Preserve Variables in Generated Code
As you iteratively develop a model, you capture the values of signals and states that model execution generates. You also tune parameter values during execution to observe results on the signals and states. You can then base your design decisions upon analysis of these outputs. To access signal, state, and parameter data in a rapid prototyping environment, you can configure the generated code to store the data in addressable memory.
Depending on the system target file that you use (such as grt.tlc
), by
default, optimization settings can make the generated code more efficient by:
Eliminating unnecessary global and local storage for signals and some states.
However, the optimizations do not eliminate storage for root-level Inport and Outport blocks, which represent the primary inputs and outputs of a system. To access this data, you do not need to take optimizations into consideration.
Inlining the numeric values of block parameters. The code does not store the parameters in memory, so you cannot interact with the parameters during code execution.
To generate code that instead allocates addressable memory for this data, you can disable the optimizations, or override the optimizations by specifying code generation settings for individual data items.
Access Signal, State, and Parameter Data During Execution
As you iteratively develop a model, you capture output signal and state data that model execution generates. You also tune parameter values during execution to observe results on the outputs. You can then base your design decisions upon analysis of these outputs. To access this signal, state, and parameter data in a rapid prototyping environment, you can configure the generated code to store the data in addressable memory.
By default, optimization settings make the generated code more efficient by eliminating unnecessary signal storage and inlining the numeric values of block parameters. To generate code that instead allocates addressable memory for this data, you can disable the optimizations or specify code generation settings for individual data items.
Explore Example Model
Run a script that prepares the model ConfigurationRapidPrototypingInterface for this example.
This data is configured for code generation:
, andTable2
, andOut1
(delay) andmode
(data store memory write)
Open the example model, ConfigurationRapidPrototypingInterface
The model loads numeric MATLAB® variables into the model workspace. The workspace variables set some block parameters in the model. However, the Gain block in the model uses the literal value 2.
Disable Optimizations
1. In the model, clear the model configuration parameter Signal storage reuse. When you clear this optimization and other optimizations such as Eliminate superfluous local variables (expression folding), the generated code allocates memory for signal lines. Clearing Signal storage reuse disables most of the other optimizations.
2. Set the model configuration parameter Default parameter behavior to Tunable
. When set to Tunable
, this configuration parameter causes the generated code to allocate memory for block parameters and workspace variables.
3. Generate code.
### Starting build procedure for: ConfigurationRapidPrototypingInterface ### Successful completion of build procedure for: ConfigurationRapidPrototypingInterface Build Summary Top model targets: Model Build Reason Status Build Duration ========================================================================================================================================= ConfigurationRapidPrototypingInterface Information cache folder or artifacts were missing. Code generated and compiled. 0h 0m 26.871s 1 of 1 models built (0 models already up to date) Build duration: 0h 0m 30.822s
4. In the code generation report, view the file ConfigurationRapidPrototypingInterface.h
. This header file defines a structure type that contains signal data. The structure contains fields that each represent a signal line in the model. For example, the output signal of the Gain block, whose name is Gain
, appears as the field Gain
file = fullfile('ConfigurationRapidPrototypingInterface_grt_rtw','ConfigurationRapidPrototypingInterface.h'); coder.example.extractLines(file,'/* Block signals (default storage) */',... 'B_ConfigurationRapidPrototypingInterface_T;',1,1)
