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Supported MATLAB Runtime Versions

Each release of MATLAB® Web App Server™ is designed to support a range of six MATLAB Runtime versions. This range starts from the MATLAB Runtime version tied to the current release of MATLAB Web App Server and extends to the previous five releases.

MATLAB Web App Server ReleaseMATLAB Runtime Version
MATLAB R2024aR2021bR2022aR2022bR2023aR2023bR2024a
MATLAB R2023bR2021aR2021bR2022aR2022bR2023aR2023b
MATLAB R2023aR2020bR2021aR2021bR2022aR2022bR2023a
MATLAB R2022bR2020aR2020bR2021aR2021bR2022aR2022b
MATLAB R2022aR2019bR2020aR2020bR2021aR2021bR2022a
MATLAB R2021b R2019bR2020aR2020bR2021aR2021b
MATLAB R2021a  R2019bR2020aR2020bR2021a
MATLAB R2020b   R2019bR2020aR2020b
MATLAB R2020a    R2019bR2020a

See Also

(MATLAB Compiler)

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