A simple issue with legend

11 views (last 30 days)
Mohammad Shojaei Arani
Mohammad Shojaei Arani on 17 Nov 2023
I have a really simple question. To my surprise, I am could not help it (I have no idea !!!). When I type
x1=linspace(0,2*pi,1000);y1=sin(x1);y2=cos(x1);h1=plot(x1,y1,'-k');hold on;
plot(x1,0.*x1,'-k');hold on;h2=plot(x1,y2,'-k');legend([h1 h2],{'a','b'});
Then I get the following error message
Invalid argument. Type 'help legend' for more information.
I tried legend([h1 h2],['a','b']); which also does not work.
Sorry to bother you for this, thanks in advance!
Mohammad Shojaei Arani
Mohammad Shojaei Arani on 17 Nov 2023
I do not know but when I used your code lines it works. I hues perhaps I forgot to use 'hold on', so maybe the error message is not about legend.
Thanks a lot!
Mohammad Shojaei Arani
Mohammad Shojaei Arani on 17 Nov 2023
Hello Star, Thanks.
Dyuman solved the problem. I explain the problem. If you type
x1=linspace(0,2*pi,1000);y1=sin(x1);y2=cos(x1);h1=plot(x1,y1,'-k');h2=plot(x1,y2,'-k');legend([h1 h2],'a','b');
then you get the following error message:
Error using legend
Invalid argument. Type 'help legend' for more information.
The problem has nothing to do with 'legend'. The problem is that after the first plot, I forgot to add 'hold on'. But, since the error message was very irrelevant I got confused.
Thanks a lot!

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