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Histc function, bin edges error

2 views (last 30 days)
John on 18 Jan 2013
I am using the code below to overlay a cdf plot on a histogram (top code). I want to specify the bin edges using the histc function (below code). But, I'm getting an error using the histc function below. Would anybody know what I'm doing wrong?
[y2,x2] = ecdf(y);
[y1,x1] = hist(y);
x = 110:10:220;
[y2,x2] = ecdf(y);
[y1,x1] = histc(y,x);
X must be same length as Y.
Error in @(x,y)bar(x,y,1,'c')

Accepted Answer

Shashank Prasanna
Shashank Prasanna on 18 Jan 2013
I think you want to make sure that everything is a row vector or every thing is a column vector.
x = 110:10:220;
[y2,x2] = ecdf(y);
[y1,x1] = histc(y,x);
y1 = y1';
x1 = x1';
% Make sure that x1 x2 y1 y2 all are either columns or rows.
  1 Comment
John on 19 Jan 2013
It is still giving an error, "X must be same length as Y".
But x are the bin edges? and y is the data, why would they be the same length?

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