/* Block signals (default storage) */ typedef struct { real_T Delay; /* '<Root>/Delay' */ real_T Table2; /* '<Root>/Table2' */ real_T Table1; /* '<Root>/Table1' */ real_T Gain; /* '<Root>/Gain' */ boolean_T RelOp1; /* '<Root>/RelOp1' */ boolean_T RelOp2; /* '<Root>/RelOp2' */ boolean_T LogOp; /* '<Root>/LogOp' */ boolean_T DataStoreRead; /* '<Root>/Data Store Read' */ } B_ConfigurationRapidPrototypi_T; /* Block states (default storage) for system '<Root>' */ typedef struct { real_T X; /* '<Root>/Delay' */ } DW_ConfigurationRapidPrototyp_T; /* External inputs (root inport signals with default storage) */ typedef struct { real_T In1; /* '<Root>/In1' */ real_T input2; /* '<Root>/In2' */ real_T In3; /* '<Root>/In3' */ real_T In4; /* '<Root>/In4' */ } ExtU_ConfigurationRapidProtot_T; /* Parameters (default storage) */ struct P_ConfigurationRapidPrototypi_T_ { Table1_Type Table1; /* Variable: Table1 * Referenced by: '<Root>/Table1' */ Table2_Type Table2; /* Variable: Table2 * Referenced by: '<Root>/Table2' */ real_T LOWER; /* Variable: LOWER * Referenced by: '<Root>/Constant2' */ real_T UPPER; /* Variable: UPPER * Referenced by: '<Root>/Constant1' */ real_T Gain_Gain; /* Expression: 2 * Referenced by: '<Root>/Gain' */ real_T Delay_InitialCondition; /* Expression: 0 * Referenced by: '<Root>/Delay' */ uint32_T Table2_maxIndex[2]; /* Computed Parameter: Table2_maxIndex * Referenced by: '<Root>/Table2' */ boolean_T DataStoreMemory_InitialValue; /* Computed Parameter: DataStoreMemory_InitialValue * Referenced by: '<Root>/Data Store Memory' */ }; /* Real-time Model Data Structure */ struct tag_RTM_ConfigurationRapidPro_T { const char_T *errorStatus; }; /* Block parameters (default storage) */ extern P_ConfigurationRapidPrototypi_T ConfigurationRapidPrototyping_P; /* Block signals (default storage) */ extern B_ConfigurationRapidPrototypi_T ConfigurationRapidPrototyping_B; /* Block states (default storage) */ extern DW_ConfigurationRapidPrototyp_T ConfigurationRapidPrototypin_DW; /* External inputs (root inport signals with default storage) */ extern ExtU_ConfigurationRapidProtot_T ConfigurationRapidPrototyping_U; /* * Exported States * * Note: Exported states are block states with an exported global * storage class designation. Code generation will declare the memory for these * states and exports their symbols. * */ extern boolean_T mode; /* '<Root>/Data Store Memory' */ /* Model entry point functions */ extern void ConfigurationRapidPrototypingInterface_initialize(void); extern void ConfigurationRapidPrototypingInterface_step(void); extern void ConfigurationRapidPrototypingInterface_terminate(void); /* Exported data declaration */ /* Data with Exported storage */ extern real_T output; /* '<Root>/Out1' */ /* Real-time Model object */ extern RT_MODEL_ConfigurationRapidPr_T *const ConfigurationRapidPrototypin_M; /*- * The generated code includes comments that allow you to trace directly * back to the appropriate location in the model. The basic format * is <system>/block_name, where system is the system number (uniquely * assigned by Simulink) and block_name is the name of the block. * * Use the MATLAB hilite_system command to trace the generated code back * to the model. For example, * * hilite_system('<S3>') - opens system 3 * hilite_system('<S3>/Kp') - opens and selects block Kp which resides in S3 * * Here is the system hierarchy for this model * * '<Root>' : 'ConfigurationRapidPrototypingInterface' */ #endif /* ConfigurationRapidPrototypingInterface_h_ */
The file defines a structure type that contains block parameter data. For example, the Gain parameter of the Gain block appears as the field Gain_Gain
. The other fields of the structure represent other block parameters and workspace variables from the model, including initial conditions for signals and states.
coder.example.extractLines(file,'/* Parameters (default storage) */',... '/* Real-time Model Data Structure */',1,0)
/* Parameters (default storage) */ struct P_ConfigurationRapidPrototypi_T_ { Table1_Type Table1; /* Variable: Table1 * Referenced by: '<Root>/Table1' */ Table2_Type Table2; /* Variable: Table2 * Referenced by: '<Root>/Table2' */ real_T LOWER; /* Variable: LOWER * Referenced by: '<Root>/Constant2' */ real_T UPPER; /* Variable: UPPER * Referenced by: '<Root>/Constant1' */ real_T Gain_Gain; /* Expression: 2 * Referenced by: '<Root>/Gain' */ real_T Delay_InitialCondition; /* Expression: 0 * Referenced by: '<Root>/Delay' */ uint32_T Table2_maxIndex[2]; /* Computed Parameter: Table2_maxIndex * Referenced by: '<Root>/Table2' */ boolean_T DataStoreMemory_InitialValue; /* Computed Parameter: DataStoreMemory_InitialValue * Referenced by: '<Root>/Data Store Memory' */ };
5. View the file ConfigurationRapidPrototypingInterface_data.c
. This source file allocates global memory for a parameter structure and initializes the field values based on the parameter values in the model.
6. View the source file ConfigurationRapidPrototypingInterface.c
. The code allocates global memory for a structure variable that contains signal data.
