How to substitute symbolic Jacobian of a multivariate function, D(f)(x)?
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Hi, I have the following sample code:
syms x y z fun(omega) dfun
star = x^2 - x*y*z;
fx = fun(star);
Jacobian = jacobian(fx,[x,y,z]);
lookup_dfun = subs('D(fun)(star)','star',star);
for j=1:size(Jacobian,2)
tmp = Jacobian(j);
tmp = subs(tmp,lookup_dfun,dfun);
Jacobian(j) = tmp;
The problem is that when I want to substitute 'D(fun)(star)' into lookup_dfun to replace it later into the symbolic Jacobian (since I will assign the value of this derivative later through 'dfun') I get the following error:
Error using subs
Expected input number 1, S, to be one of these types:
Error in sym/subs (line 60)
validateattributes(F, {'sym'}, {}, 'subs', 'S', 1);
Thanks for your help!
Answers (1)
Jyothis Gireesh
on 11 Oct 2019
Please go through the following MATLAB Answer which addresses a similar issue
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