how can obtain the period information from wave format heart sound file for calculating BPM?
You can use spectral analysis and/or look at the autocorrelation. Read the data into MATLAB using audioread() or wavread()

meer dan 10 jaar ago | 0

having a problem using an iir notch filter
Kobi, did you also supply the optional Ab input argument as I did? nyquist = 2000/2; w0 = 50/nyquist; bw = w0/...

meer dan 10 jaar ago | 0

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can i get the code for fuzzy c mean clustering?
< Fuzzy C means>

meer dan 10 jaar ago | 0

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What is the difference between null(A) and null(A,'r') in Matlab ?
null(A,'r') does not give an orthonormal basis for the nullspace of A. The help has a good example of this. Orthonormal ba...

meer dan 10 jaar ago | 0

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how extract spectr signal a modulated signal amplitude ??
The spectrum of an amplitude-modulated signal is simply its Fourier transform. Unless you are asking about how to extract the en...

meer dan 10 jaar ago | 0

having a problem using an iir notch filter
It is working, you just need to tweak the parameters a bit to get better results. nyquist = 2000/2; w0 = 50/nyquis...

meer dan 10 jaar ago | 0

Convert Char to Cell
Can you be more specific, the below converts it to a cell array: S = 'D48-J06-W470'; S = {S}; How are you using...

meer dan 10 jaar ago | 2

Yes, I think you can safely use R2013 or R2011. For a basic introduction I don't believe you will find any significant differenc...

meer dan 10 jaar ago | 0

matlb R7,and The instruction ( thd(x)) ?
To follow up on Jan's answer, thd() was introduced in R2013b, so you would have to have the latest release of MATLAB --

meer dan 10 jaar ago | 1

A-weighting filter to lookup table
How about using fdesign.audioweighting if you have the DSP System Toolbox? That will give you A-weighting.

meer dan 10 jaar ago | 1

why i get error?
Is this what you want? M_0=1; L = 1; EI=1; fi=-pi:pi/300:pi; C5=M_0/(2*EI); gama=exp(i*fi); ...

meer dan 10 jaar ago | 0

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Can we filter an int16 signal using filters FIR?
Jan is correct about making your post clear. If you are using conv(), the help for conv() states that the only supported data...

meer dan 10 jaar ago | 0

Finding the maximum of rows
[m,idx] = max(I,[],2); m gives you the maximum value in each row and idx gives you the column in which it occurs. I used thi...

meer dan 10 jaar ago | 1

Image and data matrices
Yes, to MATLAB an image is just a matrix of values. Whether a matrix actually represents an image of course depends on the arran...

meer dan 10 jaar ago | 1

When I use simulink, I can not find 'spectrum scope' block in matlab 2013a...
Hi Rhoda, the spectrum scope is part of the DSP System Toolbox. Do you have the DSP System Toolbox installed in R2013a? If yo...

meer dan 10 jaar ago | 0

How to generate clustered or linearly distriuted random points in a plane?
Do you have the Statistics Toolbox? If so, how about using a Beta random variable for your Y and a uniform random variable fo...

meer dan 10 jaar ago | 2

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Why haar transform in filtering
It completely depends on your application. There are many applications where the Haar filters are not appropriate.

meer dan 10 jaar ago | 0

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Need additional information from math work example
If you have that model, you can look at the model parameters. It is in the Communication System Toolbox open_system('c...

meer dan 10 jaar ago | 0

why i get error?
It would help if you told us what EI is. I just made it equal to 1 here. Is this what you are looking for? And why do i=i????...

meer dan 10 jaar ago | 0

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Discrete Cosine Transform help
You are not coding it as written in the documentation, why are you using filter()?

meer dan 10 jaar ago | 0

The number of rows in X must match the length of CLUST
rng default; X = [randn(10,2)+2*ones(10,2); randn(10,2)-2*ones(10,2)]; [Cntr,U] = fcm(X,2); Cluster centers are ...

meer dan 10 jaar ago | 1

The number of rows in X must match the length of CLUST
No, did you read my answer? Use the optional output, U, from fcm() and then you'll have to assign cluster membership based on gr...

meer dan 10 jaar ago | 0

Problem entering an if-sentence with a "~="-statement
How about just using isequal() if ~isequal(RowAndColumn(1,:),RowAndColumnCheck(2,:)) disp('blabla'); end

meer dan 10 jaar ago | 0

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The number of rows in X must match the length of CLUST
You have to tell us what the lengths of I3 and cidx are. The number of rows in I3 has to match the number of rows in cidx. ...

meer dan 10 jaar ago | 0

getting X domain as Frequency when applying FFT
You have to know the sampling frequency, which is the reciprocal of the difference between your time increments. I'm assuming th...

meer dan 10 jaar ago | 0

A question about signal processing
Yes, how about just putting all your data in a matrix with 4 columns and M rows and not naming the variables? You just know t...

meer dan 10 jaar ago | 1

i cant understand this variable initialization
You are using randn() not rand() -- those are very different things. randn() gives N(0,1) random variables. Those usually tak...

meer dan 10 jaar ago | 0

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How to permute the rows and columns in a matrix ?
Swapping the columns idx = [4 2 3 1]; B = A(:,idx); Swapping the rows idx = [3 2 1 4]; C = A(idx,:);

meer dan 10 jaar ago | 1

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How I can find the time between two points on a signal.
I'm just using a simulated signal, x, substitute you signal for x in the calls to find() x = 0.05*randn(100,1); idx1 ...

meer dan 10 jaar ago | 0

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How I can smooth my fourier amplitude spectra
You can use pwelch() or pmtm() to obtain a smoothed nonparametric estimate. This is recommended, alternatively you can use a par...

meer dan 10 jaar ago | 0

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