I constructed a user interface using GUIDE under MATLAB 2014a. The user interface consists of a single axes object and a number of slider bars used to control the selection of data to be displayed. The actual code used to construct the display can be summarized as:
arrayForDisplay = ...
Starting my application under MATLAB 2014b, I can load data into my application and the display appears as normal. I can scroll through different selections of the data using my slider bars as normal. However, if I try to place a data cursor on the axes object displaying my data, I receive a warning that appears as:
Warning: Error updating PointDataTip. Following is the chain of causes of the error:
Extent must be a real (1x2) double vector.
The requested data cursor does not appear. In addition, I observe the same error message when I use the "Zoom in" tool to zoom into and out of my data image.
This warning message does not refer to any particular line of code, so it is not so easy to see where to start looking for problems. Any suggestions? When searching for 'PointDataTip' on the MATLAB website, the single result which was returned was not helpful.