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System Design Description Dialog Box

System Design Description Overview

Choose options for the content, format, and location of the generated System Design Description report. To customize the report template, click the Customize button to open the report in the Report Explorer.

To get help on an option

  1. Right-click the option's text label.

  2. Select What's This from the popup menu.

What's This button which appears when you right-click an option's text label

See Also

Generate Standard Reports


Provide the title text. For PDF, Word, and RTF format reports, the title is on the title page. For HTML format reports, the title is at the top of the report.


Default: <Model name>

  • Title can include letters, numbers, and special characters.

  • Length is unlimited.

See Also

Generate Standard Reports


Provide the subtitle text. For PDF, Word, and RTF format reports, the subtitle is under the title on the title page. For HTML format reports, the subtitle is under the title at the top of the report.


Default: System Design Description

  • If you do not want a subtitle, delete the default setting and leave the field blank.

  • Subtitle can include letters, numbers, and special characters.

  • Length is unlimited.


If you generate both summary and detailed versions of the report, consider reflecting the type of report in the subtitle.

See Also

Generate Standard Reports


List the names of the creators of the system for which you are generating the design description. List of authors is under the subtitle.


Default: Value of the ModifiedBy parameter for the model. The ModifiedBy parameter indicates the last person who updated the model.


To find the creator of the system, in the Simulink® Toolstrip, on the Modeling tab, in the Setup section, click Model Settings and then select Model Properties. Click the History tab.

See Also

Generate Standard Reports


Include an image on the title page (for PDF, Word, and RTF format reports) or near the top of the report (for the HTML format).


No Default

  • Specify the full path to the image file that you want to include in the report or click the Select Image button to browse to the image file.

  • Supported image file formats include:

    • GIF

    • JPEG

    • PNG

    • TIF


An example of an image you might want to use is a logo or other graphic for a company, division, or project involved in the system design.

See Also

Generate Standard Reports

Legal Notice

Provide legal notification text. For PDF, Word, and RTF format reports, the legal notice appears at the bottom of the title page (second page ). For HTML format reports, the legal notice appears near the top of the report.


Default: For Internal Distribution Only

  • Length is unlimited.

  • The Legal Notice field does not support text formatting (such as bold or italics).

See Also

Generate Standard Reports

Design details

To generate a detailed system design description report, use the default (enabled). To generate a summary description, disable this option.


Default: Enabled (generate a detailed report)

  • The summary report provides system design information about the root system and block diagrams for the subsystems in the model.

    • The information about the root system includes:

      • Block diagram

      • Interface: name, data type, and other properties of the system input and output signals

      • Look-up tables

      • State charts

      • Requirements (optional)

  • The detailed version of the report includes all the information that is in the summary form of the report. The detailed version includes the following information, in addition to the summary information. Atomic subsystem information is more detailed than virtual subsystem information.

    • Block parameters

    • Block execution order for root system and atomic subsystems

    • (For atomic subsystems) Checksum that indicates whether the version of an atomic subsystem used to generate the report differs from other versions of the subsystem

See Also

Generate Standard Reports

Model references

To include model references, use the default (enabled). To exclude model references, disable this option.


Default: Enabled

See Also

Subsystems from custom libraries

Include library links to subsystems defined in custom (user-created) libraries.


Default: Enabled

See Also

Requirements traceability

Include links from blocks to the requirements that the blocks meet.


Default: Enabled

  • To capture requirements links in the report, the model must include requirements links. Use Requirements Toolbox™ to establish requirements links.

  • If you use the default (enabled) and there are no requirements links in the model, the generated report omits the Requirements section.

See Also

Glossary and report explanation

Include a glossary of terms in the report and a description of the report contents. The glossary includes definitions of Simulink terms such as “atomic subsystem,” “block diagram,” “signal.” The glossary helps readers who are unfamiliar with Simulink to understand the system design description. The glossary and report explanation sections appear at the end of the report and are three pages long (in PDF).


Default: Enabled


The report explanation (“About this Report”) describes the information in each report section.

See Also

Generate Standard Reports

File format

Specify the output format for the report. Generating a report formatted by a template is generally faster than generating a report formatted by a Report Explorer stylesheet.


Direct PDF (from template)

Generate a PDF report from a template.

PDF (from Word template)

Generate a PDF report using a Word template.

HTML (from template)

Generate an HTML report from a template. You can choose a Package type option.

Single-File HTML (from template)

Generate an HTML report from a template as a single file.

Word (from template)

Generate a Word report using a template.

