Speichern eines Arrays in einer .mat Datei
Leider habe ich keinen Embedder/Simulink/MATLAB Coder. Aber versuch mal einen Schalter zu bauen, wobei das Array wird gespeicher...

9 maanden ago | 0

Optimizing a matrix of values
a = zeros(3); [m, n] = size(a); a(~diag(1 : m)) = 1 : m * n - m; a.'

9 maanden ago | 0

Invalid Simulink object name: 'task_05/Circuit/R_load'.
It is possible that R_load has invisible character at the end. Click on R_load Subsystem and then type *gcb* in MATLAB command w...

9 maanden ago | 0

How we can do the matrix and vector in vector form?
B = B.'; Wanted = [A; B(:)]

9 maanden ago | 1

How we can do the matrix and vector in vector form?
[A, B.'] %?

9 maanden ago | 1

How to write a specific bus signal label to a string variable
function y = findMaxSignal(u) % Assuming 'u' is the input vector representing the signals [~, maxIndex] = max(u); ...

9 maanden ago | 0

Hi. How do I maintain the square wave output of the 1-D?
Not sure which block you are using beefore to Goto "[delay]" block but removing data conversion and this phase shift block. The ...

9 maanden ago | 1

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Hi. In Simulink modeling, what can we do to ensure that the switching waveforms of the duty cycle and 1-duty cycle are not in phase?
If you want both to be in 90 deg out of phase with each other , you can simply use the <

9 maanden ago | 0

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what is Selector block in Simulink and how to use it? and what are its type
It’s purpose is to index a vector. For example: let’s say you have an array x = [1, 2, 3] When the index mode is zero ...

9 maanden ago | 0

Issue while loading user defined blocks
You probably don’t have Stateflow or the valid license for it.

9 maanden ago | 0

Variable define for default storage class
just open one of the models and open Code Mappings - Component Interface and enter your desired name in the Identifier field an...

9 maanden ago | 0

Invalid expression. When calling a function or indexing a variable, use parentheses. Otherwise, check for mismatched delimiters.
plot(x,Env(:,1),'b',x,Env(:,2),'r') Note: just responding to the error message, assuming rest of the code works fine.

9 maanden ago | 0

Define default signal values after code generation
Yes, you can do this by defining your signal as < *Simulink.Si...

9 maanden ago | 0

Custom Simulink toolstrip color
<> if you find something related to the link...

9 maanden ago | 0

How to Add Title to Legend ?
<> perhaps one of those answers in the link if...

9 maanden ago | 0

What's the best way to write this code?
"OR" to be replaced with ||

9 maanden ago | 0

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Extracting data from SimulationOutput from multiple simulations
No_iter= 8; PCC_V_All = cell(1, No_iter); for k_index = 1 : No_iter PCC_V{k_index} = TP_rms(get(out(1, k_index).l...

9 maanden ago | 0

I am using PV ARRAY block in simulink, from where i can find the exact formulae implemented behind "PV ARRAY" block.
<> mentioned in the documentation

9 maanden ago | 0

Row_number = find(strcmp(Data{:, 1}, 'Eat') & strcmp(Data{:, 2}, 'Rumination')) % Where Data is your Table

9 maanden ago | 0

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Exactly use the code in this < *sgt...

9 maanden ago | 0

Create buffer/array in simulink.
To store data as array use < *For-Iterator Subsytem*>.

9 maanden ago | 0

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Change 'Gain parameter' value of Gain block in Model
Sure, just use a < *Mask*> to change the *Gain* Valu...

9 maanden ago | 0

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simulink 寻找ramp-up/down模块
It is a < *Signal Builder*> Block in which you can ...

9 maanden ago | 1

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How do I upload a .mat file to GitHub using MATLAB and access it remotely? Can you provide some references to GitHub API documentation?

9 maanden ago | 0

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Matlab command to use
doc clear doc clc

9 maanden ago | 0

I have a question about "Error in port widths or dimensions. 'Output Port 1' of 'From32' is a one demensional vector with 3 elements"
< *Park Transformation*> block only accepts a positive scal...

9 maanden ago | 0

Li-ion battery simulation by simulink
Have a go through < *Simscape Battery*>

9 maanden ago | 0

duplicating strings in a cell array
[~, b, c] = unique(name); idx = b(sum(b(c) == unique(b(c)).') > 1)

9 maanden ago | 0

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Matlab Function Block in Simulink Model_ using persistent variables to hold previous values
change prev_DcBusVolt to pre_Volt

9 maanden ago | 0

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