Poor performance of trainNetwork() function as compared to train()
I have tried playing with the training parameters in the trainNetwork and this is the best I was able to set You can try using ...

21 dagen ago | 0

How to restrict train() function to a select gpu pool?
This might work, setenv('CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES', '1,2'); % MATLAB indexes from 1, CUDA from 0

21 dagen ago | 0

Alternative to ginput for finding curve intersections with unevenly spaced data in MATLAB
Use fminbnd or fzero, x=sort(rand(1,12)*5); y1=[0,1,-1*x(3:end)+3+2*x(3)]; y2=2*x-3; f=@(z) interp1(x,y1,z)-interp1(x,y2,...

21 dagen ago | 1

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Linear polyfit results don't look like they fit
Because both your x and y data have random errors, polyfit() is not going to be the best tool. I would recommend instead linear2...

23 dagen ago | 0

fminunc step size too small
It's not clear to me whether you are are talking about the StepTolerance or the FiniteDifferenceStepSize, both of which you have...

23 dagen ago | 0

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how to update MATLAB 2024b when cannot uninstall old version
I've never heard of an "already installed" message when trying to update. At most, it may tell you to close any open instances o...

26 dagen ago | 0

vector conversion from a vector of numbers to a vector cell of chars.
Y=[0 4 6]; X=Y+""; X={X{:}}

26 dagen ago | 0

Help Plotting an Ellipse from X,Y data
a=3; b=2; %Major/minor ellipse radii plot(rand(1,5)); hold on; axis equal ellipse = translate( scale(nsidedpoly(1000),[a,b]...

27 dagen ago | 0

connecting concenation layer error
Use connectLayers to make your connections programmatically or make the connections manually in the deepNetworkDesigner.

27 dagen ago | 0

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deepNetworkDesigner: autoscrolling, connection preservation, undoing, and landscaping
I am encountering several issues with deepNetworkDesigner. (1) I have a large network whose layers do not fit entirely on one s...

28 dagen ago | 0 answers | 0



transformPointsForward does not support PolynomialTransformation2D
Polynomial tforms are generally not invertible, so you can only define them in one direction. I assume fitgeotform2d always fits...

30 dagen ago | 0

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FGETL taking a long time to execute

30 dagen ago | 0

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How to view a 3D Figure from "below", e.g. z-axis facing downwards
Set the CameraUpVector axis property. figure plot3(0,0,0) line([0 0.1],[0 0],[0 0],'LineWidth',5,'DisplayName','X') line([0 ...

ongeveer een maand ago | 1

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Convert Set of (x,y) Coordinates Into Polygon
This uses tspsearch from the File Exchange, load coordina...

ongeveer een maand ago | 0

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Using drawpoint in 3d axes
Another approach is to make a custom app, with controls for the position of the electron. ...

ongeveer een maand ago | 0

Using drawpoint in 3d axes
You cannot place a 3D point using a drawing object that has only 2 degrees of freedom. Probably the better approach is to use th...

ongeveer een maand ago | 0

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How do I set up fmincon correctly for parallel computation? "Supplied objective function must return a scalar value"
I want to parallelize the computation, either by calculating several gradients at the same time, or solve the problem for severa...

ongeveer een maand ago | 0

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Multiobjective optimization with polygon boundary
Use vert2lcon to find the inequalities for the constrained region,

ongeveer een maand ago | 1

Custom loss function (based on error multiplication rather than sum) in classification neural network
Using trainnet you can provide any loss function you wish. However, a multiplicative loss function sounds like a doubtful idea. ...

ongeveer een maand ago | 0

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Vectorizing 2D DFT for only select region of the output
Ex=subDFTmatrix(kx_vals,Nx); Ey=subDFTmatrix(ky_vals,Ny); F_partial = Ey*image*Ex.'; function E=subDFTmatrix(k,N) E...

ongeveer een maand ago | 0

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N-dimensional sparse arrays
Creates an N-dimensional sparse array object, for arbitrary N.

ongeveer een maand ago | 21 downloads |

Where I make a mistake with fminimax?
Some ideas, The choice of initial guess p0=[1,1,1,1,1] looks arbitrary. I don't see why that would be a good guess. You should...

ongeveer een maand ago | 1

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How to get a dlgradient result for a blackbox function
radon() can be expressed as a matrix multiplication, and matrix multiplications are of course supported by dlarrays. One option ...

ongeveer een maand ago | 1

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Does gather() clear memory
It seems to for me: >> A=gpuArray.rand(300,300,300); >> gpuDevice().AvailableMemory ans = 3.1956e+09 >> A=gather...

ongeveer een maand ago | 0

How to use validation dataset in iteration-based deep network training?
Sure, use the network to make some predictions,

ongeveer een maand ago | 0

What are the differences between fitrnet and trainnet?
Unlike fitnrnet, the L-BFGS algorithm used by trainnet does not seem to use a line search. That might have had something to do w...

ongeveer een maand ago | 0

A simple question regarding image processing
I see that some pixels are darker than others, but no pixels that are jet black. If you have some criterion to decide which pixe...

ongeveer een maand ago | 0

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define an objective function with user defined number of variables in fminunc()
The only way fminunc knows the number of variables is by looking at numel(x0) where x0 is the initial guess: xmin = fminunc(fun...

ongeveer een maand ago | 2

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Deconvolution of two different Gaussians
If you know a priori that all the signals are Gaussians, then deconvolution would not be the best way to recover espread. You kn...

ongeveer een maand ago | 0

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