How to write code for projected gradient descent?
The min function in MATLAB optionally returns the index of the minimum value. You can calculate the function for all input value...

ongeveer 4 jaar ago | 0

How it is possible to have groups of data with the same distribution using KS test 2?
As per my understanding, the results are not same for all set of samples for the datasets. As kstest2 uses samples of datasets,...

ongeveer 4 jaar ago | 0

Implementation separated autoencoder in an OFDM system by Deep Network Designer
You should be able to write custom layers, and import them into Deep Network Designer. However, currently it is not possible to ...

ongeveer 4 jaar ago | 0

Using crossval on a trained classifier model in an inbalanced dataset
Currently, there is no argument available to include oversampling in various classification functions. As a workaround, you can...

ongeveer 4 jaar ago | 0

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Fitlm and regression equations
As per my understanding, you are facing issue due to NaNs in the data. You can consider replacing NaNs with a more appropriate ...

ongeveer 4 jaar ago | 0

Confusion matrix of SVM classifier with k-fold cross-validation
You can use confusionmat for getting the confusion matrix. This way, the results are correct. Check the following sample code, ...

ongeveer 4 jaar ago | 1

Error using classreg.learning.internal.table2PredictMatrix>makeXMatrix (line 97) Table variable job is not a valid predictor.
A KFold partitioned model should only be used to predict on the training dataset itself(Using kfoldpredict, for example). Once y...

ongeveer 4 jaar ago | 0

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Multivariate linear regression Determine Confidence Intervals for parameters, mean response, and future response
You can use Alpha argument in predict function to get confidence intervals. You can also use the coefCI function to get confiden...

ongeveer 4 jaar ago | 0

Appropriate data structure for using predictand update state for LSTM
As per my understanding, the sizes of your Xtrain and Ytrain datasets are not matching. The method to fix this issue will depen...

ongeveer 4 jaar ago | 1

Design matrix input for predict() for fitglme output
I have brought your request to the notice of the concerned people. It might be implemented in any of the future releases.

ongeveer 4 jaar ago | 0

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LSTM padding and masking
Currently, masking is not supported in MATLAB. I have brought the request to the notice of concerned people. As a workaround, y...

ongeveer 4 jaar ago | 2

How to add boundary conditions using fitnlm function?
This is an known request, and might be implemented in any future release. As a workaround, you can use the predicted parameters...

ongeveer 4 jaar ago | 0

Matérn kernel functions for support vector regression
The KernelFunction argument accepts custom function. You can create a function for matern kernel, and pass it to KernelFunction ...

ongeveer 4 jaar ago | 1

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Is there any way of using machine learning for successive image comparison to a template?
As per my understanding, you have some ECG data that can be classified as normal or abnormal, and you want to train a machine le...

ongeveer 4 jaar ago | 0

Adding parameter and value pair in fitcdiscr for QDA classifier
Passing KFold to any classification model creates a ClassificationPartitionedModel, which is a set of multiple models. As such, ...

ongeveer 4 jaar ago | 1

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how to decrease the error autocorrelation of a neural network
As per my understanding, you want to reduce the autocorrelation of a signal. Decorrelation algorithms depend on the nature of t...

ongeveer 4 jaar ago | 0

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How to performe k-medoids with pre-calculated distance matrix
Currently, it's not possible to pass distance matrix to kmedoids. I have brought this issue to the notice of concerned people.

ongeveer 4 jaar ago | 0

SVM accuracy is different when done inside for loop than when done individually
You need to set random number seed, without which some parameters in fitcecoc will change on each execution. See the following c...

ongeveer 4 jaar ago | 0

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paretotails function and frequency vector
I have brought this issue to the notice of the concerned people. If the data is time based, then you can work around the proble...

ongeveer 4 jaar ago | 0

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Color detecting with neural network MLP
You do not have to use a Neural network to read colors from the data. To check if some color is present in the image, you shoul...

ongeveer 4 jaar ago | 0

Model Advisor could not retrieve information from the model correctly
This is a known issue and might be fixed in any upcoming issue. You can track the bug for fix/workaround in this bug report.

ongeveer 4 jaar ago | 0

How do I make colors for scatter3 same as in Stata graphs
You can pass a 3D matrix of RGB values to scatter3 function as in following example, [X,Y,Z] = sphere(16); x = [0.5*X(:); 0....

ongeveer 4 jaar ago | 0

NVIDIA Quadro RTX3000 support
The wikipedia page is not owned or maintained by MathWorks. The Quadro RTX 3000 is based off the turing architecture, and as suc...

ongeveer 4 jaar ago | 1

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Symbolic Math Toolbox add on lost...
You can reach out to MathWorks customer support using the contact us page, for any queries regarding license or installation.

ongeveer 4 jaar ago | 0

fft and complex number operation for dlarray?
As of now, fft does not support dlarray. This is an known issue, and it might get fixed in any upcoming release.

ongeveer 4 jaar ago | 0

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CVpartition inside CVpartition to decrease dataset siz
Instead of partitioning dataset again, you can increase the holdout size. Alternately, consider using simpler models or smaller ...

meer dan 4 jaar ago | 0

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Interpretation of plot: classification loss about number of features and number of observations
As per my understanding, when you plot losses for each feature individually, you get zero loss for some of them. By default, th...

meer dan 4 jaar ago | 1

Can I have checkpoints in Bayesian optimization for tuning hyperparameters of a neural network?
Currently, there is no checkpointing argument. However, you can use the 'OutputFcn' argument along with the 'SaveFileName' argum...

meer dan 4 jaar ago | 1

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Poor performance of Yolov2 network
120 images is very low for neural networks. You can consider fine tuning/transfer learning on pretrained Yolov2. Alternately, co...

meer dan 4 jaar ago | 0

Adding Cross Validation to Classification code
Currently, KFold validation is not supported for neural networks. I have brought the issue to the notice of the concerned people...

meer dan 4 jaar ago | 0

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