Supported Features for Intel SoC Platform
With Embedded Coder® Support Package for Intel® SoC Devices, you can use the supported hardware with these MathWorks® software capabilities:
Automated makefile-based software system that builds, downloads to, and runs on hardware (Build and Run Executable on Intel SoC Platform).
Multitasking code generation that uses POSIX threads (Pthreads) for concurrent execution on ARM® cores running Linux® (Multicore Processor Targets).
Tuning and monitoring the executable running on the hardware from a Simulink® model (Host-Target Communication with External Mode Simulation).
Model referencing using the Model block (Referenced Models).
Processor-in-the-loop (PIL) simulation using model blocks and a TCP/IP connection (Create a Target Communication Channel for Processor-in-the-Loop (PIL) Simulation).
PIL-based execution profiling (Code Verification Through Software-in-the-Loop and Processor-in-the-Loop Execution).
Code-replacement library for ARM Cortex-A9 processor (Optimize Code for ARM Cortex-A Processors).
Also, the Block Library for Intel SoC platform provides:
Exchange data with the programmable logic IP core using the AXI4 Read and AXI4 Write blocks.
Network communications using the UDP Send and UDP Receive blocks.
Linux task management using the Linux Task block.
PIL simulation and PIL-based execution profiling require single-core execution.