
Low-thrust Earth-to-Mars Trajectory Analysis - SNOPT
Determines optimal, two-dimensional low-thrust Earth-to-Mars interplanetary trajectories.

meer dan 2 jaar ago | 4 downloads |


A MATLAB Script for Predicting Orbital Events of the Planets
Predicts interesting orbital events of our solar system planets.

bijna 3 jaar ago | 3 downloads |


A MATLAB script for Earth-to-Mars Mission Design - SNOPT
Design and optimize end-to-end Earth-to-Mars ballistic trajectories from Earth park orbit to Mars B-plane encounter.

bijna 3 jaar ago | 2 downloads |


MATLAB script for Earth-to-Mars Mission Design - OTB
Optimization Toolbox version of the e2m_matlab script that performs Earth-to-Mars mission analysis and design.

bijna 3 jaar ago | 4 downloads |


Graphics Display of the Orbital Characteristics of the Moon
MATLAB script which graphically displays the orbital characteristics of the Moon.

bijna 3 jaar ago | 2 downloads |


Closest Approach Between the Earth and Heliocentric Objects
MATLAB script that predicts closest approach between the Earth and heliocentric objects.

bijna 3 jaar ago | 4 downloads |


Parametric Analysis of Ballistic Earth-to-Mars Trajectories
perform a parametric “sweep” of ballistic interplanetary trajectories from a user-defined Earth park orbit to encounter at Mars

bijna 3 jaar ago | 1 download |


A MATLAB Script for Trans-Earth TCM Trajectory Optimization
MATLAB script that can be used to optimize an impulsive trajectory correction maneuver (TCM) during the Trans-Earth phase of lun...

ongeveer 3 jaar ago | 3 downloads |


Trans-Lunar Trajectory Optimization - OTB/MICE version
Optimization Toolbox version of the tlto_matlab script used to design preliminary lunar missions from Earth park orbit to B-plan...

ongeveer 3 jaar ago | 4 downloads |


Cowell's Method - MICE Version
PDF document and MATLAB script that demonstrates using Cowell’s method to predict orbital motion.

ongeveer 3 jaar ago | 2 downloads |


A MATLAB Script for Optimal Single Impulse De-orbit - SNOPT
optimal impulsive maneuver required to de-orbit a spacecraft in a circular or elliptical Earth orbit

meer dan 4 jaar ago | 1 download |


MATLAB Ephemeris of the Sun and Inner Planets
Analytic ephemeris of the Sun and inner planets (Mercury, Venus and Mars) valid between -4000 B.C. and +2800 A.D.

meer dan 4 jaar ago | 2 downloads |


MATLAB Implementation of "Lunar Tables and Programs"
MATLAB demo and function that computes the coordinates of the Moon using algorithms from in "Lunar Tables and Programs".

meer dan 4 jaar ago | 1 download |


Gravity-perturbed Earth Orbit Lambert Problem - OTB/fsolve
OTB/fsolve version of the lambert4.m MATLAB script which solves the gravity-perturbed Lambert problem

meer dan 4 jaar ago | 2 downloads |


Creating a Chebyshev Ephemeris with MATLAB
MATLAB script demonstrates how to create & evaluate a Chebyshev representation of the position coordinates of the sun, a planet ...

meer dan 4 jaar ago | 2 downloads |


Solar Sail Trajectory Analysis with MATLAB - OTB version
Optimization Toolbox version for Two-dimensional trajectory analysis of solar sail Earth-to-Venus and Earth-to-Mars missions MAT...

meer dan 4 jaar ago | 3 downloads |


Aerospace Trajectory Optimization - OTB
Demonstrates the solution of an aerospace trajectory optimization problem.

meer dan 4 jaar ago | 5 downloads |


Graphics Display of Satellite Ground Tracks and Orbits
MATLAB script named satplot.m that demonstrates how to graphically display satellite ground tracks and orbits.

meer dan 4 jaar ago | 8 downloads |


Low-thrust Earth to Mars Trajectory Analysis - OTB
Optimization Toolbox version of a MATLAB script that can be used to analyze low-thrust Earth to Mars trajectories.

meer dan 4 jaar ago | 1 download |


Gravity-perturbed Earth Orbit Lambert Problem - OTB
Optimization Toolbox version of the lambert4.m MATLAB script which solves the gravity-perturbed Lambert problem

meer dan 4 jaar ago | 3 downloads |


Lunar Free-Return Trajectory Analysis with MATLAB - OTB
Optimization Toolbox version of the free_return.m MATLAB script which models free-return lunar trajectories.

meer dan 4 jaar ago | 6 downloads |


Optimal Single Impulse De-orbit from Earth Orbits - OTB
Optimization Toolbox version of the deorbit.m MATLAB script which determines optimal de-orbit maneuvers.

meer dan 4 jaar ago | 1 download |


Impulsive Hyperbolic Injection from an Earth Orbit - OTB
Optimization Toolbox version of the hyper2.m MATLAB script which determines the characteristics of hyperbolic injection.

meer dan 4 jaar ago | 1 download |


A MATLAB Implementation of "Elements of Solar Eclipses"
This is a MATLAB script that implements the numerical methods described in the book "Elements of Solar Eclipses, 1951-2200" by J...

meer dan 5 jaar ago | 2 downloads |


Computing Phases of the Moon
A MATLAB Script for Computing Phases of the Moon

meer dan 5 jaar ago | 1 download |


A MATLAB Script for Earth-to-Mars Mission Design
Determines optimal n-body ballistic trajectories from Earth park orbit to encounter at Mars.

meer dan 6 jaar ago | 9 downloads |


Low-Thrust Orbital Transfer with Solar-Electric Propulsion
orbital transfer using solar-electric propulsion

meer dan 8 jaar ago | 4 downloads |


A MATLAB Implementation of the BV78 ODE Solver
Numerical method for solving systems of ODEs using the BV78 algorithm

meer dan 8 jaar ago | 1 download |


Interplanetary Trajectories Using Solar Electric Propulsion
Efficient computation of optimal interplanetary trajectories using solar electric propulsion

ongeveer 9 jaar ago | 2 downloads |


A MATLAB Function for Computing Gravity in the Modified Equinoctial Coordinate System
Computes gravity due to the first four zonal harmonics in the modified equinoctial coordinate system

meer dan 9 jaar ago | 1 download |

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