Final version:
%% Q10_SIR_model
clc; close all ; clear;
% time
tspan = 0:0.01:100;
% Initial Conditions (Suceptible, Infected, Recovered)
q0 = [99; 1; 0];
% Parameters
beta = 0.5; gamma = 20; delta = 0.4;
%% Model SIR
% Initial conditions as vector
p = [beta; gamma; delta];
[t, y] = ode45(@(t,q)fc_ode_SIR(t,q,p),tspan,q0);
%% Plot
plot(t, y); grid on;
title(sprintf('Model SIR mod: p = [%g %g %g].', p));
xlabel('t [dia]');
legend('Suceptible','Infected', 'Recovered', 'Location','Best');
y = y(:,3);%*N;
% figure(2);
plot(t, y); grid on;
title(sprintf('Model SIR mod: p = [%g %g %g].', p));
xlabel('t [dia]');
legend('Infected', 'Location','Best');
And the function:
%% fc_ode_SIR
function dq = fc_ode_SIR(~,q,p) % q = initial conditions (Suceptible, Infected, Recovered)
% p = parameter (beta, mi, ni, initial conditions)
beta = p(1); gamma = p(2); delta = p(3);
S = q(1); I = q(2); R = q(3);
% SIR Model
dS = -beta*S*I + delta*R;
dI = beta*S*I - gamma*I;
dR = gamma*I - delta*R;
% dS = beta*S*I + delta*I; % Note changes here
% dI = beta*S*I - gamma*I - delta*I; % and here
% dR = gamma*I;
dq = [dS;
And the output:

Thanks all for your help!