Doesn't work brush on appdesigner aplication
Hi, your problem has been discussed elsewhere:

meer dan een jaar ago | 0

Treat and handle missing hourly data (with daily profile), that might have large gaps
To identify the clusters of outliers, one may use logical indexing and the time vector. This is just a skeletal draft of the alg...

meer dan een jaar ago | 0

Plot timeseries for mean monthly temperature
See help on plot timeseries...

meer dan een jaar ago | 0

Code optimization by way of selective computations
Hi, you need to convert your flags to logical array, initialize the results with zeros and then apply the function to the flagge...

meer dan een jaar ago | 0

| accepted

Change look of margin plot
Hi, this special plot apparently has a specific structure. I'd suggest to try and analyze the properties of your plot object. It...

meer dan een jaar ago | 0

| accepted

How i make multi window app in app designer
Why don't you ask google first... Extensive documentation is available :

meer dan een jaar ago | 0

How to steer uiprogressdlg from external function
Hi, I believe you could use the function setappdata, which allows you to change global variables in your app from an external fu...

meer dan een jaar ago | 0

| accepted

How to explain a difference in solutions of integrals between MATLAB and MAPLE?
Nicely done graphs! So, just by looking at the graphs, it is clear that: The integral of your function is a negative value, wit...

meer dan een jaar ago | 0

| accepted

linke fluent to matlab without AAS toolbox
Corrected (thanks to Walter Roberson for pointing out the imprecise formulation): Hi, so you are looking for a way to let MATL...

meer dan een jaar ago | 0

| accepted

How can I open an url into matlab browser?
That will not be possible according to the documentation ... (cit: "If url is an external site, then the page opens in your syst...

meer dan een jaar ago | 0

| accepted

double gyre - compute absolute and relative dispersion
Hi, seems like you are almost there... But you have to make up your mind on the meaning of your dispersion formulae. In statisti...

meer dan een jaar ago | 1

| accepted

Check if cell contains another cell
Hi, you can use the isa function: isa(a{i},'cell') Note that the use of eval is not recommended for many a good reason...

bijna 2 jaar ago | 0

Plot data from 2 or more timeseries with different x axis scale
If you supply to the plot command also x data - datetime class, then the plot will have the expected look by efault, and it will...

bijna 2 jaar ago | 1

| accepted

How to plot in real time the value of a variable in Matlab App Designer?
It should be sufficient to enforce update of your output using: drawnow limitrate.

bijna 2 jaar ago | 0

interp1 vector of interpolated sample points using Euler method
Please have a look into the documentation of interp1, namely the section on extrapolation method. You'll see that NaNs are the d...

bijna 2 jaar ago | 0

How to implement slider with simulation time series?
It seems you just need the basic slider functionality, so whay don't you try the example from documentation.

bijna 2 jaar ago | 0

Generate random numbers with a constraint
A general answer to your general question is inverse transform sampling, which makes it possible to generate sample random data ...

bijna 2 jaar ago | 0

| accepted

create a tab which appear before closing the GUI
You have to create a UIFigureCloseRequest callback, which is easily done in AppDesigner by a right click on the app.UIFigure in ...

bijna 2 jaar ago | 0

x and y- line until point
You will neet to plot the auxiliary lines separately - first plot the graph, then use the hold function and last plot all the li...

bijna 2 jaar ago | 0

Stop button to interrupt push botton
There is some confusion in the way you use callbacks. When you use a state button (or a switch) to interrupt a running for loop...

bijna 2 jaar ago | 0

Reduce distance between vertical axis categorical variables plot
You could do this by using numerical Y axis values instead of categorical, and then apply your own YTicks.

bijna 2 jaar ago | 0

How do I speed up my variable lookup algorithm?
It seems your use of the find functiois unnecessary. This function takes a lot of time, which you could verify by profiling your...

bijna 2 jaar ago | 0

How to integrate imported data with specified limits.
If you data is e.g. X,Y, both vectors 1:N, you can create suitable subinterval by assigning Xsub = X(i1:i2), Ysub = Y(i1:i2) and...

bijna 2 jaar ago | 0

Creating a cell array within a nested loop
You did not mention the error message you get, but the line where you are trying to add new entry into cell array contains an in...

bijna 2 jaar ago | 0


how to count visible lines in textArea?
I have a long text in Text Area, which is too long to fit. As the app window and the text area is changing size (possibly also f...

ongeveer 2 jaar ago | 1 answer | 0

