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Multiple Regression for imputation missing value which described by NaN

2 views (last 30 days)
Is there somebody know about imputation missing value with regression or even multiple regression method? For example, i have this matrix with missing value which described by NaN:
2 1 4 6 2
9 4 6 1 2
5 3 2 8 3
7 2 1 NaN 3
7 NaN NaN 2 4
How can i use the regression method to replace the NaN? Please help me understand about that with the matlab code. Thanks before :')

Answers (1)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 22 Apr 2012
Consider using the MATLAB File Exchange contribution inpaint_nans
  1 Comment
Isti on 25 Apr 2012
he said that he doesn't use regression method for that.
so i still can't find the solution :(
anyway, thanks for sharing.

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