file = fullfile('ConfigurationRapidPrototypingInterface_grt_rtw','ConfigurationRapidPrototypingInterface.c'); coder.example.extractLines(file,'/* Block signals (default storage) */',... 'B_ConfigurationRapidPrototypingInterface_T ConfigurationRapidPrototypingInterface_B;',1,1)
/* Block signals (default storage) */ B_ConfigurationRapidPrototypi_T ConfigurationRapidPrototyping_B; /* Block states (default storage) */ DW_ConfigurationRapidPrototyp_T ConfigurationRapidPrototypin_DW; /* External inputs (root inport signals with default storage) */ ExtU_ConfigurationRapidProtot_T ConfigurationRapidPrototyping_U; /* Real-time model */ static RT_MODEL_ConfigurationRapidPr_T ConfigurationRapidPrototypin_M_; RT_MODEL_ConfigurationRapidPr_T *const ConfigurationRapidPrototypin_M = &ConfigurationRapidPrototypin_M_; /* Model step function */ void ConfigurationRapidPrototypingInterface_step(void) { /* RelationalOperator: '<Root>/RelOp1' incorporates: * Constant: '<Root>/Constant1' * Inport: '<Root>/In1' */ ConfigurationRapidPrototyping_B.RelOp1 = (ConfigurationRapidPrototyping_U.In1 > ConfigurationRapidPrototyping_P.UPPER); /* RelationalOperator: '<Root>/RelOp2' incorporates: * Constant: '<Root>/Constant2' * Inport: '<Root>/In1' */ ConfigurationRapidPrototyping_B.RelOp2 = (ConfigurationRapidPrototyping_U.In1 < ConfigurationRapidPrototyping_P.LOWER); /* Logic: '<Root>/LogOp' */ ConfigurationRapidPrototyping_B.LogOp = (ConfigurationRapidPrototyping_B.RelOp1 || ConfigurationRapidPrototyping_B.RelOp2); /* DataStoreWrite: '<Root>/Data Store Write' */ mode = ConfigurationRapidPrototyping_B.LogOp; /* DataStoreRead: '<Root>/Data Store Read' */ ConfigurationRapidPrototyping_B.DataStoreRead = mode; /* UnitDelay: '<Root>/Delay' */ ConfigurationRapidPrototyping_B.Delay = ConfigurationRapidPrototypin_DW.X; /* Switch: '<Root>/Switch' */ if (ConfigurationRapidPrototyping_B.DataStoreRead) { /* Lookup_n-D: '<Root>/Table1' incorporates: * Inport: '<Root>/In2' */ ConfigurationRapidPrototyping_B.Table1 = look1_binlc (ConfigurationRapidPrototyping_U.input2, ConfigurationRapidPrototyping_P.Table1.BP, ConfigurationRapidPrototyping_P.Table1.Table, 10U); /* Gain: '<Root>/Gain' */ ConfigurationRapidPrototyping_B.Gain = ConfigurationRapidPrototyping_P.Gain_Gain * ConfigurationRapidPrototyping_B.Table1; /* Outport: '<Root>/Out1' */ output = ConfigurationRapidPrototyping_B.Gain; } else { /* Outport: '<Root>/Out1' */ output = ConfigurationRapidPrototyping_B.Delay; } /* End of Switch: '<Root>/Switch' */ /* Lookup_n-D: '<Root>/Table2' incorporates: * Inport: '<Root>/In3' * Inport: '<Root>/In4' */ ConfigurationRapidPrototyping_B.Table2 = look2_binlc (ConfigurationRapidPrototyping_U.In3, ConfigurationRapidPrototyping_U.In4, ConfigurationRapidPrototyping_P.Table2.BP1, ConfigurationRapidPrototyping_P.Table2.BP2, ConfigurationRapidPrototyping_P.Table2.Table, ConfigurationRapidPrototyping_P.Table2_maxIndex, 3U); /* Update for UnitDelay: '<Root>/Delay' */ ConfigurationRapidPrototypin_DW.X = ConfigurationRapidPrototyping_B.Table2; } /* Model initialize function */ void ConfigurationRapidPrototypingInterface_initialize(void) { /* Registration code */ /* initialize error status */ rtmSetErrorStatus(ConfigurationRapidPrototypin_M, (NULL)); /* block I/O */ (void) memset(((void *) &ConfigurationRapidPrototyping_B), 0, sizeof(B_ConfigurationRapidPrototypi_T)); /* Storage classes */ output = 0.0; /* states (dwork) */ (void) memset((void *)&ConfigurationRapidPrototypin_DW, 0, sizeof(DW_ConfigurationRapidPrototyp_T)); /* exported global states */ mode = false; /* external inputs */ (void)memset(&ConfigurationRapidPrototyping_U, 0, sizeof (ExtU_ConfigurationRapidProtot_T)); /* Start for DataStoreMemory: '<Root>/Data Store Memory' */ mode = ConfigurationRapidPrototyping_P.DataStoreMemory_InitialValue; /* InitializeConditions for UnitDelay: '<Root>/Delay' */ ConfigurationRapidPrototypin_DW.X = ConfigurationRapidPrototyping_P.Delay_InitialCondition; } /* Model terminate function */ void ConfigurationRapidPrototypingInterface_terminate(void) { /* (no terminate code required) */ }
The code algorithm in the model step
function calculates the signal values. It then assigns these values to the fields of the signal structure. To perform the calculations, the algorithm uses the parameter values from the fields of the parameter structure.
Exclude Data Items from Optimizations
When you want to select code generation optimizations such as Signal storage reuse, you can preserve individual data items from the optimizations. The generated code then allocates addressable memory for the items.
Select the optimizations that you previously cleared.
set_param('ConfigurationRapidPrototypingInterface','OptimizeBlockIOStorage','on') set_param('ConfigurationRapidPrototypingInterface','LocalBlockOutputs','on') set_param('ConfigurationRapidPrototypingInterface','DefaultParameterBehavior','Inlined')
1. In the C Code tab, select Code Interface > Individual Element Code Mappings.
2. In the Code Mappings editor, inspect the Signals/States tab.
3. In the model, select the output signal of the Gain block.
4. Pause on the ellipsis that appears above or below the signal line to open the action bar. Click the Add Signal button. In the Code Mappings editor, the Signals node expands and lists the signal that you added.
