
Rescale Scores
Each column (except last) of matrix |X| contains students' scores in a course assignment or a test. The last column has a weight...

ongeveer 4 jaar ago


Calculate Inner Product
Given two input matrices, |x| and |y|, check if their inner dimensions match. * If they match, create an output variable |z|...

ongeveer 4 jaar ago


Find the Best Hotels
Given three input variables: * |hotels| - a list of hotel names * |ratings| - their ratings in a city * |cutoff| - the rat...

ongeveer 4 jaar ago


Crop an Image
A grayscale image is represented as a matrix in MATLAB. Each matrix element represents a pixel in the image. An element value re...

ongeveer 4 jaar ago


Calculate BMI
Given a matrix |hw| (height and weight) with two columns, calculate BMI using these formulas: * 1 kilogram = 2.2 pounds * 1 ...

ongeveer 4 jaar ago


Plot Damped Sinusoid
Given two vectors |t| and |y|, make a plot containing a blue ( |b| ) dashed ( |--| ) line of |y| versus |t|. Mark the minimum...

ongeveer 4 jaar ago


Calculate a Damped Sinusoid
The equation of a damped sinusoid can be written as |y = A.ⅇ^(-λt)*cos(2πft)| where |A|, |λ|, and |f| ...

ongeveer 4 jaar ago


Verify Law of Large Numbers
If a large number of fair N-sided dice are rolled, the average of the simulated rolls is likely to be close to the mean of 1,2,....

meer dan 4 jaar ago


Find the Oldest Person in a Room
Given two input vectors: * |name| - user last names * |age| - corresponding age of the person Return the name of the ol...

meer dan 4 jaar ago


Convert from Fahrenheit to Celsius
Given an input vector |F| containing temperature values in Fahrenheit, return an output vector |C| that contains the values in C...

meer dan 4 jaar ago


Calculate Amount of Cake Frosting
Given two input variables |r| and |h|, which stand for the radius and height of a cake, calculate the surface area of the cake y...

meer dan 4 jaar ago

How can I generate a random number that is negative or positive and between two other values?
>> randi([-2,2],3,3) will give the desired output. Thanks for pointing out my mistake @ Walter Roberson .

meer dan 4 jaar ago | 1

MATLAB crashing from remote desktop
I updated my display drivers. And now i am able to use MATLAB in remote desktop connection. Well that worked for me.

meer dan 4 jaar ago | 0

| accepted


MATLAB crashing from remote desktop
I am trying to use MATLAB from a remote desktop connection. And it is crashing every time. I even reinstalled the whole program...

meer dan 4 jaar ago | 2 answers | 0




How to do a 3D plot of this loop. I have tried the following.
clc; clear all; close all; fc = 1*10^6; % Carrier frequency c = 3*10^8; % Speed of light WL = c / fc; % wavele...

bijna 5 jaar ago | 1 answer | 0



caesar cyphor encryption problem .
function coded = caesar(str,n) num1 = double(str); %Converting string to double to make the defined shifts for i = 1 : len...

ongeveer 5 jaar ago | 0

Basic Shift Cipher Decryption Algorithm HELP!
function coded = caesar(str,n) num1 = double(str); %Converting string to double to make the defined shifts for i = 1 : l...

ongeveer 5 jaar ago | 0