How to find an unknown in an integral equation

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Hi, I am experiencing errors in calculating the following. Kindly help me solve these equations.
a = 0.0859;
b = -0.1650;
c = 0.0344;
lambda = 2.8e-9;
alphaA = 0.52;
T = 303;
F = 96487;
R = 8.314;
Ioref = 0.0013;
K = 7.5e-4;
Icell = 0.02;
A = 1000;
Cmeoh = (a .* (z.^2)) + (b.*z) + c;
fun = @(z,nA) Cmeoh./(Cmeoh + (lambda.*exp((alphaA.*nA.*F)./(R.*T))));
eqn = Icell == A.*Ioref.*K.*exp((2.*alphaA.*nA.*F)./(R.*T)).*(integral(fun,0.015,0.0173));
"nA" is the unknown and it has to be found from the above equation.
Thank you for your time and help.

Accepted Answer

Alan Stevens
Alan Stevens on 14 Jan 2021
Here's one way:
nA0 = 1; % Initial guess
nA = fzero(@fn, nA0);
function Z = fn(nA)
alphaA = 0.52;
T = 303;
F = 96487;
R = 8.314;
Ioref = 0.0013;
K = 7.5e-4;
Icell = 0.02;
A = 1000;
a = 0.0859;
b = -0.1650;
c = 0.0344;
lambda = 2.8e-9;
Cmeoh = @(z) a*z.^2 + b*z + c;
fun = @(z) Cmeoh(z)./(Cmeoh(z) + (lambda.*exp((alphaA.*nA.*F)./(R.*T))));
I = integral(fun,0.015,0.0173);
Z = A.*Ioref.*K.*exp((2.*alphaA.*nA.*F)./(R.*T)).*I - Icell;
Narasimha Varma Hemadri
Narasimha Varma Hemadri on 14 Jan 2021
Thanks a lot. It worked !
Now I want to do the same calcualtion for different values of T, Icell, Cb. Kindly help me out.
T has 5 values, Icell has 10 values and Cb has 5. So, you will see I have used 3 nested for loops.
I have to find "nA" for all these different inputs. I am attaching the text file which contains the code.
Thank you for your time !
Alan Stevens
Alan Stevens on 15 Jan 2021
More like this, with the loops around the fzero function:
nA = zeros(5,10,5);
nA0 = 1; % Initial guess
for t = 1:1:5
for i = 1:1:10
for j = 1:1:5
nA(t,i,j) = fzero(@(nA)fn(nA,t,i,j), nA0);
function Z = fn(nA,t,i,j)
alphaA = 0.52;
T = [303,313,323,333,343]; % Kelvin
Cb = [0.05,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.5]; %Concentration of Methanol
delA = 0.0023; % cm
delB = 0.015;
n = 6;
F = 96487;
R = 8.314;
K = 7.5e-4;
A = 1000;
Dm = 4.9e-6.*exp(-2436.*((1/333)-(1./T)));
K2 = 0.8;
K1 = 0.8;
Db = 8.7e-6; % cm^2/s
delM = 0.018; % cm
Da = 2.8e-5.*exp(-2436.*((1/353)-(1./T)));
xmeoh = Cb./(Cb+55.55);
Emeoh = 2.5.*xmeoh;
Icell = linspace(0.02,2,10); %0.02:0.02:0.2; *******Only 10 values for i
Ioref = 9.425e-3.*exp((35570/R).*((1/353)-(1./T)));
lambda = 2.8e-9; % mol/cm^3
C1A = (delA.*Dm(t).*K2.*((Db.*Cb(j))-(Icell(i).*delB)./(12*F)) + delM.*Da(t).*((Db.*Cb(j))-(1+6.*Emeoh(j)).*(Icell(i).*delB)./(6*F)))...
C2A = (delM.*((Da(t).*Db.*Cb(j)) - (delA.*Db.*K1.*(1+12.*Emeoh(j)).*(Icell(i))./(2*n*F)) - (delB.*Da(t).*(1+6.*Emeoh(j)).*(Icell(i))./(6*F))))...
a = Icell(i)./(12.*F.*delA.*Da(t));
b = (((C2A - C1A)./delA) - ((Icell(i)./(12.*F.*delA.*Da(t))).*((2.*delB)+delA)));
c = C1A - (((C2A-C1A)./delA).*delB) + (Icell(i)./(12.*F.*delA.*Da(t)).*delB.*(delB+delA));
Cmeoh = @(z) a.*(z.^2) + b.*z + c;
f1 = @(z) Cmeoh(z)./(Cmeoh(z) + (lambda.*exp((alphaA.*nA.*F)./(R.*T(t)))));
I = integral(f1,0.015,0.0173);
Z = A.*Ioref(t).*K.*exp((2.*alphaA.*nA.*F)./(R.*T(t))).*I - Icell(i);

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