
Reverse Calculator
Use this reverse calculator and give correct output Its simple, In my Reverse calculator if you press 0 it will be considered...

meer dan 4 jaar ago


Find the number that has most primes those less than it
Given an vector x of integer numbers, find the element of x that has the most primes less than it.

meer dan 4 jaar ago


Convert a number to its Roman representation
Convert a given number to its Roman representation. For example, if the number is 98, it should display 'XCVIII'

meer dan 4 jaar ago


Cat, Meowcat and Concatenation
Input is a cell array containing several strings. Find the largest continuous sub-string common to all strings. All strings are ...

meer dan 4 jaar ago


longest common semi-substring
Finding longest common substring is a common problem in string processing. This problem is a variant of that. Two strings are...

meer dan 4 jaar ago


Shorten pathname
Given a pathname string, return a condensed version by replacing intermediate folders with '..'. *Example* If fullpat...

meer dan 4 jaar ago


Adding Cells with numbers defined as strings
Given a cell, with strings representing numbers, add each value. For example: a = {'9','33'}; the output should be: ...

meer dan 4 jaar ago


Answer the question and the correct answer write in vector. Only one answer is correct. 1a Yes 1b No 1c No 1d No ...

meer dan 4 jaar ago


Test of Quiz
Answer the questions and write in vector. Only one answer is correct. The founder of fuzzy logic is 1a) D. Golberg 1b)...

meer dan 4 jaar ago


Find the longest match inside two strings
Given two strings, find the longest string which is contained within both strings. e.g. the longest string that is contained ...

meer dan 4 jaar ago


Prime Letters = Removing
Given a string, remove all the letters which in ASCII Code are prime numbers. For Example: s1 = 'Determine which array e...

meer dan 4 jaar ago


Reverse within string
If input is a string 'yellow' the output should be 'leywol'. Locate the middle of the string and reverse the first (yel) and sec...

meer dan 4 jaar ago


Select every other element of a matrix
Write a function called outMat = odd_idx( myMat ) that takes a matrix, myMat, as input argument and returns a matrix th...

meer dan 4 jaar ago


Orthogonal lines
Check whether two given lines are orthogonal or not. Two lines are orthogonal if they create a right angle at their intersect...

meer dan 4 jaar ago


Orthogonal lines
Check whether two given lines are orthogonal or not. Two lines are orthogonal if they create a right angle at their intersect...

meer dan 4 jaar ago | 1 | 34 solvers


Orthogonal Circles
Check whether two given circles are orthogonal or not. Two circles are orthogonal if they create a right angle at their inter...

meer dan 4 jaar ago


Orthogonal Circles
Check whether two given circles are orthogonal or not. Two circles are orthogonal if they create a right angle at their inter...

meer dan 4 jaar ago | 0 | 12 solvers


Calculate compression ratio of engine
Calculate compression ratio of engine given compression volume of cylinder(Vc), piston stroke(s) and valve diameter(d)

meer dan 4 jaar ago


No of squares in a grid
given a m*n grid calculate the no of possible squares & rectangles on that grid. output: y=[no of rectangles , no of sqa...

meer dan 4 jaar ago


No of squares in a grid
given a m*n grid calculate the no of possible squares & rectangles on that grid. output: y=[no of rectangles , no of sqa...

meer dan 4 jaar ago | 1 | 20 solvers


Sideways sum
Given natural number calculate its _population count_.

meer dan 4 jaar ago


Create a New_Word
The output of the function is a new word created from the word entered into the function. The new word is created by deleting th...

meer dan 4 jaar ago


Find the distance traveled by a car given velocity and time.
A car is traveling at a constant velocity for a specific amount of time. The function should use the two inputs, velocity and ti...

meer dan 4 jaar ago


The answer to life the universe and everything
Write a function that gives the answer to life the universe and everything to every input except the input is 42. In this case t...

meer dan 4 jaar ago


Find the number of rectangles
There is a m*n grade given. Find the number of rectangles in the grid. Remember, a square is also a rectangle.

meer dan 4 jaar ago


Given a square matrix(A), find the determinant(d). For example: A = [1,3;4,5] d = 1*5-4*3 = -7

meer dan 4 jaar ago


create a circulant matrix
create a circulant matrix

meer dan 4 jaar ago


Find the solution of algebraic equation
Find the solution of algebraic equation of the form an*x^n + a(n-1)*x^(n-1) + (an-2)*x^(n-2)+...... a2*x^2 + a1*x^1 + a0 = 0;...

meer dan 4 jaar ago


Accessing elements on the diagonal
Access the diagonal elements of a matrix without 'diag' function

meer dan 4 jaar ago


edge detection
write a function that gives the indexes of rising or falling edge x is a vector (assume it contains always at least one eleme...

meer dan 4 jaar ago

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