cm = coder.mapping.api.get('ConfigurationRapidPrototypingInterface'); gain_ports = get_param('ConfigurationRapidPrototypingInterface/Gain','PortHandles'); gain_outPort = gain_ports.Outport; addSignal(cm,gain_outPort);
5. Apply the default storage class for Outports to the signal by setting Storage Class to Model default
setSignal(cm,gain_outPort,'StorageClass','Model default','Identifier','Gain');
6. In the model, select the Gain block.
7. In the Property Inspector, set the gain value to the model workspace parameter object K1
8. In the Code Mappings editor, on the Parameters tab, expand Model Parameters.
9. Select parameter K1
. Apply a storage class other than Auto
by setting Storage class. For example, use the storage class Model default
. By using Model default
, K1
acquires the default storage class specified for model parameters, Default
, and appears as a field of the global parameters structure.
set_param('ConfigurationRapidPrototypingInterface/Gain','Gain','K1'); setModelParameter(cm,'K1','StorageClass','Model default');
10. Generate code.
### Starting build procedure for: ConfigurationRapidPrototypingInterface ### Successful completion of build procedure for: ConfigurationRapidPrototypingInterface Build Summary Top model targets: Model Build Reason Status Build Duration ===================================================================================================================== ConfigurationRapidPrototypingInterface Generated code was out of date. Code generated and compiled. 0h 0m 12.199s 1 of 1 models built (0 models already up to date) Build duration: 0h 0m 13.755s
11. In the code generation report, view the file ConfigurationRapidPrototypingInterface.h
. The structure that contains signal data now defines only one field, Gain
, which represents the test-pointed output of the Gain block.
file = fullfile('ConfigurationRapidPrototypingInterface_grt_rtw','ConfigurationRapidPrototypingInterface.h'); coder.example.extractLines(file,'/* Block signals (default storage) */',... 'B_ConfigurationRapidPrototypingInterface_T;',1,1)
/* Block signals (default storage) */ typedef struct { real_T Gain; /* '<Root>/Gain' */ } B_ConfigurationRapidPrototypi_T; /* Block states (default storage) for system '<Root>' */ typedef struct { real_T X; /* '<Root>/Delay' */ } DW_ConfigurationRapidPrototyp_T; /* External inputs (root inport signals with default storage) */ typedef struct { real_T In1; /* '<Root>/In1' */ real_T input2; /* '<Root>/In2' */ real_T In3; /* '<Root>/In3' */ real_T In4; /* '<Root>/In4' */ } ExtU_ConfigurationRapidProtot_T; /* Parameters (default storage) */ struct P_ConfigurationRapidPrototypi_T_ { int8_T K1; /* Variable: K1 * Referenced by: '<Root>/Gain' */ }; /* Real-time Model Data Structure */ struct tag_RTM_ConfigurationRapidPro_T { const char_T *errorStatus; }; /* Block parameters (default storage) */ extern P_ConfigurationRapidPrototypi_T ConfigurationRapidPrototyping_P; /* Block signals (default storage) */ extern B_ConfigurationRapidPrototypi_T ConfigurationRapidPrototyping_B; /* Block states (default storage) */ extern DW_ConfigurationRapidPrototyp_T ConfigurationRapidPrototypin_DW; /* External inputs (root inport signals with default storage) */ extern ExtU_ConfigurationRapidProtot_T ConfigurationRapidPrototyping_U; /* * Exported States * * Note: Exported states are block states with an exported global * storage class designation. Code generation will declare the memory for these * states and exports their symbols. * */ extern boolean_T mode; /* '<Root>/Data Store Memory' */ /* Model entry point functions */ extern void ConfigurationRapidPrototypingInterface_initialize(void); extern void ConfigurationRapidPrototypingInterface_step(void); extern void ConfigurationRapidPrototypingInterface_terminate(void); /* Exported data declaration */ /* Data with Exported storage */ extern real_T output; /* '<Root>/Out1' */ /* Real-time Model object */ extern RT_MODEL_ConfigurationRapidPr_T *const ConfigurationRapidPrototypin_M; /*- * The generated code includes comments that allow you to trace directly * back to the appropriate location in the model. The basic format * is <system>/block_name, where system is the system number (uniquely * assigned by Simulink) and block_name is the name of the block. * * Use the MATLAB hilite_system command to trace the generated code back * to the model. For example, * * hilite_system('<S3>') - opens system 3 * hilite_system('<S3>/Kp') - opens and selects block Kp which resides in S3 * * Here is the system hierarchy for this model * * '<Root>' : 'ConfigurationRapidPrototypingInterface' */ #endif /* ConfigurationRapidPrototypingInterface_h_ */
The structure that contains block parameter data defines one field, K1
, which represents the parameter object K1
coder.example.extractLines(file,'/* Parameters (default storage) */',... '/* Real-time Model Data Structure */',1,0)
/* Parameters (default storage) */ struct P_ConfigurationRapidPrototypi_T_ { int8_T K1; /* Variable: K1 * Referenced by: '<Root>/Gain' */ };
Access Data Through Generated Interfaces
You can configure the generated code to contain extra code and files so that you can access model data through standardized interfaces. For example, use the C API to log signal data and tune parameters during execution.
Copy this custom source code into a file named ex_myHandCode.c
in your current folder.
