butterworth filter gain higher than zero

9 views (last 30 days)
Matlab R2021b
fs = 30000; %sampling freq
n = 10; %order
Wn_Low = 3000;
Wn_High = 300;
[a,b,c] = butter(n, Wn_Low/fn, 'low');
[soslow,glow] = zp2sos(a,b,c);
fvtool(soslow, Analysis="freq")
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[d,e,f] = butter(n, Wn_High/fn, 'high');
[soshigh,ghigh] = zp2sos(d,e,f);
fvtool(soshigh, Analysis="freq")
Running these codes, which is sos filter, at low pass filter, the gain (db) of the filter at 0~0.2 (normalized) is much higher than zero (above 100).
Running high pass filter, it also shows higher than zero (about 1).
Could you help us to solve this problem?
(This phenomena happens even though when we lowered the filter order 'n')
However, when using Tf filter code (same parameters used at sos),
fs = 30000; %sampling freq
n = 10; %order
Wn_Low = 3000;
Wn_High = 300;
[p,q] = butter(n, Wn_Low/fn, 'low');
fvtool(p,q, Analysis="freq")
[r,s] = butter(n, Wn_High/fn, 'high');
fvtool(r,s, Analysis="freq")
the gain was all below zero...
Thanks in advance!

Accepted Answer

Star Strider
Star Strider on 14 Aug 2022
The problem is that the plots provided by either fvtool or freqz do not use the scaling factor (‘glow’ here).
Plot them separately and incorporate that, and it works correctly —
fs = 30000; %sampling freq
n = 10; %order
Wn_Low = 3000;
Wn_High = 300;
[a,b,c] = butter(n, Wn_Low/fn, 'low');
[soslow,glow] = zp2sos(a,b,c);
[h,fv] = freqz(soslow, 2^16, fs);
plot(fv, mag2db(abs(h)*glow)) % Multiply By 'g'
xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')
ylabel('Magnitude (dB)')
plot(fv, rad2deg(unwrap(angle(h))))
xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')
ylabel('Phase (degrees)')
The approach in your code is correct, and preferred over the transfer function realisation. It is simply necessary to adjust the plots provided by freqz to get the correct result.

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