configures a trigger value comparison for signal name in trigger stage
1. DC is a customized data capture object. The
enable argument indicates whether this signal is part of the overall
trigger condition.
configures a trigger value comparison for signal name in a trigger
stage specified by N. DC is a customized data
capture object. The enable argument indicates whether this signal is
part of the overall trigger condition.
name — Name of trigger component signal character vector
Name of trigger component signal, specified as a character vector.
This name must match one of the signal names configured on creation of the input
System object DC. The signal must be configured as a possible
trigger signal.
Data Types: char
enable — Indication that signal is part of trigger condition true or 1 | false or 0
Indication that the signal is part of the trigger condition, specified as a numeric
or logical 1 (true) or 0
(false). To use this signal in the overall trigger condition, set
this value to 1 (true). When you set this value to
0 (false), the signal is not used for the
overall trigger condition.
value — Value to compare this signal to as part of the trigger condition decimal | binary | hexadecimal | 'Low' | 'High' | 'Rising edge' | 'Falling edge' | 'Both edges'
The trigger condition comprises value comparisons of one or more signals. This input
specifies the value to match for each signal.
For a multibit signal, specify a decimal, binary, or a hexadecimal value within the
range of the data type associated with the signal. While providing hexadecimal or binary
values, you can provide values with a combination of X or
x (don't care value) to enable bit masking. That means, while
comparing the values, the trigger condition ignores the place values with
X or x and provides the output.
To separate a group of bits for better readability, you can use _
between bits. For example, you can represent a 32-bit binary value as
'0b1010_XXXX_1011_XXXX_1110_XXXX_1111XXXX' and a 32-bit hexadecimal
value as '0xAB_CDEXFX'.
For logical signals, specify a string that indicates the level or edge to match. For
more information, see Triggers.
N — Trigger stage integer from 1 to M
Trigger stage, specified as an integer from 1 to M, where
M is set by the Max trigger
stages parameter of the FPGA
Data Capture Component Generator tool. Use N to set the
trigger condition in Nth trigger stage. If you do not specify
N, by default, the function sets the trigger condition in trigger
stage 1.
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