i want to create a error msage.
Use < exist> if (~exist(filename,'file')) msgbox('File Not found'...

meer dan 13 jaar ago | 0

| accepted

Increment file name by adding numbers in a loop
Easy way to increment your filename is: filename = sprintf('%s_%d','filename',k)

meer dan 13 jaar ago | 6

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Arduino to Matlab Real time plotting
The code above looks like an arduino sketch. Whats you MATLAB code to interface with it? Have you looked at <http://www.mathw...

meer dan 13 jaar ago | 0

The Data Acquisition Toolbox does not recognize my PCI-DAC6703 board
Have you installed InstaCal from measurement computing?

meer dan 13 jaar ago | 0

How to add variables created in function to workspace?
one option is < assignin>

meer dan 13 jaar ago | 1

Convert A String Into a MATLAB Variable Name
There is a MATLAB function to do this: < genvarname> ...

meer dan 13 jaar ago | 0

Serial Port & Bluetooth
You can read/write on the same COM port. The trick to checking whether data is being sent or received by the serial port and you...

meer dan 13 jaar ago | 0

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set deploytool for compile activex
You can compile GUI's and other MATLAB programs that make calls to activex controls into exe's using the MATLAB compiler. What y...

meer dan 13 jaar ago | 2

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Running Matlab script from Excel
With the spreadsheet Link EX installed, you should be call your custom MATLAB code using the Add-in. Click on MATLAB Add-in ...

meer dan 13 jaar ago | 0

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Mex File problems with 2010a
< try this answer> Also google, there are solutions to this

meer dan 13 jaar ago | 0

I would suspect that this would depend on the license agreement with CPLEX

meer dan 13 jaar ago | 0

I am not sure what you mean by a simple signal in Java. But here is a simple example: --> Java Code import java.lang.*; ...

meer dan 13 jaar ago | 0

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MATLAB with Java ?
Yes, there are multiple ways to work with Java from MATLAB. You can code up a java classes and then call them from MATLAB. <h...

meer dan 13 jaar ago | 0

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MEX and OpenGL
You don't need to create MEX files since you will be running your application in C. You will need to make use of the MATLAB Eng...

meer dan 13 jaar ago | 1

Matlab Compiler And Simulink
The sim command is an unsupported command for the MATLAB Compiler and cannot be compiled. The general strategy in such cases ...

meer dan 13 jaar ago | 1

Saving to TXT from standalone executable
Typically as mentioned above, the text file will be included in the CTF archive, if it was added as an additional file in deploy...

meer dan 13 jaar ago | 0

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Compiling Windows Exe from a Mac
Cross compiling is not possible. You will need to install the MATLAB Compiler on the Windows machine to create an executable. ...

meer dan 13 jaar ago | 0

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Problem with external matlab to VC++ 2008
You need to add an extra directory to the system PATH. I think you might need to add [matlabroot]\bin\win64|32

meer dan 13 jaar ago | 0

How can I plot a bode diagram with random color?
colors =['r','b','g','y','m','k']; c = ceil(6*(rand)) bode(sys,colors(c)) This will pseudo randomly choose one o...

meer dan 13 jaar ago | 1

How can I plot a bode diagram with random color?
bode(sys,'r') You can always write some code to pick a random color from a set of colors that you would like

meer dan 13 jaar ago | 0

Build application Error
Try and register MATLAB as a COM server. You should be able to do so by following either of the links: <http://www.mathworks....

meer dan 13 jaar ago | 1

Debugging Visual C++ DLL used with Matlab
I am assuming you are using loadlibrary! If that's the case, then you can load your VS project (that created the C/C++ DLL) a...

meer dan 13 jaar ago | 2

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Deploying MatLab App to Java
Yes! The MCR is the MATLAB Compiler Runtime which is required for the compiled MATLAB functions to be executed. A simple exampl...

meer dan 13 jaar ago | 0

Bluetooth Communication
As mentioned above, direct bluetooth communication does not work. However, if your bluetooth supports Serial Profile (SPP) that ...

meer dan 13 jaar ago | 0

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Do not have sufficient access permissions for the Matlab application folder to change the file /Applications/
Another temporary solution might be to use javaaddpath ('path to the JAR file') once MATLAB starts up. You can even put that ...

meer dan 13 jaar ago | 0

articulated arm
Check this < answer> for a starting point.

meer dan 13 jaar ago | 1

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How do I write to move the line in sending serial?
Can you also try to send the carriage return directly: fprintf(serial,'%s\r',...); Also can you check with a serial moni...

meer dan 13 jaar ago | 0

Capture file name from uiimport function
Well it stores it internally (its buried in the code). You can check the code by typing edit uiimport. uiimport does not really ...

meer dan 13 jaar ago | 0

Getting an error thrown everytime I try to open more than one file in a matrix at a time
This is because when you select multiple files, filename becomes a cell array of file names. The operator == will error on a ce...

meer dan 13 jaar ago | 1

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Skipping through text file and extracting data
There is no direct solution for this, but you code it up quite easily: % num is a vector of interested timesteps funct...

meer dan 13 jaar ago | 0

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