#include "ex_myHandHdr.h" #define paramIdx 0 /* Index of the target parameter, determined by inspecting the array of structures generated by the C API. */ #define sigIdx 0 /* Index of the target signal, determined by inspecting the array of structures generated by the C API. */ void tuneFcn(rtwCAPI_ModelMappingInfo *mmi, time_T *tPtr) { /* Take action with the parameter value only at the beginning of simulation and at the 5-second mark. */ if (*tPtr == 0 || *tPtr == 5) { /* Local variables to store information extracted from the model mapping information (mmi). */ void** dataAddrMap; const rtwCAPI_DataTypeMap *dataTypeMap; const rtwCAPI_ModelParameters *params; int_T addrIdx; uint16_T dTypeIdx; uint8_T slDataType; /* Use built-in C API macros to extract information. */ dataAddrMap = rtwCAPI_GetDataAddressMap(mmi); dataTypeMap = rtwCAPI_GetDataTypeMap(mmi); params = rtwCAPI_GetModelParameters(mmi); addrIdx = rtwCAPI_GetModelParameterAddrIdx(params,paramIdx); dTypeIdx = rtwCAPI_GetModelParameterDataTypeIdx(params,paramIdx); slDataType = rtwCAPI_GetDataTypeSLId(dataTypeMap, dTypeIdx); /* Handle data types 'double' and 'int8'. */ switch (slDataType) { case SS_DOUBLE: { real_T* dataAddress; dataAddress = dataAddrMap[addrIdx]; /* At the 5-second mark, increment the parameter value by 1. */ if (*tPtr == 5) { (*dataAddress)++; } printf("Parameter value is %f\n", *dataAddress); break; } case SS_INT8: { int8_T* dataAddress; dataAddress = dataAddrMap[addrIdx]; if (*tPtr == 5) { (*dataAddress)++; } printf("Parameter value is %i\n", *dataAddress); break; } } } } void logFcn(rtwCAPI_ModelMappingInfo *mmi, time_T *tPtr) { /* Take action with the signal value only when the simulation time is an integer value. */ if (*tPtr-(int_T)*tPtr == 0) { /* Local variables to store information extracted from the model mapping information (mmi). */ void** dataAddrMap; const rtwCAPI_DataTypeMap *dataTypeMap; const rtwCAPI_Signals *sigs; int_T addrIdx; uint16_T dTypeIdx; uint8_T slDataType; /* Use built-in C API macros to extract information. */ dataAddrMap = rtwCAPI_GetDataAddressMap(mmi); dataTypeMap = rtwCAPI_GetDataTypeMap(mmi); sigs = rtwCAPI_GetSignals(mmi); addrIdx = rtwCAPI_GetSignalAddrIdx(sigs,sigIdx); dTypeIdx = rtwCAPI_GetSignalDataTypeIdx(sigs,sigIdx); slDataType = rtwCAPI_GetDataTypeSLId(dataTypeMap, dTypeIdx); /* Handle data types 'double' and 'single'. */ switch (slDataType) { case SS_DOUBLE: { real_T* dataAddress; dataAddress = dataAddrMap[addrIdx]; printf("Signal value is %f\n", *dataAddress); break; } case SS_SINGLE: { real32_T* dataAddress; dataAddress = dataAddrMap[addrIdx]; printf("Signal value is %f\n", *dataAddress); break; } } } }
2. Copy this custom header code into a file named ex_myHandHdr.h
in your current folder.
#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <math.h> /* Include rtw_modelmap.h for definitions of C API macros. */ #include "rtw_modelmap.h" #include "builtin_typeid_types.h" #include "rtwtypes.h" void tuneFcn(rtwCAPI_ModelMappingInfo *mmi, time_T *tPtr); void logFcn(rtwCAPI_ModelMappingInfo *mmi, time_T *tPtr);
These files use the C API to access signal and parameter data in the code that you generate from the example model.
3. Set model configuration parameters Include headers and Source files to #include "ex_myHandHdr.h"
and ex_myHandCode.c
, respectively.
set_param('ConfigurationRapidPrototypingInterface','CustomHeaderCode','#include "ex_myHandHdr.h"') set_param('ConfigurationRapidPrototypingInterface','CustomSource','ex_myHandCode.c')
4. Select model configuration parameter MAT-file Logging. The generated executable runs only until the simulation stop time (which you set in the model configuration parameters).
5. Select C API model configuration parameters parameters, signals, states, and root-level I/O.
set_param('ConfigurationRapidPrototypingInterface','RTWCAPIParams','on') set_param('ConfigurationRapidPrototypingInterface','RTWCAPISignals','on') set_param('ConfigurationRapidPrototypingInterface','RTWCAPIStates','on') set_param('ConfigurationRapidPrototypingInterface','RTWCAPIRootIO','on')
