Nonlinear System with Cross-Coupling Between Components
This example shows how to solve a nonlinear PDE system of two equations with cross-coupling between the two components. The system is a Schnakenberg system
with the steady-state solution and . The initial conditions are a small perturbation of the steady-state solution.
Solution for First Time Span
First, create a PDE model for a system of two equations.
model = createpde(2);
Create a cubic geometry and assign it to the model.
gm = multicuboid(1,1,1); model.Geometry = gm;
Generate the mesh using the linear geometric order to save memory.
Define the parameters of the system.
D1 = 0.05; D2 = 1; kappa = 100; a = 0.2; b = 0.8;
Based on these parameters, specify the PDE coefficients in the toolbox format.
d = [1;1];
c = [D1;D2];
f = @(region,state) [kappa*(a - state.u(1,:) + ...
kappa*(b - state.u(1,:).^2.*state.u(2,:))
Set the initial conditions. The first component is a small perturbation of the steady-state solution . The second component is the steady-state solution .
icFcn = @(region) [a + b + 10^(-3)*exp(-100*((region.x - 1/3).^2 ... + (region.y - 1/2).^2)); ... (b/(a + b)^2)*ones(size(region.x))]; setInitialConditions(model,icFcn);
Solve the system for times 0 through 2 seconds.
tlist = linspace(0,2,10); results = solvepde(model,tlist);
Plot the first component of the solution at the last time step.
Initial Condition for Second Time Span Based on Previous Solution
Now, resume the analysis and solve the problem for times from 2 to 5 seconds. Reduce the magnitude of the previously obtained solution for time 2 seconds to 10% of the original value.
u2 = results.NodalSolution(:,:,end); newResults = createPDEResults(model,u2(:)*0.1);
Use newResults
as the initial condition for further analysis.
Solve the system for times 2 through 5 seconds.
tlist = linspace(2,5,10); results25 = solvepde(model,tlist);
Plot the first component of the solution at the last time step.
figure pdeplot3D(model,ColorMapData=results25.NodalSolution(:,1,end));
Alternatively, you can write a function that uses the results returned by the solver and computes the initial conditions based on the results of the previous analysis.
function newU0 = computeNewIC(resultsObject) newU0 = 0.1*resultsObject.NodalSolution(:,:,end).'; end
Remove the previous initial conditions.
Set the initial conditions using the function NewIC
NewIC = @(location) computeNewIC(results); setInitialConditions(model,NewIC)
ans = GeometricInitialConditions with properties: RegionType: 'cell' RegionID: 1 InitialValue: @(location)computeNewIC(results) InitialDerivative: []
Solve the system for times 2 through 5 seconds.
results25f = solvepde(model,tlist);
Plot the first component of the solution at the last time step.
figure pdeplot3D(model,ColorMapData=results25f.NodalSolution(:,1,end));