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getting online Forex data

7 views (last 30 days)
Abolfazl Nejatian
Abolfazl Nejatian on 7 Jan 2020
good evening every one,
i have start a project that i need to get online data rate from Euro to USD.
i just test this code,
apikey = '************'; %
c = quandl(apikey);
startdate = datetime('01-01-2015','InputFormat','MM-dd-yyyy');
enddate = datetime('now','InputFormat','MM-dd-yyyy');
periodicity = 'daily';
d = history(c,s,startdate,enddate,periodicity, ...
but the problem is, this data is Daily and 'quandl' couldnt give me tick data or hourly data.
so is there any way to get online rate of euro/usd tick by tick

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