Solution Plot of the Constant Harvesting Function with Directional Field

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I'm trying to plot solutions along with the directional field as in the image given below, of the constant harvesting model given by
dP/dt = r*P(1 - (P/M)) - h , P(0) =p0 , where r = 0.8, M = 8000 and h = 0 in this particular case.
I attempted using the following code, which does not result in something as in the image given below. I would appreciate your help with making the graph looks like as in the image above.
% Constant Harvesting Model
% Parameters
r = 0.8; % Intrinsic growth rate
K = 8000; % Carrying capacity
% Define the system of differential equations
dN_dt = @(N) r * N .* (1 - N/K);
% Define the range of values for N and t
N_range = 0:2000:14000;
t_range = 0:5:20;
% Create a grid of N and t values
[N, t] = meshgrid(N_range, t_range);
% Compute the rate of change of N at each point on the grid
dN = dN_dt(N);
% Create a figure
hold on;
% Plot the directional field
quiver(t, N, ones(size(dN)), dN, 'k');
% Set plot properties
title('Constant Harvesting Model');
legend('Directional Field');
grid on;
% Invert the t-axis
set(gca, 'XDir', 'reverse');
% Display the figure
hold off;

Answers (1)

Sam Chak
Sam Chak on 4 Jun 2023
I'm unsure, but I think that it was the quiver scaling issue when the carrying capacity K is too large (on the Y-axis), compared to the time scale (on the X-axis). One workaround is to rescale on the Y-axis, and in your case, it is related to the value K.
r = 0.8;
K = 8000/1000;
[T, N] = meshgrid(0:20/14:20, 0:K/14:K);
S = r*N.*(1 - N/K);
L = sqrt(1 + S.^2);
U = 1./L;
V = S./L;
quiver(T, N, U, V, 0.3)
axis square
hold on
% differential equation
f = @(T, N) r*N.*(1 - N/K);
tspan = 0:0.01:20;
init = 10/1000;
[T, N] = ode45(f, tspan, init);
plot(T, N, 'r', 'linewidth', 1.5)
hold off
grid on
xlabel({'$t$'}, 'Interpreter', 'latex')
ylabel({'$N(t), \quad (\times 1000)$'}, 'Interpreter', 'latex')


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