Acrobat (PDF)

Generate a PDF report using an XSL stylesheet.

Web (HTML)

Generate an HTML report using an XSL stylesheet.

Word Document

Generate a Rich Text Format (RTF) document using a DSSSL stylesheet and convert the RTF document to a Word .doc file. Available only on Microsoft® Windows®.

Rich Text Format

Generate a Rich Text Format (RTF) document using a DSSSL stylesheet.

See Also

Generate Standard Reports

Stylesheet or Template

Specify the stylesheet or template to use for the report.


The settings depend on the File format option you choose.

When you use a from template option, you can use:

  • The default template for the output type

  • The Default Numbered template, which numbers sections in chapters with numbers like 1.1, 1.2, and 1.1.1

  • A customized template provided at your site

When you use one of the other output options, you can choose from several standard style sheets or any customized versions provided at your site.

For the Acrobat(PDF) file format, these are the stylesheet options:

Default: Default print stylesheet

Default print stylesheet

Displays title page, table of contents, list of titles

Standard Print

Displays title page, table of contents, list of titles

Simple Print

Suppresses title page, table of contents, list of titles

Compact Simple Print

Minimizes page count, suppresses title, table of contents, list of titles

Large Type Print

Uses 12-point font (slightly larger than Standard Print)

Very Large Type Print

Uses 24-point font and landscape paper orientation

Compact Print

Minimizes white space to reduce page count

Unnumbered Chapters & Sections

Chapters and sections are not numbered

Numbered Chapters & Sections

Chapters and sections are both numbered

Paginated Sections

Sections are printed with page breaks

Custom Header

Lets you specify custom headers and footers

Custom Titlepage

Lets you specify custom title page content and presentation

Verbose Print

Lets you specify advanced print options

For the Web (HTML) file format, these are the stylesheet options:

Default for Web (HTML): Default HTML stylesheet

Default HTML stylesheet

HTML on a single page

Simulink book HTML stylesheet

HTML on multiple pages; suppresses chapter headings and table of contents

Truth Table HTML stylesheet

HTML on multiple pages; suppresses chapter headings and table of contents

Multi-page Web

HTML, with each chapter on a separate page

Single-page Web

HTML on a single page

Single-page Unnumbered Chapters & Sections

HTML on a single page; chapters and sections are not numbered

Single-page Numbered Chapters & Sections

HTML on a single page; chapters and sections are numbered

Single-page Simple

HTML on a single page; suppresses title page and table of contents

Multi-page Simple

HTML on multiple pages; suppresses title page and table of contents

Multi-page Unnumbered Chapters & Sections

HTML on multiple pages; chapters and sections are not numbered

Multi-page Numbered Chapters & Sections

HTML on multiple pages; chapters and sections are not numbered

For the Rich Text Format and Word file formats, these are the stylesheet options:

Default for Rich Text Format and Word file formats: Standard Print

Standard Print

Displays title page, table of contents, list of titles

Simple Print

Suppresses title page, table of contents, list of titles

Compact Simple Print

Minimizes page count, suppresses title, table of contents, list of titles

Large Type Print

Uses 12-point font (slightly larger than Standard Print)

Very Large Type Print

Uses 24-point font and landscape paper orientation

Compact Print

Minimizes white space to reduce page count

Unnumbered Chapters & Sections

Chapters and sections are not numbered

Numbered Chapters & Sections

Chapters and sections are both numbered

See Also

Generate Standard Reports

File name

Provide a name for the generated report file.


Default: <Name of model>

Do not include the file format extension. (For example, enter MyReport, but not MyReport.pdf.


If you generate both summary and detailed versions of the report, consider reflecting the type of report in the file name.

See Also

Generate Standard Reports


Provide a path to the folder in which to store the generated report file.


No Default

  • Use a full path name

  • Click the Select Folder button to browse to the folder where you want to store the generated report.

See Also

Generate Standard Reports

If report exists, increment name to prevent overwriting

Increment the file name to preserve an existing report.


Default: Enabled (increments the file name to prevent overwriting of an existing report file)


If you generate both summary and detailed versions of the report, consider reflecting the type of report in the file name.

See Also

Generate Standard Reports

Package type

Packaging to use for reports generated using an HTML template


Default: Zipped


Package report files in a single compressed file that has the report name, with a .zip extension.


Generate the report files in a subfolder of the current folder. The subfolder has the report name.

Both zipped and unzipped

Package the report files as both zipped and unzipped.


To use the Packaging type options, set File format to HTML (from template), choose a packaging options for the output files.

See Also

Generate Standard Reports