Dimensions Reduction in Matlab using PCA
The first component explains most of the variation in the columns of DATA, but Y is not involved in that. Of course I don't unde...

meer dan 9 jaar ago | 1

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PDF (Probability Density Function) of a 2D matrix of values
If you have your data in the matrix M and you want to ignore the zeros and the relative locations of the values, you could try ...

meer dan 9 jaar ago | 1

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How to fit a general-linear mixed-effects model with categorical variables?
Try data_nr_acquisitions.problem_type = categorical(data_nr_acquisitions.problem_type) before you do the fit.

meer dan 9 jaar ago | 0

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What is exactly the kmeans ++ algorithm? How do you actually go about implementing it?
First off, if you look inside kmeans.m you should find an implementation of this. I'm hoping this is the kind of information ...

meer dan 9 jaar ago | 0

What is "Adjusted Resonse"
The adjusted response function isn't a diagnostic plot like an added variable plot, where you try to investigate or isolate the ...

meer dan 9 jaar ago | 0

Using every level of a categorical array in a regression
You could try using the DUMMYVAR function to generate indicator variables for each of your categories, then omit the constant te...

meer dan 9 jaar ago | 0

factoran() vs EM Algorithm FA = fa() : Understanding the difference on carbig.mat in ...toolbox\stats\statsdemos
It sounds like you want the fifth output of factoran rather than the first.

meer dan 9 jaar ago | 0

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Rearrange DoE main effects plot
I can't think of an easy way to make the plots have a different arrangement. I'm guessing you are using rstool, is that right...

meer dan 9 jaar ago | 0

Confusion Matrix of cross validation of an ECOC SVM classifier
The confusion matrix is one measure of classifier accuracy. You should supply the confmat function with the known labels and the...

meer dan 9 jaar ago | 0

query on command "silhouette(X,clust)"
Normally if you a clustering an N-by-P matrix, CLUST will be a vector of length N that will be 1 for the points in the first clu...

bijna 10 jaar ago | 0

Error when evaluating clusters of a dataset
It looks like your next-to-last column, which has cluster numbers up to 9, is missing cluster 6 so it only has 8 clusters. I bel...

bijna 10 jaar ago | 1

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boxplot vs column of strings
The simplest way to do this would depend on how you have your data stored now. For example, do you already have it as a column o...

bijna 10 jaar ago | 0

Modifying the Parameter Estimation Method of wblfit Function
I think you should not modify wblfit, but just do it directly or write a separate function. Here's an example of how to do what ...

bijna 10 jaar ago | 0

Calculating statistical PDF and percentiles over matrices
I'm not sure this is what you want, but: a = peaks % 49x49 matrix b = bsxfun(@plus,a,5*ra...

ongeveer 10 jaar ago | 0

Why kNNsearch and kNNclassify don't give the same result??
As I understand this, knnclassify returns a classification so result is a value from label_matrix. knnsearch just searches fo...

ongeveer 10 jaar ago | 0

How to calculate posterior probability?
Try "help gmdistribution/gmdistribution" for a function that can create an object representing this mixture distribution. There ...

ongeveer 10 jaar ago | 0

Why am I getting redundant legend (group) icon colors when utilizing the gscatter command?
The gscatter function as a separate legend entry for each group. Your group, as given by the Legend_Nomenclature variable, is th...

ongeveer 10 jaar ago | 0

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Is there a way to specify a constant using the fit() function?
The answer you got is correct, so here's how you might do it: % Get some data x = sort(10*rand(100,1)); y = 0 + 1*cos...

ongeveer 10 jaar ago | 0

How to estimate the constant term in a multiple linear regression?
You write "X=a+bY+BZ" suggesting that X may be a response and Y and Z predictors. But the first input to mvregress is the predic...

ongeveer 10 jaar ago | 0

Simulating dependent normally distributed variables using copulas
Consider formatting your question so the code is not wrapped into the text. The syntax |ksdensity(x,xx)| computes a kernel de...

ongeveer 10 jaar ago | 0

Quasi random numbers in high dimension
The link gives ambiguous advice. The text suggests using P-1 even though the example uses P. If I try 4860, things look okay.

ongeveer 10 jaar ago | 0

Is there a bug in Multidimensional Input to mhsample?
It looks like there's something that could be improved. The error message was no help. I think you want to specify a multivariat...

ongeveer 10 jaar ago | 0

Comparing Two Empirical CDFs
The kstest2 function can work with two samples, using their two empirical CDFs.

ongeveer 10 jaar ago | 0

Decision Boundaries for kmeans clusters.
You probably didn't mean to define 1200 distinct labels. You probably didn't mean to pass into classify a first argument wit...

meer dan 10 jaar ago | 0

How to define categorical within factors in fitrm?
When you create within_fact, you are defining a matrix with categories from 1 up to max(nr_cond, nr_sessions). So both columns o...

meer dan 10 jaar ago | 2

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I need to identify the diffetent outputs of confusionmat
The matrix is the count of actual and predicted values for each class. You can use the second output to get the class names. For...

meer dan 10 jaar ago | 1

where is the pvalue of the model stored in fitlm or fitglm?
Try this: load hald lm = fitlm(ingredients,heat) lm.Coefficients.pValue(1)

meer dan 10 jaar ago | 4

Gaussian mixture model sometimes seems to fit very badly
Hi cyclist, the default starting values are selected from the data at random, and you have discovered that this sometimes does n...

meer dan 10 jaar ago | 1

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How to avoid negative intermediate guess in nlmefit
If a parameter P needs to be positive, sometimes people will instead estimate a parameter logP and then use exp(logP) in place o...

meer dan 10 jaar ago | 0

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Import Custom Distributions programmatically
This command shows the distributions that are available: >> makedist ans = 'beta' ... 'wei...

meer dan 10 jaar ago | 0

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