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Class: slreq.Link
Namespace: slreq

Get link property values

Since R2020b


val = getAttribute(myLink,propertyName)


val = getAttribute(myLink,propertyName) returns the value of the link property, propertyName, for the link myLink. The property can be a built-in property, a custom attribute, or a stereotype property.


To return the value of a stereotype property, you must pass the fully qualified name of the property. For example, the fully qualified name for a property called Status in a stereotype called myStereotype in a profile called myProfile is myProfile.myStereotype.Status.

Input Arguments

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Link, specified as an slreq.Link object.

Link property name, specified as a string scalar or character vector.

Example: "Description"

Output Arguments

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Link property value, returned as a:

  • String scalar

  • Character array

  • boolean

  • datetime

  • single

  • double

  • int8

  • int16

  • int32

  • int64

  • uint8

  • uint16

  • uint32

  • uint64

  • enumeration

The data type depends on the type of the built-in property, custom attribute, or stereotype property.


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This example shows how to get the attribute value of a specified custom attribute for a link.

Load the crs_req requirement files, which contain links for a cruise control system. Find the link set.

ls = slreq.find('Type','LinkSet');

Create a links array containing all the links from link set ls. Get one link from the array. Get the attribute value of the custom attribute called Target Speed Change, which tracks whether linked requirements are related to incrementing or decrementing the speed.

linksArray = find(ls);
myLink = linksArray(7);
val = getAttribute(myLink,'Target Speed Change')
val = 


Clean up commands. Clear the open requirement sets and close the open models without saving the changes.

bdclose all;


  • To get property values for requirements, use the getAttribute method.

Version History

Introduced in R2020b