word product
If the input string s is a word like 'hello', then the output word product p is a number based on the correspondence a=1, b=2, ....

bijna 4 jaar ago


Integer Sequence - II : New Fibonacci
Crack the following Integer Sequence. (Hints : It has been obtained from original Fibonacci Sequence and all the terms are also ...

bijna 4 jaar ago


Find the next Fibonacci number
In the sequence of Fibonacci numbers, every number is the sum of the two preceding ones: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55...

bijna 4 jaar ago


Calculate distance travelled when given radius and rotations
When given radius of wheel and number of rotations calculate total distance travelled consider pi=3.14

bijna 4 jaar ago


Matlab Basics II - Create a vector with a repeated entry
Create a row vector of length n, filled with 4's, for example, if n = 3 output = [4 4 4] make sure to round UP when n is a...

bijna 4 jaar ago


Celsius to Fahrenheit converter
Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit degrees.

bijna 4 jaar ago

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