6. Load the Custom Code block library.
7. Add a System Outputs block to the model.
add_block('custcode/System Outputs','ConfigurationRapidPrototypingInterface/System Outputs')
8. In the System Outputs block dialog box, set System Outputs Function Execution Code to this code:
{ ConfigurationRapidPrototypingInterface_U.input2++; rtwCAPI_ModelMappingInfo *MMI = &(rtmGetDataMapInfo(ConfigurationRapidPrototypingInterface_M).mmi); tuneFcn(MMI, rtmGetTPtr(ConfigurationRapidPrototypingInterface_M)); }
9. In the block dialog box, set System Outputs Function Exit Code to this code:
{ rtwCAPI_ModelMappingInfo *MMI = &(rtmGetDataMapInfo(ConfigurationRapidPrototypingInterface_M).mmi); logFcn(MMI, rtmGetTPtr(ConfigurationRapidPrototypingInterface_M)); }
Alternatively, to configure the System Outputs block, at the command prompt, use these commands:
temp.TLCFile = 'custcode'; temp.Location = 'System Outputs Function'; temp.Middle = sprintf(['{\nConfigurationRapidPrototyping_U.input2++;'... '\nrtwCAPI_ModelMappingInfo *MMI = '... '&(rtmGetDataMapInfo(ConfigurationRapidPrototypingInterface_M).mmi);'... '\ntuneFcn(MMI, rtmGetTPtr(ConfigurationRapidPrototypingInterface_M));\n}']); temp.Bottom = sprintf(['{\nrtwCAPI_ModelMappingInfo *MMI = '... '&(rtmGetDataMapInfo(ConfigurationRapidPrototypingInterface_M).mmi);'... '\nlogFcn(MMI, rtmGetTPtr(ConfigurationRapidPrototypingInterface_M));\n}']); set_param('ConfigurationRapidPrototypingInterface/System Outputs','RTWdata',temp)
10. Generate code.
### Starting build procedure for: ConfigurationRapidPrototypingInterface ### Successful completion of build procedure for: ConfigurationRapidPrototypingInterface Build Summary Top model targets: Model Build Reason Status Build Duration ===================================================================================================================== ConfigurationRapidPrototypingInterface Generated code was out of date. Code generated and compiled. 0h 0m 15.533s 1 of 1 models built (0 models already up to date) Build duration: 0h 0m 17.122s
11. In the code generation report, view the interface file ConfigurationRapidPrototypingInterface_capi.c
. This file initializes the arrays of structures that you can use to interact with data items through the C API. For example, in the array of structures rtBlockSignals
, the first structure (index 0) describes the test-pointed output signal of the Gain block in the model.
file = fullfile('ConfigurationRapidPrototypingInterface_grt_rtw','ConfigurationRapidPrototypingInterface_capi.c'); coder.example.extractLines(file,'/* Block output signal information */',... '/* Individual block tuning',1,0)
/* Block output signal information */ static const rtwCAPI_Signals rtBlockSignals[] = { /* addrMapIndex, sysNum, blockPath, * signalName, portNumber, dataTypeIndex, dimIndex, fxpIndex, sTimeIndex */ { 0, 0, TARGET_STRING("ConfigurationRapidPrototypingInterface/Gain"), TARGET_STRING(""), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, (NULL), (NULL), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 } };
The fields of the structure, such as addrMapIndex
, indicate indices into other arrays of structures, such as rtDataAddrMap
, that describe the characteristics of the signal. These characteristics include the address of the signal data (a pointer to the data), the numeric data type, and the dimensions of the signal.
12. In the file ConfigurationRapidPrototypingInterface.c
, view the code algorithm in the model step
function. The algorithm first executes the code that you specified in the System Outputs block.
file = fullfile('ConfigurationRapidPrototypingInterface_grt_rtw','ConfigurationRapidPrototypingInterface.c'); coder.example.extractLines(file,'/* user code (Output function Body) */',... '/* Logic: ''<Root>/LogOp'' incorporates:',1,0)
/* user code (Output function Body) */ /* System '<Root>' */ { ConfigurationRapidPrototyping_U.input2++; rtwCAPI_ModelMappingInfo *MMI = &(rtmGetDataMapInfo (ConfigurationRapidPrototypingInterface_M).mmi); tuneFcn(MMI, rtmGetTPtr(ConfigurationRapidPrototypingInterface_M)); } /* DataStoreWrite: '<Root>/Data Store Write' incorporates: * Constant: '<Root>/Constant1' * Constant: '<Root>/Constant2' * Inport: '<Root>/In1' * Logic: '<Root>/LogOp' * RelationalOperator: '<Root>/RelOp1' * RelationalOperator: '<Root>/RelOp2' */ mode = ((ConfigurationRapidPrototyping_U.In1 > 10.0) || (ConfigurationRapidPrototyping_U.In1 < -10.0)); /* Gain: '<Root>/Gain' incorporates: * Inport: '<Root>/In2' * Lookup_n-D: '<Root>/Table1' */ ConfigurationRapidPrototyping_B.Gain = (real_T) ConfigurationRapidPrototyping_P.K1 * look1_binlc (ConfigurationRapidPrototyping_U.input2, rtCP_Table1_bp01Data, rtCP_Table1_tableData, 10U); /* Switch: '<Root>/Switch' incorporates: * DataStoreRead: '<Root>/Data Store Read' */ if (mode) { /* Outport: '<Root>/Out1' */ output = ConfigurationRapidPrototyping_B.Gain; } else { /* Outport: '<Root>/Out1' incorporates: * UnitDelay: '<Root>/Delay' */ output = ConfigurationRapidPrototypin_DW.X; } /* End of Switch: '<Root>/Switch' */ /* Lookup_n-D: '<Root>/Table2' incorporates: * Inport: '<Root>/In3' * Inport: '<Root>/In4' */ rtb_Table2 = look2_binlc(ConfigurationRapidPrototyping_U.In3, ConfigurationRapidPrototyping_U.In4, rtCP_Table2_bp01Data, rtCP_Table2_bp02Data, rtCP_Table2_tableData, rtCP_Table2_maxIndex, 3U); /* user code (Output function Trailer) */ /* System '<Root>' */ { rtwCAPI_ModelMappingInfo *MMI = &(rtmGetDataMapInfo (ConfigurationRapidPrototypingInterface_M).mmi); logFcn(MMI, rtmGetTPtr(ConfigurationRapidPrototypingInterface_M)); } /* Update for UnitDelay: '<Root>/Delay' */ ConfigurationRapidPrototypin_DW.X = rtb_Table2; /* Matfile logging */ rt_UpdateTXYLogVars(ConfigurationRapidPrototypin_M->rtwLogInfo, (&ConfigurationRapidPrototypin_M->Timing.taskTime0)); /* signal main to stop simulation */ { /* Sample time: [1.0s, 0.0s] */ if ((rtmGetTFinal(ConfigurationRapidPrototypin_M)!=-1) && !((rtmGetTFinal(ConfigurationRapidPrototypin_M)- ConfigurationRapidPrototypin_M->Timing.taskTime0) > ConfigurationRapidPrototypin_M->Timing.taskTime0 * (DBL_EPSILON))) { rtmSetErrorStatus(ConfigurationRapidPrototypin_M, "Simulation finished"); } } /* Update absolute time for base rate */ /* The "clockTick0" counts the number of times the code of this task has * been executed. The absolute time is the multiplication of "clockTick0" * and "Timing.stepSize0". Size of "clockTick0" ensures timer will not * overflow during the application lifespan selected. * Timer of this task consists of two 32 bit unsigned integers. * The two integers represent the low bits Timing.clockTick0 and the high bits * Timing.clockTickH0. When the low bit overflows to 0, the high bits increment. */ if (!(++ConfigurationRapidPrototypin_M->Timing.clockTick0)) { ++ConfigurationRapidPrototypin_M->Timing.clockTickH0; } ConfigurationRapidPrototypin_M->Timing.taskTime0 = ConfigurationRapidPrototypin_M->Timing.clockTick0 * ConfigurationRapidPrototypin_M->Timing.stepSize0 + ConfigurationRapidPrototypin_M->Timing.clockTickH0 * ConfigurationRapidPrototypin_M->Timing.stepSize0 * 4294967296.0; } /* Model initialize function */ void ConfigurationRapidPrototypingInterface_initialize(void) { /* Registration code */ /* initialize non-finites */ rt_InitInfAndNaN(sizeof(real_T)); /* initialize real-time model */ (void) memset((void *)ConfigurationRapidPrototypin_M, 0, sizeof(RT_MODEL_ConfigurationRapidPr_T)); rtmSetTFinal(ConfigurationRapidPrototypin_M, 10.0); ConfigurationRapidPrototypin_M->Timing.stepSize0 = 1.0; /* Setup for data logging */ { static RTWLogInfo rt_DataLoggingInfo; rt_DataLoggingInfo.loggingInterval = (NULL); ConfigurationRapidPrototypin_M->rtwLogInfo = &rt_DataLoggingInfo; } /* Setup for data logging */ { rtliSetLogXSignalInfo(ConfigurationRapidPrototypin_M->rtwLogInfo, (NULL)); rtliSetLogXSignalPtrs(ConfigurationRapidPrototypin_M->rtwLogInfo, (NULL)); rtliSetLogT(ConfigurationRapidPrototypin_M->rtwLogInfo, ""); rtliSetLogX(ConfigurationRapidPrototypin_M->rtwLogInfo, ""); rtliSetLogXFinal(ConfigurationRapidPrototypin_M->rtwLogInfo, ""); rtliSetLogVarNameModifier(ConfigurationRapidPrototypin_M->rtwLogInfo, "rt_"); rtliSetLogFormat(ConfigurationRapidPrototypin_M->rtwLogInfo, 0); rtliSetLogMaxRows(ConfigurationRapidPrototypin_M->rtwLogInfo, 1000); rtliSetLogDecimation(ConfigurationRapidPrototypin_M->rtwLogInfo, 1); rtliSetLogY(ConfigurationRapidPrototypin_M->rtwLogInfo, ""); rtliSetLogYSignalInfo(ConfigurationRapidPrototypin_M->rtwLogInfo, (NULL)); rtliSetLogYSignalPtrs(ConfigurationRapidPrototypin_M->rtwLogInfo, (NULL)); } /* block I/O */ (void) memset(((void *) &ConfigurationRapidPrototyping_B), 0, sizeof(B_ConfigurationRapidPrototypi_T)); /* Storage classes */ output = 0.0; /* states (dwork) */ (void) memset((void *)&ConfigurationRapidPrototypin_DW, 0, sizeof(DW_ConfigurationRapidPrototyp_T)); /* exported global states */ mode = false; /* external inputs */ (void)memset(&ConfigurationRapidPrototyping_U, 0, sizeof (ExtU_ConfigurationRapidProtot_T)); /* Initialize DataMapInfo substructure containing ModelMap for C API */ ConfigurationRapidPrototypingInterface_InitializeDataMapInfo(); /* Matfile logging */ rt_StartDataLoggingWithStartTime(ConfigurationRapidPrototypin_M->rtwLogInfo, 0.0, rtmGetTFinal(ConfigurationRapidPrototypin_M), ConfigurationRapidPrototypin_M->Timing.stepSize0, (&rtmGetErrorStatus (ConfigurationRapidPrototypin_M))); /* Start for DataStoreMemory: '<Root>/Data Store Memory' */ mode = false; /* InitializeConditions for UnitDelay: '<Root>/Delay' */ ConfigurationRapidPrototypin_DW.X = 0.0; } /* Model terminate function */ void ConfigurationRapidPrototypingInterface_terminate(void) { /* (no terminate code required) */ }
This code first perturbs the input signal input2
by incrementing the value of the signal each time the step
function executes. The code then uses the built-in macro rtmGetDataMapInfo
to extract model mapping information from the model data structure ConfigurationRapidPrototypingInterface_M
