
Calculator spelling - Letters to Numbers
Using the numbers on a calculator, and rotating the display 180 degrees, many words can be spelled. In particular, the following...

meer dan 3 jaar ago


あなたは電気屋で働いています。 あなたの電気屋にテレビを買いに来たお客さんに「何インチのテレビを買いたいのか」と質問したところ、対角線の情報しかわからないと言われてしまいました。 しかし、テレビのインチを知るには、幅と高さの情報が必要です。 ...

meer dan 3 jaar ago



meer dan 3 jaar ago


行列が与えられたときに、その行列内の素数の平均を計算する関数を作成しましょう。 例: 入力の行列が in = [ 8 3            5 9 ] のとき、 出力が 4 あるいは (3+5)/2 のようになり...

meer dan 3 jaar ago


ある数のベクトルが与えられた場合、そのベクトルの要素の一つが他の要素の二乗であれば true を返し、それ以外の場合は false を返すようなコードを書いてみましょう。 例: 入力が a = [2 3 4] のとき、 出力 b は t...

meer dan 3 jaar ago


ベクトルの値が増加している場合 (ベクトルの各要素が前の要素よりも大きい場合) には true を、そうでない場合には false を返すようなコードを書いてみましょう。 例: 入力が x = [-3 0 7] のとき、 関数の...

meer dan 3 jaar ago


1から6までの独立かつランダムな数値を返すような関数を作成しましょう。 例: >> [x1,x2] = rollDice(); と入力すると x1 = 5 x2 = 2 のような解を返します。

meer dan 3 jaar ago


ベクトル [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10] の作成
MATLABでは,角括弧の中に要素を入れることで、ベクトルを作成できる。 x = [1 2 3 4] また次のようにも書ける(コンマはオプション)。 x = [1, 2, 3, 4] 問題:次のベクトルを出力する関数を作成せよ。...

meer dan 3 jaar ago


2倍してみよう - ここからスタート!
初めにこの問題を試してみよう。 入力としてxを与え、それを2倍して結果をyに代入せよ。 Examples: Input x = 2 Output y is 4 Input x = 17 Output y is 34 ...

meer dan 3 jaar ago


Find the longest match inside two strings
Given two strings, find the longest string which is contained within both strings. e.g. the longest string that is contained ...

meer dan 3 jaar ago


What day is it?
Tell me what day is it. Return the full name of the day of the week as a string. e.g. It's June 12th 2014, so your function s...

meer dan 3 jaar ago


Find number of days
The input is two date in string format (dd-mm-yyyy) find out the number of days between these two dates. Example: input: ...

meer dan 3 jaar ago


Eliminate Polysyllabics: Long live short words!
Given a string s1, return s2 in which all the words with more than one syllable have been removed. To make things simple, we ...

meer dan 3 jaar ago


Simple Caesar Cypher - shift encrypt a message given an index number
A Caesar cypher is a simple shift encryption method. Your goal is to create a function that allows a user to input a string and ...

meer dan 3 jaar ago


Backslang, odds are you used it at some point in time...
So backslang is a language that can be used to communicate in an easy decode code, if people know the rules of decoding it. Wel...

meer dan 3 jaar ago


Morse Code Generator! Try it!
.... . .-.. .-.. --- . ...- . .-. -.-- --- -. . -.-.-- .-.. . - ... -.. --- ... --- -- . -- --...

meer dan 3 jaar ago


Generate a melodic contour string matrix
< Parsons code> is a surprisingly effective way to identify music by its melodic motion...

meer dan 3 jaar ago


Reverse within string
If input is a string 'yellow' the output should be 'leywol'. Locate the middle of the string and reverse the first (yel) and sec...

meer dan 3 jaar ago


Prime Letters = Removing
Given a string, remove all the letters which in ASCII Code are prime numbers. For Example: s1 = 'Determine which array e...

meer dan 3 jaar ago


Convert a vector into numbers
Suppose a vector x = [ 1 2 4 7] is given. You have to convert this vector into string number y = '1247'. Examples x = [ 1...

meer dan 3 jaar ago


Flip the bit
Given an input character string (e.g. '1001'), return a character string with the bits flipped ('0110').

meer dan 3 jaar ago


Split a given string from the first instance of a given character
A simple operation to split a given string into two substrings at the point where the desired character is first found. e.g. ...

meer dan 3 jaar ago


NO _________ ALLOWED....
So you're given a sentence where if there is a particular word in the sentence then the output is 1, if it is not there then the...

meer dan 3 jaar ago


Alternately upper-lower case
Modify the string to alternate between upper and lower case. For example, s='achyuta' output='AcHyUtA'

meer dan 3 jaar ago


most frequent character
Obtain the most frequent character. For example, s='balaram'; output='a'; If there is a tie between letters, return t...

bijna 4 jaar ago


Make a list string
Given a cell string, produce a string separating the items with spaces and commas and with an 'and' preceding the final item, an...

bijna 4 jaar ago


Abbreviate the given string. Consider Only Capital Letters. EXAMPLE If input is 'Abbreviation of The Given String' then ou...

bijna 4 jaar ago


How many digits are there?
Input(s) - any string Output(n) - number of digits within string s

bijna 4 jaar ago


Count letters occurence in text, specific to words with a given length.
Build a function with two input arguments: a string and a word length (number of letters), that outputs a vector of counts of th...

bijna 4 jaar ago


Simple Decoder Ring
The stereotypical _decoder ring_ is remembered as a cereal box prize from the 1950s. Kids learned about cryptography by startin...

bijna 4 jaar ago

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