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Converting time/dates to hours or number

48 views (last 30 days)
Hi I'm getting difficult to convert time dates to hours so i can set paying in my bill parking program . if i have 2 dates like this
t1 = datestr(datenum(now)); %answer is 13-Sep-2016 16:00:49
t2 = datestr(datenum(now)); %answer is 13-Sep-2016 20:00:14
i want to arithmetic (t2-t1) so i can get variable in hour or number . Please Help , Thanks b4 . I'm using matlab R2008a

Accepted Answer

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 13 Sep 2016
Do not try to do date arithmetic on datestr . Do date arithmetic on the datenum values. The result will be in days. You can use datevec() or datestr() or plain arithmetic to convert the day difference to whatever form you prefer.
(Side note: now() returns a datenum directly.)
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 13 Sep 2016
t1 = datenum('13-Sep-2016 16:00:49');
t2 = datenum('13-Sep-2016 20:00:14');
time_diff = t2 - t1;
hours = floor(time_diff * 24);
minutes = round(time_diff - hours / 24);
fprintf('%d hours, %d minutes\n', hours, minutes);
obstac on 13 Sep 2016
thank you sir , it works very well :)

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More Answers (1)

Peter Perkins
Peter Perkins on 15 Sep 2016
This doesn't help the OP (sorry obstac) who's using R2008a, but the same calculation using datetime:
>> t1 = datetime('13-Sep-2016 16:00:49')
t1 =
13-Sep-2016 16:00:49
>> t2 = datetime('13-Sep-2016 20:00:14')
t2 =
13-Sep-2016 20:00:14
>> time_diff = t2 - t1
time_diff =
>> [h,m,s] = hms(time_diff)
h =
m =
s =


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