. The pointer MMI
points to the extracted mapping information, which allows the functions tuneFcn
and logFcn
to access the information contained in the arrays of structures that the C API file ConfigurationRapidPrototypingInterface_capi.c
13. View the function tuneFcn
in the file ex_myHandCode.c
. This function uses the C API (through the model mapping information mmi
) and a pointer to the simulation time to print the value of the parameter K1
at specific times during code execution. When the simulation time reaches 5 seconds, the function changes the parameter value in memory. By using a switch case
block, the function can access the parameter data whether the data type is int8
or double
14. View the code algorithm in the model step
function again. Near the end of the function, the algorithm executes the code that you specified in the System Outputs block. This code calls the function logFcn
coder.example.extractLines(file,'/* user code (Output function Trailer) */',... '/* Matfile logging */',1,0)
/* user code (Output function Trailer) */ /* System '<Root>' */ { rtwCAPI_ModelMappingInfo *MMI = &(rtmGetDataMapInfo (ConfigurationRapidPrototypingInterface_M).mmi); logFcn(MMI, rtmGetTPtr(ConfigurationRapidPrototypingInterface_M)); } /* Update for UnitDelay: '<Root>/Delay' */ ConfigurationRapidPrototypin_DW.X = rtb_Table2;
15. View the function logFcn
in the file ex_myHandCode.c
. The function uses the C API to print the value of the test-pointed signal. The function can access the signal data whether the data type is single
or double
16. At the command prompt, run the generated executable ConfigurationRapidPrototypingInterface.exe
The parameter and signal values appear in the Command Window output.
For more information about data interfaces, including the C API, see Generated Code Interfacing.
Configure Data Accessibility
Goal | Considerations and More Information |
Configure signals as accessible and parameters as tunable by default | Clear the model configuration parameter Signal storage
reuse and set the configuration parameter Default
parameter behavior to For more information about Default parameter behavior, see Default parameter behavior. For more information about optimizations that eliminate storage for signals, see How Generated Code Stores Internal Signal, State, and Parameter Data and Minimize Computations and Storage for Intermediate Results at Block Outputs. |
Preserve accessibility and tunability of a data item after you select optimizations | You can generate more efficient code by selecting optimizations such as Signal storage reuse, but the code generator eliminates storage for as many data items as possible. To exclude individual data items from the optimizations:
Represent a data item as a separate global variable in the generated code | When you disable optimizations, signal lines, block states, and
parameters appear in the generated code as fields of structures. You cannot
control the names of the structures without Embedded Coder®. To instead store a data item in a separate global variable whose
name, file placement, and other characteristics you can control, apply a storage
class to a signal, state, or |
Generate a standardized C-code interface for accessing data | You can configure the generated code to contain extra code and files so that you can access model data through standardized interfaces. For more information, see Write External Code to Access Generated C API Code. |
Tune parameters and monitor signals during external mode simulation | When you generate code and an external executable from a model, you can simulate the model in external mode to communicate with the running executable. You can tune parameters and monitor signals during the simulation. However, in this simulation mode, parameter tunability limitations that apply to code generation also apply to the simulation. For information about the code generation limitations, see Limitations for Block Parameter Tunability in Generated Code. For information about external mode, see External Mode Simulations for Parameter Tuning, Signal Monitoring, and Code Execution Profiling. |
Tune parameters and monitor signals with Simulink® Real-Time™ | If you have Simulink Real-Time, you can tune parameters and monitor signals during execution of your real-time application. Make signals accessible and parameters tunable by clearing optimizations and applying test points and storage classes. See Real-Time Parameter Tuning (Simulink Real-Time). |
For information about limitations that apply to the tunability of parameters in the generated code, see Limitations for Block Parameter Tunability in Generated Code.
Related Topics
- Deploy Algorithm Model for Real-Time Rapid Prototyping
- Access Signal, State, and Parameter Data During Execution
- How Generated Code Stores Internal Signal, State, and Parameter Data
- Create Tunable Calibration Parameter in the Generated Code
- Switch Between Sets of Parameter Values During Simulation and Code Execution