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TimeControl (ThingSpeak) stopped running

8 views (last 30 days)
I have a TimeControl to trigger Matlab Analysis that fetches some external data to write to my ThingSpeak channels. It has been working just fine, until around May 6 2023 11:30AM UTC when it stopped working all of a sudden.
I could see in my Matlab Analysis that it Timed out. I fixed the issue in the Analysis. It ran just fine (manually). But when I set it up to be triggered from the TimeControl, it didn't work, even if I changed the frequency or made it a one-time thing. I even removed the TimeControl and made a new one but still nothing works. The Last Ran field remains empty even after the supposed trigger time.
Can someone please look into this issue? Thank you very much in advance.
Perky Whale
Perky Whale on 8 May 2023
Edited: Perky Whale on 8 May 2023
Looks like it's up and running again as of about half an hour ago. 🤙
Vince Nguyen
Vince Nguyen on 8 May 2023
Cool, thanks! Waiting for an official explanation for why this happened

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Accepted Answer

Christopher Stapels
Christopher Stapels on 8 May 2023
TimeControls are working fine as of May 8 12:45 UTC. If you continue to see missing TimeControls, please comment here.
Christopher Stapels
Christopher Stapels on 16 Oct 2023
We should probably start a new thread for this.But Ill put a quick example here. If you get stuck, please start a new post. If you wanted to catch an error for example with the thingSpeakRead command, you could use the following.
Since you dont have acess to the code when its triggered by timeControl, in the catch part at the bottom, you could replace
with something like
thingSpeakWrite(channelId, ME.message,, 'WriteKey', writeKey);
that way the error message would get recorded to a channel.
thingSpeakRead(channelID, data, 'WriteKey', writeKey);
catch ME
I recently had an error form reading data and calculating the mean because in some instances, I didnt realize there wasnt any data to read and the code was failing. You might try wrapping the calculaiton part of your code in a try catch loop. It wont make the calculation fail, but it will make it so the code continues running even when it hits the error.
chris weedon
chris weedon on 18 Oct 2023
thanks it seems to be working, I'll keep an eye on it

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