How to do Taylor expansion without commands?

9 views (last 30 days)
I want to solve e^x with Taylor series, this is what I have, but I need to replace "factorial"
n = input('ingrese valor de n ');
x = input('ingrese valor de x ');
for i= 0:q
w= w + (x.^i)./factorial(n)
  1 Comment
Sam Chak
Sam Chak on 12 Jul 2022
Edited: Sam Chak on 12 Jul 2022
What is Taylor series? Can you show the formula for the Taylor series of exp(x)?
Once you have the formula of nth order, then I guess the rest will be straightforward, without using command, factorial, and loops.
There must be an integer limit to the nth order that the user can input, isn't it?

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Accepted Answer

KSSV on 12 Jul 2022
Check the formula for exp(x), you made few mistakes....
n = input('ingrese valor de n ');
x = input('ingrese valor de x ');
s = 0 ;
for i = 0:n
s = s+x^i/myfactorial(i) ;
% Check with inbuilt exp
[s exp(x)]
% function for factorial
function a = myfactorial(b)
a = 1 ;
for i = 1:b
a = a*i ;
Yulissa Gallardo
Yulissa Gallardo on 12 Jul 2022
oooh, I think I understand now, thanks a lot!
KSSV on 12 Jul 2022
Thanks is accepting/ voting the answer. :)

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