- it's most likely that t will have a higher amount of elements than vector n
- therefore sin(n.*pi.*t) will always find one or more terms (of n) with a numel(n) href = ""</a> numel(t) mismatch
Sum of fourier series:
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I just have a quick question. How do I enter the formula shown above? I can't seem to get n = 1, 3, 5, ... I tried different code along the line of this:
syms k x
x = 1/2 + symsum(k^2, k, [1:2:15])
But there is an error message.
Also, on a side note, what's the purpose of syms and the "x" variable shown in the matlab documentation example where I got this code?
Accepted Answer
John BG
on 6 Jan 2017
Edited: John BG
on 6 Jan 2017
the 1st part of Walter's answer has syntax error:
returning error, from the attempted d.*t
Let me suggest the following:
for n = 1:2:15
x=x+ sin(n*pi*t)/n;
plot(t,x);grid on
Increase L to improve signal time resolution.
if you find these lines useful would you please mark my answer as Accepted Answer?
To any other reader, if you find this answer of any help please click on the thumbs-up vote link,
thanks in advance for time and attention
John BG
Walter Roberson
on 7 Jan 2017
"the 1st part of Walter's answer has syntax error:"
No it does not. There was no indication that t was required to handle vectors.
More Answers (1)
Walter Roberson
on 6 Jan 2017
Easiest is to use a definite sum:
n = 1:2:15;
x = 1/2 + sum( 2./(pi*n) .* sin(n.*pi.*t) );
But you could use
syms n t
x = 1/2 + symsum( 2./(pi*(2*n-1)) .* sin((2*n-1).*pi.*t), n, 1, 8 );
Walter Roberson
on 7 Jan 2017
For vector t, if you are using R2016b or later,
n = (1:2:15).';
x = 1/2 + sum( 2./(pi*n) .* sin(n.*pi.*t) );
For previous versions,
n = (1:2:15).';
x = 1/2 + sum( bsxfun(@times, 2./(pi*n), sin( bsxfun(@times, n.*pi, t) ) ) );
See Also
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