
Perl 3: shift
_This is part of a series of perl function which were very helpful for many perl programmers. Could you implement it in Matlab?_...

meer dan 4 jaar ago


Perl 2: pop
_This is part of a series of perl function which were very helpful for many perl programmers. Could you implement it in Matlab?_...

meer dan 4 jaar ago


Perl 1: push
_This is part of a series of perl function which were very helpful for many perl programmers. Could you implement it in Matlab?_...

meer dan 4 jaar ago


Finding neighbors of [-1:1] in a matrix....
Hello All! Well I found this one fun to figure out, all you have to do is make a matrix of 1's or 0's (true or false) that sh...

meer dan 4 jaar ago


compress sequence into intervals
You're given a row vector of monotonically increasing integers most of which are consecutive. Find the upper and lower bounds of...

meer dan 4 jaar ago


expand intervals vol.3
This is the next problem after < 2528> and <

meer dan 4 jaar ago


expand intervals vol.2
Similar to problem < 2528>. This is a more general case, when bounds ...

meer dan 4 jaar ago


Largest territory
Determine whose territory is largest. If there are multiple numbers tied for the largest territory, return the smallest number. ...

meer dan 4 jaar ago


Solitaire Cipher
Implement the < solitaire cipher>. Since this is from Wikipedia, I am capturin...

meer dan 4 jaar ago


Set a diagonal
Given a matrix M, row vector v of appropriate length, and diagonal index d (where 0 indicates the main diagonal and off-diagonal...

meer dan 4 jaar ago


Implement a bubble sort technique and output the number of swaps required
A bubble sort technique compares adjacent items and swaps them if they are in the wrong order. This is done recursively until al...

meer dan 4 jaar ago


Decimation - Optimized for speed
This problem is similar to, only this time the score will b...

meer dan 4 jaar ago


Cumulative minimum of an array
Find the cumulative minimum of an array without using the built-in function <

meer dan 4 jaar ago


Cumulative maximum of an array
Find the cumulative maximum of an array without using the built-in function <

meer dan 4 jaar ago


how many of the entries are positive?
Given x= sin(linspace(0,10*pi,100)), how many of the entries are positive?

meer dan 4 jaar ago


You never ask a lady her age
Instead you ask her to multiply her age by 10, then subtract any of the first nine multiples of 9 (9,18,...,81), and tell you th...

meer dan 4 jaar ago


When dealing to the Roman Army, the term decimate meant that the entire unit would be broken up into groups of ten soldiers, and...

meer dan 4 jaar ago


Amicable numbers
Test whether two numbers are < amicable>, meaning that the sum of the proper divis...

meer dan 4 jaar ago


Ordinal numbers
Given an integer n, return the corresponding ordinal number as a character string. For example, ord(1)='1st' ord(2)=...

meer dan 4 jaar ago


Volume of this donut
Given hole diameter a, and outermost diameter b, determine the volume y of the resulting donut.

meer dan 4 jaar ago


Equidistant numbers containing certain value in an interval
Given a lower and upper bound of an interval, distance between numbers, and one particular number from that interval, create an ...

meer dan 4 jaar ago


Fangs of pseudo-vampire number
given a number, find all the fangs of that number. A pseudo-vampire number can have multiple of fangs. The output should be a...

meer dan 4 jaar ago


Fangs of pseudo-vampire number
given a number, find all the fangs of that number. A pseudo-vampire number can have multiple of fangs. The output should be a...

meer dan 4 jaar ago | 2 | 21 solvers


How to calculate the length of a triangle's side given two angles and one side
You are given a triangle with angles alpha, beta and gamma and sides a opposite alpha, b opposite beta and c opposite gamma. ...

meer dan 4 jaar ago


Determine whether the input is odd, even, or neither.
Make a function that returns ‘odd’ if the input is odd, ‘even’ if the input if even or ‘error’ if the input is neither odd nor ...

meer dan 4 jaar ago


Decoder Ring
You are given a matrix of numbers, your objective is to use the decoder ring to find the hidden message. ex. encoded_messa...

meer dan 4 jaar ago


convert between ascii and characters
I have seen multiple problems like this but none of them have a robust test suite associated with them. The first input C is ...

meer dan 4 jaar ago


You convert a vector to a sparse matrix. for example *x* =[1 2 3]; output will be *y* = [1 0 0 ...

meer dan 4 jaar ago


Can the given sides form a triangle?
Can the three given sides form a triangle?

meer dan 4 jaar ago


Percentage profit:2
If you are selling at x dollar, you are facing r1% profit; what will be the selling price for making r2% profit?

meer dan 4 jaar ago

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