
Yoonir - 01
Find the area of a five-pointed star inscribed in a circle of radius r.

meer dan 3 jaar ago


ZigZag - 01
Given a matrix, return the elements that are on the Z form of the matrix. For example - a=[1,2,3; 4,5,6; 7,8,9] ...

meer dan 3 jaar ago


Frequency Analysis of Text
Frequency analysis is a common task in cryptoanalysis. It is essentially counting the occurrences of alphabets (regardless of ca...

meer dan 3 jaar ago


Find Elements in Range
Based on a question on < MATLAB Answers>. Find all the elements of a vector wh...

meer dan 3 jaar ago


Mean number of letters per word (Easy)
Given a character array, s, representing a sentence, return a, the arithmetic mean of the number of letters per word in the give...

meer dan 3 jaar ago


cofactor matrix
given a matrix, find its cofactor matrix <>

meer dan 3 jaar ago


generate the matrix
given 3 inputs e.g [2,3,4] -- generate a matrix like below -- [2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0; 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0; 0 0 3 3 3 0 0 0 0; 0 0...

meer dan 3 jaar ago


another bullseye
create matrix like below -- for x=2, y=[1 1 1 1 1; 1 2 2 2 1; 1 2 3...

meer dan 3 jaar ago


Find indices of diagonal elements
Given a matrix A and a diagonal index d (where 0 indicates the main diagonal and off-diagonals are identified by positive and n...

meer dan 3 jaar ago


Divisors for big integer
Inspired by Problem 1025 and Project Euler 12. Given n, return the number y of integers that divide N. For example, with ...

meer dan 3 jaar ago


Rank of magic square (for beginners)
Compute the rank r of a magic square of order n WITHOUT rank and magic functions.

meer dan 3 jaar ago


Add more zeros
Find code that adds one 0 to each sequence of 0 in a string (composed with only 0 or 1). For example: '1010' -> '100100' ...

meer dan 3 jaar ago


Aquiles y la tortuga
Contaba Zenón en su famosa paradoja que un día Aquiles, el guerrero griego más veloz de la Hélade, se enfrentó a una pequeña tor...

meer dan 3 jaar ago


Create an 'arrow-head" matrix
Write a function that when given an odd number, produces an arrow-head function pointing to the right. Examples n = 3 ...

meer dan 3 jaar ago


Crunch that matrix!
You are given an M x N matrix. Write a script that will compress this matrix into an M x (N/3) matrix, where each of the terms ...

meer dan 3 jaar ago


The Python Challenge, Level 1: Decode strings
This problem is based on < Level 1 of The Python Challenge>, which is just a serie...

meer dan 3 jaar ago


When Was That Goal Scored?
We want to find out when the goals were scored in a particular soccer game. For each game, we are given a "Goal Event Data" XML ...

meer dan 3 jaar ago


Determine if input is a perfect square

meer dan 3 jaar ago


Text processing - Help Johnny write a letter home from camp
Johnny overuses the word 'great'. Write a script that will help him with this and future letters. If a sentence contains more ...

meer dan 3 jaar ago


Use R2016b Text Manipulations to Fix These Addresses (Part 3)
We have a series of addresses like the following which we'd like to reformat. Each of the addresses lacks a space and a comma ...

meer dan 3 jaar ago


Use R2016b Text Manipulations to Fix These Addresses (Part 2)
We have a series of addresses like the following which we'd like to reformat. All the addresses are in the Boston area of Mass...

meer dan 3 jaar ago


Use R2016b Text Manipulations to Fix These Addresses (Part 1)
We have a series of addresses like the following which we'd like to reformat. Can you remove the latitude and longitude from the...

meer dan 3 jaar ago


Don't Try, give up and return NaN.
This is another version of < problem 3107....

meer dan 3 jaar ago


leap year
find the number of leap years within the given time interval

meer dan 3 jaar ago


Find the number of rectangles
There is a m*n grade given. Find the number of rectangles in the grid. Remember, a square is also a rectangle.

meer dan 3 jaar ago


Leap Year
According to Gregorian Calender(which is in use now, in many countries),decide whether a given year is a leap year or not. Give...

meer dan 3 jaar ago


How many different words can be formed using all the letters(together) from a given input word? Input is a string.

meer dan 3 jaar ago


Accessing values in a cell
You are given c, which is a 1xN cell array, and a and b, which are each two 1xM vectors. Your job is to give the bth value in t...

meer dan 3 jaar ago


Find the next square number
Given one or more integers n, find the next integer that is a square, for each of them. Example 1: n = 1; out = 4; ...

meer dan 3 jaar ago


Increase monotonically
Return true if the elements of the input vector increase monotonically (i.e. each element is larger than the previous). Return f...

meer dan 3 jaar ago

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