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Construct polynomial sample-rate converter (POLYSRC) filter designer


d = fdesign.polysrc(l,m)
d = fdesign.polysrc(l,m,'Fractional Delay','Np',Np)
d = fdesign.polysrc(...,Fs)


d = fdesign.polysrc(l,m) constructs a polynomial sample-rate converter filter designer D with an interpolation factor L and a decimation factor M. L defaults to 3. M defaults to 2. L and M can be arbitrary positive numbers.

d = fdesign.polysrc(l,m,'Fractional Delay','Np',Np) initializes the filter designer specification with Np and sets the polynomial order to the value Np. If omitted Np defaults to 3.

d = fdesign.polysrc(...,Fs) specifies the sampling frequency (in Hz).


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This example shows how to design sample-rate converter that uses a third order Lagrange interpolation filter to convert from 44.1kHz to 48kHz.

FsIn  = 44.1e3;
FsOut = 48e3;
[L,M] = rat(FsOut/FsIn);
f = fdesign.polysrc(L,M,'Fractional Delay',Np=3); 
FRCObj = design(f,'lagrange',SystemObject=true); 

9408 samples of data is 0.2133 seconds long.

n = (0:9407)';

Input signal is a sinusoid at 1 kHz.

F0 = 1e3;
x  = sin(2*pi*F0/FsIn*n);

The output has 10241 samples (still 0.2133 seconds long).

y = FRCObj(x);

Plot one cycle of the input signal, sampled at 44.1kHz.

stem(n/FsIn, x);
hold on;
xlim([0, 1/F0])
xlabel('Time (sec)'); 
ylabel('Signal value')

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with xlabel Time (sec), ylabel Signal value contains an object of type stem.

Plot fractionally interpolated signal (48kHz) in red.

D = outputDelay(FRCObj,Fc=0,FsIn=FsIn);
k = (0:length(y)-1);
stem(k/FsOut-D, y,'r','filled');  
hold off;
legend('44.1 kHz sample rate','48 kHz sample rate')

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with xlabel Time (sec), ylabel Signal value contains 2 objects of type stem. These objects represent 44.1 kHz sample rate, 48 kHz sample rate.

Version History

Introduced in R2011a

See Also

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