Getting Help
This example shows how to display help for MATLAB using the 'help' command.
The command 'help' lists all primary help topics in the Command Window. The format 'help name' displays the help text for the functionality specified by name, such as a function, method, class, or variable.
disp('Display help for the ''close'' function.') disp('>> help close') help close
Display help for the 'close' function. >> help close CLOSE Close figure. CLOSE(H) closes the window with handle H. CLOSE, by itself, closes the current figure window. CLOSE('name') closes the named window. CLOSE ALL closes all figure windows whose handles are not hidden. CLOSE ALL HIDDEN closes hidden windows as well. CLOSE ALL FORCE unconditionally closes all windows by deleting them without executing the close request function. STATUS = CLOSE(...) returns 1 if the specified windows were closed and 0 otherwise. See also DELETE. Other uses of close instrument/close serial/close matlab.desktop.editor.Document/close