How can I get parfor to work when a cycle is parallelizable but I cannot slice a variable in disjoint chunks?
Try aliasing your A variable like so: A0 = A; A1 = A; A2 = A; Then inside the parfor loop, when you need A(i) ...

bijna 12 jaar ago | 0

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Thread Subject: Hessian calculated by fmincon within a parfor or spmd environment
If you want to leverage the inherent parallelism in fmincon via the 'UseParallel' parameter then you shouldn't invoke the parfor...

ongeveer 12 jaar ago | 0

for loop and data in GPU memory
The for loop is not performed in parallel when you write code like this: A = gpuArray(X); for i = 1:length(A) B(...

meer dan 12 jaar ago | 0

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Random Number Generation for Parallel Computing Toolbox
The R2012b documentation provides a section on controlling the random number streams on the client and on the workers. If it doe...

meer dan 12 jaar ago | 1

How can I speedup neural network training and simulation of a radial basis network using parallel computing toolbox in Matlab R2012A
I think that the useParallel flag was introduced to the Neural Network Toolbox in the R2012b release. Here is a link to the doc...

meer dan 12 jaar ago | 0

Synchronization for parallel code
It sounds like you have independent tasks with more work to do than workers to do it. You also would like the tasks to be prope...

meer dan 12 jaar ago | 1

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Using the GPU through the parallel comp. toolbox to optimize matrix inversion
As of MATLAB R2010b this functionality has been available on the GPU in the Parallel Computing Toolbox. In order to use it, at ...

meer dan 12 jaar ago | 2

| accepted

Distributing arrays to workers for local processing ?
Hello. If you are able to successfully open a matlabpool with your installation of R2011b, then you must have the Parallel Comp...

meer dan 12 jaar ago | 3

| accepted

clear mex causes segmentation fault when using cuda RT API
Do you have the Parallel Computing Toolbox installed as well? If so, conflicts can arise between the version of the CUDA librar...

meer dan 12 jaar ago | 1

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Calling competition when calling CUDA kernels using PCT
In MATLAB we always run CUDA kernels in the order in which they were requested. The add1 kernel should always execute before th...

meer dan 12 jaar ago | 0

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how to calculate cosine similarity on a codistributed array?
It would be much more efficient to lump all of the multiplications together. Also, when you use for loops with codistributed ar...

meer dan 12 jaar ago | 2

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In-place editing of (co)distributed arrays?
This is the right way to perform an in-place operation with codistributed arrays. You should also make sure that the implementa...

meer dan 12 jaar ago | 0

Convert Distributed Array to Matrix
The functionality you are looking for is "gather": xdata = gather(cal_data); If you don't mind my asking, what particula...

meer dan 12 jaar ago | 2

parallel version of ilu and cg
A number of linear algebra functions are supported in the Parallel Computing Toolbox for use in data parallel computations with ...

meer dan 12 jaar ago | 0

Why is batch job status' stays "queued"?
The interactive matlabpool that you explicitly opened is using all of your resources. Therefore, when you submit a batch job it...

meer dan 12 jaar ago | 1

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Sparse matrix inversion in parallel
Hi Alex. Unfortunately, distributed/mldivide is currently limited to solving full linear systems. Thanks for pointing out that...

meer dan 12 jaar ago | 0

spmd, composites and hidden overheads
Thomas, (1) The getCodistributor() function operates only on codistributed arrays; therefore, it must be called from within...

meer dan 12 jaar ago | 1

is it possible to perform the inverse of a matrix in matlab via parallel way?
You can use distributed arrays to solve linear systems ( mldivide or the \ operator) in parallel. If you really do want to f...

meer dan 12 jaar ago | 1

Generally speaking, spmd is used when you need communication to occur between workers in the matlabpool. Another difference is ...

meer dan 12 jaar ago | 0

strfind on gpu
gpuArray currently only supports full, numeric types, so you cannot store a string on the GPU. How are you trying to call str...

meer dan 12 jaar ago | 2

Run custom function on GPU with Parallel Computing Toolbox?
Arrayfun on the GPU only supports elementwise operations, so it is not the command that you want to use in this case. You nee...

meer dan 12 jaar ago | 2

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Invoking my kernel in Matlab affects fft2 speed on GPU?
In R2012a, all GPU calculations run *asynchronously* with MATLAB. Because of this a new command was introduced to facilitate acc...

bijna 13 jaar ago | 1

Passing GPUArray to feval
You are creating gtm as a double, and trying to pass it as the first input to a kernel that expects a float. Try using this ins...

bijna 13 jaar ago | 0

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Whats the best command to write to file inside parfor loop?
If you are able to run your code inside an spmd block instead of via parfor, then you will be able to use the labindex variable ...

bijna 13 jaar ago | 2

Parallel Computing Question
You might take a look at the DLOAD functionality that is part of the Parallel Computing Toolbox. This function loads distribute...

bijna 13 jaar ago | 0

Accessing Shared File in spmd
What scheduler are you using, and what does its configuration look like?

ongeveer 13 jaar ago | 0

for-loop GPU Parallelization
R2011a does support loops with arrayfun executing on the GPU. Without knowing more details about the code you'd like to execute...

ongeveer 13 jaar ago | 0

NVIDIA GTS250 problem
Hi Marcin. Unfortunately, there is no workaround other than to use a GPU with compute capability 1.3 or higher, as the error me...

ongeveer 13 jaar ago | 2

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Use of local scheduler with Matlab Compiler and PCT (batch)
You can use the local scheduler in a deployed application starting in R2011a.

ongeveer 13 jaar ago | 2

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very large matrix manipulation
If you have access to Parallel Computing Toolbox and MATLAB Distributed Computing Server, you may find that distributed arrays w...

ongeveer 13 jaar ago | 0

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