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read only numbers from mixed cells in excel

2 views (last 30 days)
yonatan s
yonatan s on 13 May 2017
Commented: Star Strider on 13 May 2017
i want to read the following coloum:
9:28:53.321 AM
9:28:53.421 AM
9:28:53.521 AM
but without the AM. thanks

Answers (1)

Star Strider
Star Strider on 13 May 2017
Read it with the ‘AM’ and ‘PM’, then use the datenum or datetime functions to make the appropriate time-of-day conversions to 24-hour time.
Please never discard useful information!
yonatan s
yonatan s on 13 May 2017
thank you, but i dont see how this functions help me. i dont care for the date. i just need those numbers in the same format.
Star Strider
Star Strider on 13 May 2017
You can get them in the same format by first using the ‘AM’ and ‘PM’ to be certain the times get imported and converted correctly. You can then use whatever format you want for the output. For ‘AM’ times, the hours will be unchanged, for ‘PM’ times, 1 PM will become 13, for example.
There are many possible output formats from the date and time functions. You do not need to specify ‘AM’ and ‘PM’ in the output unless you want to.

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