Frequently Asked Questions

General MathWorks Account Information

Can I use someone else's MathWorks Account?

No. You should only use your own MathWorks Account. These accounts are not transferable. Anyone can create a MathWorks Account in just a few minutes.

Do I need to provide my MathWorks Account to get technical support?

No, your MathWorks Account is not required to receive technical support. We recommend, however, that you provide your email address to expedite your inquiry.

Before submitting a technical support request, search MATLAB Answers and MATLAB documentation. MATLAB Answers provides the same information that our technical support engineers use to answer your questions.

If I have more than one MathWorks Account, how do I consolidate them?

To consolidate more than one MathWorks Account, send email to Provide all of your MathWorks Account email addresses and let us know which one you would like to keep.

Do I need a MathWorks Account to view bug reports?

You can search for bug reports without a MathWorks Account. To view the details of a report or to see the status of bugs in a particular release, you will need a MathWorks Account. To learn more about Bug Reports, view the Bug Reports FAQ.

What are the requirements for a MathWorks Account password?

A MathWorks Account password requires at least eight characters, with at least one upper-case letter, at least one lower case letter, and one number. Spaces are not allowed. Use of special characters, such as ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~, are supported.

Email Verification

Why do I need to verify my email address?

Verifying your email address ensures that you will always have a way to access to your account. If you lose access for any reason, MathWorks will use your email address to verify your identity. We will also use your email address to notify you of important information regarding products and services or your account.

What if I didn't get the verification email?

If you did not get the email, check that you supplied the correct email address. If not, update your MathWorks Account. Also, check your spam filter or talk to your email administrator if you cannot check it. If you sign in, you can request that MathWorks send you the email again.

What happens if I don't verify my email address?

If you do not verify your email address, you cannot install, activate, or download software, or take advantage of using

Why am I being asked to verify my email address again?

To make sure you are eligible to continue to use a license linked to your account, you may be asked to verify your email address periodically.

Professional Software Users

If I change companies, do I need to create a new MathWorks Account?

No. Your MathWorks Account stays with you even if you change companies. Please advise us of your address change by editing your profile.

When I buy MATLAB, do I automatically receive a MathWorks Account?

A MathWorks Account is created automatically and sent to the administrator on a new license if that person doesn't already have an account. Additional users of that license may create an account for themselves and link the license during that process.

How do I link my MathWorks Account with a license?

To link a license to your MathWorks Account, you need a valid activation key (obtained from your license administrator) or license number (accessible from the MATLAB® command line by typing "license").

If you do not have a MathWorks Account, create an account and link a license at that time. If you have a standard or education license, use your work or school email address in your MathWorks Account.

If you already have a MathWorks Account:

  1. Sign in to your MathWorks Account.
  2. In the License Center, click + License.
  3. Enter a valid activation key or license number.
  4. Click Submit.

Student Software Users

Can I manage my student software products from the same MathWorks Account as my other software licenses?

In some circumstances, you can manage products for student and other software licenses from a single MathWorks Account.

  • You can use a single MathWorks Account to manage products for student, education, and home licenses.
  • You cannot use a single MathWorks Account to manage products for standard and student licenses. You must use a different MathWorks Account to manage products for standard licenses.
  • You can use any MathWorks Account to manage products for home licenses.