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Create triggers to activate other systems

Trigger actions within your Stateflow® chart or other Simulink® subsystems by using events. Trigger external actions by sending events to other charts in your Simulink model. For more information on sending events to the Schedule Editor to schedule the execution of aperiodic partitions, see Events in Schedule Editor (Simulink).


Sequence ViewerDisplay messages, events, states, transitions, and functions between blocks during simulation

Stateflow Syntax

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Event Generation

sendBroadcast message or event
changeGenerate implicit event when data changes value in Stateflow chart
enterGenerate implicit event when state becomes active
exitGenerate implicit event when state becomes inactive

Event-Based Temporal Logic

afterExecute chart after event broadcast or specified time
atExecute chart at event broadcast or specified time
beforeExecute chart before event broadcast or specified time
everyExecute chart at regular intervals
temporalCountNumber of events, chart executions, or time since state became active


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